14 years ago
really isn't thinking clearly enough to figure out a proper destination. He knows how to get back to the train station without direction-
latest #257
14 years ago
and how to get them onto a train, but he really wasn't paying attention to what train it was the attendant said was available soonest. He-
14 years ago
just wanted out of the damned country and hasn't bothered saying a word since leaving Greece's house and sitting down on the train.
14 years ago
wasn't really expecting Ludwig to be talkative after that, so he isn't really bothered by the lack of talking. After following dutifully-
14 years ago
all the way to their designated train compartment, he sits down too and looks out of the window. At least this thing has bunks that fold out
14 years ago
from the walls. Because sitting on a bench all the way to their destination would be another unwanted discomfort. "I'm sorry." He really is.
14 years ago
doesn't mind sitting on that bench for the entire ride, no matter how long it takes. Francis isn't entirely to blame for this, but-
14 years ago
Ludwig knew going into it that this was a bad idea. And not just because this was the first time they'd gone anywhere together where-
14 years ago
there were other nations present. He clears his throat and nods stiffly.
14 years ago
slumps back against the wall and keeps focused on looking outside, even if he can only really see a blur of lights. He's not one to want to-
14 years ago
*talk* about it, especially not when he can still *feel* Ludwig's...anger or whatever. Kind of hard not to; it's a bit suffocating. But-
14 years ago
that doesn't stop him from briefly patting his lower thigh, attempting to be somewhat comforting.
14 years ago
doesn't pull away from him, but that isn't entirely comforting. It just reminds him of earlier and how terrible their behavior was. "What-
Ludwig was
14 years ago
the point of going there knowing what they would do?"
14 years ago
pulls his hand back to his own personal space rather quickly anyhow. "I didn't know they were going to do that. I just knew about -
14 years ago
watching a film. "
14 years ago
shakes his head, watching the night landscape roll by outside the window. "...better that they were wrapped up in each other anyway."
14 years ago
fidgets with the hem of his shirt idly. "Ouais." He quiets more for a moment. "I won't drag you into anything like that again." Even if-
14 years ago
some things did amuse him, he didn't intend to put Ludwig in a situation like that...Though his saying so is probably a bit redundant.
14 years ago
jaw works while he thinks that one over. "You did not drag me into it. I agreed to go." Against his better judgement, yes, but he-
14 years ago
didn't *have* to accept the invitation at all.
14 years ago
nods in response, and decides to let that topic drop. "Where's this train going again?" He didn't really pay attention, but it'd be good to-
14 years ago
know whether or not it's heading north.
14 years ago
really isn't sure, but if he had to guess by what he saw briefly of the train schedule... "Austria."
Francis is
14 years ago
certain from there he can easily catch a train back to Paris. "Ah, that's good." Rather than saying more, he leans against the window.
14 years ago
isn't sure what he's supposed to say now. The trip is too long to sit here in complete silence without getting entirely awkward. But he's-
14 years ago
terrible at making smalltalk.
14 years ago
tucks some of his hair behind his ear. The way he's leaning though, it'll just fall back again in a moment. "Weather's starting to cool -
14 years ago
down a little." Cliché small talk topic, but it was the first he thought of.
14 years ago
looks around at him, actually surprised. "Is it? Hadn't noticed."
14 years ago
shrugs. "A little bit. At least back at home."
14 years ago
nods. "That is good then. For everyone. Summer's been too hot."
14 years ago
"It has. I'm just not looking forward to freezing constantly."
14 years ago
actually prefers the cold weather to the sweltering months. "Bundle up then."
14 years ago
"I do." As much as he can without making himself look bulky, anyway.
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
that's the best for him and says as much.
14 years ago
glances at him. If the situation was any lighter, he'd tease him for being concerned about his well-being. Rather he just nods.
14 years ago
continues staring out the window. "Weather is such a cliché conversation filler."
14 years ago
"I could not think of anything else." He pauses. "Do you want coffee or anything? I'll see if there is any around here..."
14 years ago
nods after a beat. Staying up all night wired on caffeine doesn't sound like a great idea, but one cup won't hurt him either. That will-
14 years ago
at least keep him awake for the rest of the ride.
