Iceland is
14 years ago
feeling a lot better today!
latest #51
Seychelles is
14 years ago
very relieved and happy that he is!
14 years ago
can take her to that dinner now, if she wants.
14 years ago
would love to!
Iceland wonders
14 years ago
what kind of food she'd be interested in?
Seychelles loves
14 years ago
Iceland likes
14 years ago
seafood too. He decides to take her to one of the nicest seafood restaurant around his area.
14 years ago
worries about the cost! She tries to keep to the least expensive things. "Thank you for taking me out! I am so glad you're better!"
Iceland will
14 years ago
not admit that he has a discount there... "Ah, it's nothing. You helped me get better, after all." He blushes a little as he tells her.
14 years ago
would be relieved to know she wasn't making him spend too much. She smiles brightly at him. "I'm just glad I was of use! I was really_
14 years ago
14 years ago
kinda wonders why she would be so worried about him, but doesn't ask. "Oh. I'm sorry to have worried you." He says, blushing a little from_
14 years ago
embarrassment. He holds out an arm and asks with a small smile, "Shall we go?"
Seychelles wants
14 years ago
to get to know him better and he had seemed so ill. She didn't like seeing anyone sick! She blushes a bit herself, but takes his arm. "Oui!"
14 years ago
starts walking in in the direction of the restaurant. "So, what kind of seafoods do you like?" He asks, interested in her preference.
14 years ago
walks along side him happily. "Hmm...I like fish dishes the most! Though shell fish and the like are really good too."
14 years ago
smiles at her. "Oh. I like fish dishes too. Personally, I'd prefer fish over other seafoods." He admits, happy to see that they have a_
14 years ago
similar interest.
14 years ago
grins, happy they had similar tastes. "Yes, me too! Even England's fish and chips aren't so bad." And they all knew how horrible his cooking
Seychelles was
14 years ago
14 years ago
hums in thought, "I guess so, but it is sorta a waste of the other parts of the fish." He shuddered at the thought of England's cooking.
14 years ago
makes a face. He had a very, very good point. "I-It is...but at least he has one thing that isn't horrible..."
14 years ago
chuckles and nods in agreement. He stops in front of two grand doors and looks at her. "Here we are." He informs before opening the doors.
14 years ago
takes a moment to admire the place, once again feeling a bit nervous. However, she thanks him and steps inside. "This place is lovely!"
14 years ago
steps in after her. "Yeah it is." He agrees, as he asks one of the waiters to take them to their seat. "Are you nervous..?" He asks, feeling
14 years ago
a little nervous himself.
14 years ago
blushes bright and fidgets. Ah, had he noticed? "Um...just a bit."
14 years ago
notices her blush and thinks it's kinda cute. "Ah.. Me too." he admits, looking away as they are taken to their table.
14 years ago
blush darkens when he says he is too, but is also a bit relieved. She takes a seat once they are at their table and smiles over at him. _
14 years ago
"Do you come here a lot?"
14 years ago
quickly glances the menu. "Sometimes. But mostly for important things or with a few friends." He looks up at her and asks. "What are you_
14 years ago
planning to order?"
14 years ago
nods a tiny bit to his words, honey brown eyes scanning over the menu. "Hmm, the salmon sounds really delicious! I think I will have that!"
14 years ago
reads it and agrees "I'll have that too then!" He practically had everything on the menu before and decided to get whatever she was getting.
14 years ago
figures that it must be good then, however something else catches her eye. Puffin... "Puffin sounds good too...I've never had it." The_
14 years ago
description made it sound so good!
14 years ago
tries to stop himself from frowning. "Um.. If you want, you can try it. I'll stick with the salmon." He'd rather tell her not to eat them,_
14 years ago
but decided to let her choose what she wants.
14 years ago
picks up on his attitude towards it. Was it something she said? "Oh, Salmon will be fine..."
Iceland feels
14 years ago
like he just forced her to change her mind. "It's alright.." He quickly told her, feeling guilty.
14 years ago
didn't change her mind because of him. The salmon did sound good, though she didn't want to upset him either. "Thank you again, for all_
14 years ago
this." ((I am so sorry, somehow I over looked this.))
14 years ago
shakes his head. "No need to thank me." He places their orders in his own language and looks back at her after he was done. "Um.. So how_
14 years ago
have you been?" He asks shyly.
14 years ago
smiles brightly, perking up at the conversations. "I have been getting by!" She tells him, reaching over to sip at her water. "And aside_
14 years ago
from being ill, how about yourself?"
14 years ago
smiles back at her answer. "That's good to hear. Me? I'm doing okay. I just came back from a trip." He sips his water as well.
14 years ago
seems to be intrigued and leans in a little. "Is that so? Where did you go?"
14 years ago
hums, recalling his trip. "It was to the USA. Interesting place to go to, but I prefer my own place more."
14 years ago
thought that it sounded nice. Alfred had a pretty house. She had always wanted to go to Hawaii. "Sounds fun! Your place is very pretty too_
14 years ago
though." She hums happily, quite thrilled to be here in truth.
14 years ago
blushes a little from that comment and looks to the side. "T-thanks. But if it's beaches and sceneries, your place is the best."
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