azlieJONET says
15 years ago
maxis BB sux!~
latest #9
kreaTiiV says
15 years ago
im sorri memang it sucks LOL
azlieJONET says
15 years ago
hihi.. yeah...
abdusfauzi says
15 years ago
BB stands for?
Jing-leBelle says
15 years ago
sucks ar? war..i even thought of changing to maxis BB before.
abdusfauzi says
15 years ago
hurm.. Siputmyx also not that good. they just surpass in giving the most stable connection compared to others. but still, sometimes got DC.
andysahlam says
15 years ago
andysahlam says
15 years ago
gunalah celcom
abdusfauzi says
15 years ago
saya mahu 50Mbps, uninterrupted. kat mane bleh dapt in Malaysia? hehehe
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