14 years ago
probably ought to not do this, but after standing, he leans over to peck Ludwig's forehead and goes off to find coffee. It takes him a bit-
14 years ago
due to him wanting a cigarette before he returns with two paper cups of coffee.
14 years ago
face heats up like the furnace on one of those ov-...Um Gotteswillen, where the hell did that come from? That just makes him promptly sick-
14 years ago
to his stomach enough that he forgets to be flustered over Francis' little whatever that was. For now.
14 years ago
sits back where he was when he returns and hands Ludwig a cup, behaving normally. "It's rather hot." Though that should go without saying.
14 years ago
takes, looks down into the cup, and sets it aside for now. "Thank you."
14 years ago
blows at his and nods before taking a sip. "De rien." He's just going to fiddle with whatever, having not had the foresight to bring a book.
Ludwig has
14 years ago
to pick his cup up to take a drink after a few minutes anyway. He's starting to get a headache, one that's starting right behind his-
14 years ago
temples and promises to hang on the rest of the night. Caffeine might help.
14 years ago
doesn't realise this, but he's not in the mood to be talking loudly anyhow. He's just quietly being restless.
14 years ago
"I haven't seen Roderich in quite awhile." Not that he plans to tonight; the destination just reminds him.
14 years ago
can't recall the last time he saw him or anything, and says as much. He sips at his coffee, and stands to toss it into the wastebin once-
14 years ago
he finishes it.
14 years ago
grabs for the back of his pants before he can sit back down. His waistband though, not his ass, and only to pull him to his side of the-
14 years ago
compartment to sit down. No one's watching anyway so it's really...sort of okay.
14 years ago
links , rather suprised by that, but of course he doesn't mind sitting down beside Ludwig.
14 years ago
Ludwig likes
14 years ago
that better. He can stare out this extremely interesting window better now. Yes. The window. Wonderful view.
14 years ago
sits straight for a while, but it's more comfortable to lean against Ludwig.
14 years ago
lets him and doesn't say a thing. That was half the point of getting Francis to sit there, wasn't it? Just to have him closer, right there.
14 years ago
hooks his arm underneath Ludwig's and reaches, aiming to set his hand on top of his. He'll do little more, but this is nice in itself.
14 years ago
expected him to reach elsewhere, thus the reason for him tensing up. He relaxes again - mostly - and looks down at Francis' hand for a-
14 years ago
second, almost as though he can't believe it actually went somewhere neutral...or that that's really okay. Nice, even.
Francis is
14 years ago
capable of not being a complete pervert sometimes, like now. He really doesn't want to piss Ludwig off, either. Not when he's stuck in a-
14 years ago
tiny compartment for hours and hours. And sense he wasn't pulled away from, he laces their fingers.
14 years ago
decides after a moment that it's better to just stay this way and stroke some part of Francis' hand with his thumb instad of saying-
14 years ago
anything at all. This would have been tolerable behavior at Greece's, too...
14 years ago
would have done this over there, and probably a little more too. But later in the movie's progression. He's perfectly content like this-
14 years ago
for now a good while, though.
14 years ago
tilts his head against the wall and closes his eyes, letting the almost undetectable motion of the train relax him. Along with the-
14 years ago
warm, breathing body beside him too, of course.
14 years ago
can easily fall asleep like this, even if it's only brief. If anything, he'll just close his eyes and enjoy this closeness.
14 years ago
won't notice if he does. Truth be told he's well on his way to a nap as well; they could probably both use the rest.
14 years ago
falls asleep, leaning on him just like that. He'll probably stay in that position for a few hours, unless Ludwig moves and wakes him.
14 years ago
falls asleep, leaning on him just like that. He'll probably stay in that position for a few hours, unless Ludwig moves and wakes him.
14 years ago
gets just a little over an hour before stiffness settling into his neck makes him stir. He moves his head just enough to see that Francis is
14 years ago
still asleep. Deciding not to wake him, he grabs something, some magazine or paper left behind, to occupy himself with.
14 years ago
eventually stirs and repositions himself where he lays on the booth, legs hanging off the edge, and his head in Ludwig's lap. He-
14 years ago
could still sleep for much longer, but that doesn't stop him from mumbling. "How much longer?"
