karwei says
14 years ago
Just her attitude problem , you 'll know it soon :-)
latest #8
lihan says
14 years ago
wey but she really care you lots.i know maybe you will say care doesn't mean anything.but she really so care.
karwei says
14 years ago
i know she care but she never jian tao , just keep blame on others . how come ?
lihan says
14 years ago
maybe because she over care ? but she really zhong shi you this friend.
karwei says
14 years ago
but how can she blame on others ? i cant accept it although i care too
lihan says
14 years ago
i dont know what to say ..
karwei says
14 years ago
you know her :-)
lihan says
14 years ago
huh ? what mean
karwei says
14 years ago
you understand her
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