14 years ago
stares at him, paper held aloft briefly. "Another hour, I think. Maybe less." Since he doesn't know what else to do with it, he lays his
14 years ago
paper back down on his lap, over Francis' head.
Francis is
14 years ago
actually too tired to care, especially since it blocks out some of the light. He'll just sleep on him until Ludwig makes him be awake.
14 years ago
isn't rude enough to try doingthe crossword or circling thing using Francis' head as a desk. He'll just let him sleep and be sort of awkward
14 years ago
in the meantime.
14 years ago
sleeps for a while longer. Even after he's awake, he stays laying for a moment. When he decides it's time to sit up, he nips-
14 years ago
Ludwig's thigh and moves to lean against him again.
14 years ago
jumps a few inches off the seat and frowns, blushing. "We're a few minutes out."
14 years ago
rubs his eyes with his palms, then blinks over at the other side of the compartment. "Did you want to find a hotel or see-
14 years ago
if there are trains running?"
14 years ago
checks his watch and sighs. "A hotel would be better."
14 years ago
nods. Once the train comes to a stop, he stands and stretches. "I'm sure we can find one."
14 years ago
gets up slowly, frowning as his knees and back give off rather ominous pops. He'll pay tomorrow for sitting so long. But yes, off the-
14 years ago
train. "Ja. There's bound to be something near the station."
14 years ago
walks to the exit and a moment later, out of the station. But that's where he stops and looks around. He'd rather Ludwig lead the way-
14 years ago
anyhow, simply because it's his language spoken here.
Ludwig has
14 years ago
been here enough that he should know where the closest hotels are. But he's never had to stay in one. Any time he visits, Roderich-
14 years ago
extends him the courtesy of staying with him, and Ludwig always accepts. It will take him a moment, but once he gets his bearings, he'll-
14 years ago
take Francis' hand to lead him the right way.
Francis will
14 years ago
simply hold his hand until Ludwig makes him let go, and follow him to the hotel, looking around in the process.
14 years ago
forgets after much longer that he's even got Francis' hand. He only notices once they get to the front door of the closest hotel and he-
14 years ago
goes to open the door from him. That's when he does finally let go. ...odd, though, that he'd not be aware of something like that.
14 years ago
doesn't mind that his hand's let go by this point. He murmurs a thanks and steps inside. He'll let Ludwig handle the reception, too. At-
14 years ago
this point, English is hard enough for him. His brain might explode if he tried German.
14 years ago
gets through all that quickly, thankfully, and gets them on an elevator up to a room in no time. " you need anything? Food or..ah...-
14 years ago
14 years ago
runs a hand through his hair and sits on the edge of the bed once they're in the room so he can take his shoes off. "Non. I'm not hungry, so
14 years ago
I'll just grab a shower..."
14 years ago
nods and checks the bathroom to make sure there are towels and soap things available. Then he gets out of the way and sits down as well to-
14 years ago
untie his boots.
14 years ago
simply wants to see Ludwig get for a moment, so before he heads to the bathroom, he tells him he can join if he'd like.
14 years ago
straightens up, face flushed and several strands of hair flopped down over his forehead. "What?"
14 years ago
isn't going to repeat that. Rather he shrugs, pulls his shirt off, tosses it at Ludwig's face, then steps into the bathroom to undress.
14 years ago
heard just fine. But Francis seemed so tired, it seemed more necessary to ask for clarification first. But sure, yes, he'll follow him to-
14 years ago
the bathroom just to watch him undress from the doorway.
Francis is
14 years ago
more awake now than he was earlier, just enough that Ludwig can take his offer any way or no way at all. He won't be bothered either way. -
14 years ago
Of course, once he notices him in the doorway, Francis takes his time tugging his pants off and leaning over to turn the shower on.
Ludwig is
14 years ago
almost inclined to help with those tasks, but Francis does them so well that it would really be a shame to interrupt. Ahem.
14 years ago
straightens and glances back at Ludwig very briefly before stepping into the shower and tugging the curtain closed.
14 years ago
groans quietly. "You are a ridiculous tease. But you know that, don't you."
14 years ago
snickers quietly. "I'm quite aware of it." But at least he told him he could join. And there aren't stripper rules with showers.
14 years ago
strips out of his clothes and folds them up neatly to set on the sink before joining him.
Francis is
14 years ago
facing the shower head at the moment to rinse his face. He'll move out of the way in a moment.
14 years ago
doesn't mind him staying like that for at least a little longer. He gets both arms around his waist and kisses his shoulder.
14 years ago
leans against him to enjoy the sensation and works a hand into Ludwig's hair, successfully undoing all the gel's done.
14 years ago
doesn't mind at all. The way it makes his scalp tingle a little feels pretty good, actually. He keeps his hands just at Francis' navel-
14 years ago
for now, mouth trailing along his shoulder up towards his neck.
14 years ago
tilts his neck to the side and continues combing his fingers back while letting his other hand rest on top of one of Ludwig's.
14 years ago
stops just below his ear, sucking and nipping there before pulling back. "Forgive me. Continue."
14 years ago
moans lightly and moves to rinse his hair out in the shower so he can wash his hair. He glances back and grins. "You're such a tease."
14 years ago
doesn't immediately notice Francis looking at him. He was looking lower. "Do I really seem like someone prone to teasing?"
14 years ago
grabs for a the little bottle of shampoo on the ledge and starts washing his hair a moment later. "You are when it suits you."
14 years ago
smiles slightly. "And no one would ever believe you if you told. You look much better as a blond."
14 years ago
finishes washing out his hair and moves on to condition it. "I could probably convince a few people. And they'd never look at you the same -
14 years ago
way again."
14 years ago
picks the shampoo up to wash the gel out of his hair. "I doubt that. And I could have them taken care of rather easily."
Francis will
14 years ago
move out of the way as soon as he rinses his hair again. "What, is that you threatening our *friends*? Tch, so mean." He tries swatting some
14 years ago
of the water from the shower head at him. Doesn't work very well though.
Ludwig has
14 years ago
shampoo down his forehead, so he can only squint one eye at him. "I don't have those."
14 years ago
blinks. He meant the term sarcastically to refer to the other nations, but now he's got to stare at him for a moment. "What am I?"
14 years ago
stops with his head under the water, half the shampoo rinsed out. He wipes the water out of his eyes and stares at him. The answer just-
14 years ago
isn't there as quickly as he wants it to be. He looks away, closing his eyes under the pretense of rinsing his hair out. When that's done,-
14 years ago
he'll pull the curtain aside and step out of the shower to get a towel. He has *acquaintences*, aside from his brother and Italy. It's just
14 years ago
a different definition, but one that Francis doesn't fall into. He can't force himself to fit Francis into that category though. It's...odd
14 years ago
. "More than that."
14 years ago
watches him while waiting on his answer, though he starts washing up his body so when after Ludwig steps out, he can turn the water off-
14 years ago
a moment later and grab for a towel also. He stays in the tub until he's mostly dry though. And this gives him a minute to think Ludwig's -
14 years ago
reply over in his head. It's something he really likes hearing, too, even if he could have easily assumed that on his own. But rather than-
14 years ago
responding verbally, he wraps the towel around his waist and steps out so he can hug him from behind and kiss the spot between his -
14 years ago
14 years ago
isn't entirely sure what he meant by that. He is but he...isn't. There's a moment though, right when Francis's arms move around him, that-
14 years ago
that answer doesn't matter quite as much, since Francis...evidently didn't mind it. He clears his throat and touches his hands. "That was-
14 years ago
too forward. I apologize."
14 years ago
shakes his head against his back and makes no effort to move. "Don't apologise. It...wasn't at all."
14 years ago
nods. He won't say more on it unless pressed. Instead, he'll pull Francis' hands away to lead him out of the bathroom.
14 years ago
doesn't feel like discussing it further at the moment, so he'll just follow Ludwig out to the other room, intending to go sit back on -
14 years ago
the bed.
14 years ago
leaves him sitting to turn the bed down, flipping the immaculate sheets and comforter down an even two times. With that down, he leaves
14 years ago
briefly just to hang his towel up in the bathroom. As many times as Francis has seen him naked now, returning that way isn't much of a
14 years ago
concern. He's just going to sit down in the bed anyway, not parade around.
14 years ago
should actually take care of his towel too, so he does that once Ludwig's back. He'll sit back down higher on the bed when he comes back, -
14 years ago
up where he can lean against the headboard. He'll make a grab for the remote from the nightstand, too. Even if he can't find any -
14 years ago
programming in French or English. Not that it's really a concern, just something for him to do.
14 years ago
gets under the covers and lays down, one arm folded behind his head to keep it propped up some. He really has no interest in what Francis-
Ludwig is
14 years ago
doing with the television, but he hasn't settled down enough yet to sleep. There's probably some English channels somewhere, if they have-
14 years ago
14 years ago
can't find anything interesting on, so he settles on leaving it on the a music channel. All that's being aired on it are music videos, but-
14 years ago
that's better than nothing. After a moment he slips under the covers but for the moment he's staying on his side of the bed. Simply because-
14 years ago
...well, he doesn't know. So he'll just go ahead and scoot over by him.
14 years ago
isn't familiar with any of the videos playing. Some of the songs he thinks he's heard blasting from the basement though. He glances at
14 years ago
Francis briefl but doesn't make any move to scoot away from him.
14 years ago
ends up so that when he lays back, he can use Ludwig's pillow too. But instead he turns on his side and uses his own after tugging it over.
14 years ago
would probably end up shoving him away in his sleep if he tried that. He squints at the television. "Isnt that the girl who won Eurovision?"
14 years ago
almost teases him for not recognising one of his own, but instead he just nods. "I think so."
14 years ago
grunts and closes his eyes. His people love her,
14 years ago
but frankly, he doesn't care for her music.
14 years ago
isn't going to express how creepy he thinks that song is, or that he wanted someone else to win that. Uh. He's just going to shift a little-
14 years ago
to get more comfortable. "Do you want the tv off?"
14 years ago
usually prefers to keep the room quiet when he's sleeping but... "Up to to you."
Francis is
14 years ago
kind of bored with it anyway, so he goes ahead and shuts it off and places the remote back on the nightstand.
Ludwig gives
14 years ago
a small sigh. "Thank you for the attempted evening out."
14 years ago
rolls onto his side to face Ludwig. "You're welcome. If you want, we can do something else some other time."
14 years ago
opens his eyes and nods. "Ja. That would be fine."
14 years ago
yawns. "I'll think of something then."
14 years ago
doesn't doubt that. France will be better at it than he would be. What they attempted to do this evening would be his idea of a good-
14 years ago
evening. "I'm sure you will."
14 years ago
wouldn't mind something quiet evening like that. He simply finds plenty of things that can be done by going out, too. "Whatever I decide-
14 years ago
you will like it, don't worry." He scoots over a little more, only intending to peck his cheek.
14 years ago
still hasn't mastered *not* blushing when Francis does these things. It's a little less intense at least. And he reciprocates.
14 years ago
grins and sets his head back down on his pillow, then tugs the blanket up over him higher. He doubts he'll ever not find -
14 years ago
Ludwig's blushing amusing and...well, cute.
14 years ago
watches and, after a second, tugs it even higher. "You should sleep."
14 years ago
tucks his arm under his pillow and half nods. "I'm gonna." Actually, give him about ten minutes of silence with his eyes closed and he'll -
14 years ago
be out for the night.
14 years ago
won't say a word after that and will probably drift off as well soon after.
14 years ago
falls asleep quickly, but for whatever reason he wakes up insanely early. Perhaps it's the combination of his backside freezing and -
14 years ago
sleeping on his arm wrong. Either way, he ends up being wide awake at, according to that digital clock on the nightstand, at five in the -
14 years ago
morning. Fucking *insane*. And after a moment, he decides he doesn't want to be the only one awake, so he slides down under the covers so-
14 years ago
he can drag his tongue over the length of Ludwig's cock.
14 years ago
isn't all that difficult to wake up, but it's going to take a little more to make him do anything but frown a bit and shift.
Francis is
14 years ago
only getting started. After stroking him a couple times, he flicks his tongue over the head of his dick and sucks lightly.
14 years ago
starts coming around a *lot* faster. He groans before his eyes are even open, reaching down to touch Francis' hair. it still feels-
14 years ago
like he's dreaming at the moment.
14 years ago
works down a little farther, but not much, because the moment he feels Ludwig's hand in his hair, he pulls back so he can suck at spots-
14 years ago
down the underside of his cock.
Ludwig gives
14 years ago
a soft tug on Francis' hair to encourage him as well as let him know he's got him awake now. Wide awake, and in more ways than one.
14 years ago
sucks a little harder where he's at now, right at the base of his cock. He'll trail down a little lower for a moment before taking him his-
14 years ago
in his*] mouth again.
14 years ago
's swears quietly, hips giving a shallow arch up. His knees shift after a moment, spreading wider apart. Francis' mouth has him near to-
14 years ago
moaning, but if that small shift isn't enough of a hint, he can just get more blatant about it.
14 years ago
would prefer blatant right now; he likes hearing Ludwig. He dips his head down to take more in his mouth, while his hand moves down to-
14 years ago
give more attention where his mouth was but a moment ago.
14 years ago
can't articulate too well like this, not beyond a few low noises. Instead he'll murmur Francis' name and try to ease him up.
Francis will
14 years ago
pull back a moment later and move up from under the covers, but slowly and very deliberately, until he can brush his lips against his neck.
14 years ago
runs his hands along Francis' shoulders and upper back briefly. Then he moves some, turning his head to kiss him full-on first.
14 years ago
kisses back, deeply, while resting a hand on Ludwig's cheek.
14 years ago
reaches down to grab his ass while he rolls his hips up against Francis'. Give him a minute and he'll manage to ask. Maybe.
14 years ago
moans into the kiss and breaks it a moment later in favor of nipping his collarbone. He's unaware Ludwig's trying to say something.
14 years ago
isn't exactly *fluent* about these things. It takes him awhile to actually ask Francis to fuck him, but laying there thinking about it-
14 years ago
with Francis doing all that to him has him panting, extremely hard already.
14 years ago
moves down to flick his tongue over a nipple after leaving a trail of nips leading to it. When Ludwig does finally speak, he'll-
14 years ago
nip there too, then pull back to find a bottle of lotion or something to use as lube.
14 years ago
runs his hand down his own chest once Francis moves, over muscle and taut skin, down to stroke himself.
14 years ago
goes to the bathroom and hunts down a travel-size bottle of hand lotion. When he returns, he watches Ludwig from the side of the bed before-
14 years ago
getting back on the bed and settling himself between his thighs.
14 years ago
alternates both hands, stroking with one and keeping the other wrapped around the base of his cock, fingers outstretched to rub a little-
14 years ago
lower now and then. He had his head back but looks up again when Francis comes back, slowing down.
14 years ago
sets the bottle aside for a moment so he can run his hands up his thighs and lean over to kiss Ludwig once more while a hand trails inward-
14 years ago
and down to stroke the spot just behind his balls.
14 years ago
leans up some to meet him with a quick, light nip to his lower lip to lead in. He gives up with one hand just to get his fingers in-
14 years ago
Francis' hair again.
14 years ago
allows his hand to trail farther back for a moment, but pulls his hand back again to grab at the bottle and slick down his fingers before-
14 years ago
pushing one in.
14 years ago
inhales quickly, moaning on exhale. He reaches down to Francis' hand, pushes at two of his other fingers to physically request more.
Francis was
14 years ago
going to take this slowly since Ludwig's so tight, but since he wants more, Francis will carefully work in a second and third finger.
14 years ago
frowns, eyes closing at the discomfort. Even that's enjoyable to a certain extent. Once he gets a little more adjusted, he'll move down-
14 years ago
against his fingers and spread his knees farther apart.
Francis will
14 years ago
continue working his fingers, stretching and stroking until he figures that's enough. Then he'll remove his fingers so he can slick his cock
14 years ago
down and slowly enter him.
14 years ago
watches him instead of *that*, blue half-lidded from sleepiness as well as pleasure. He takes a quick little inhale once or twice,-
14 years ago
accidentally tenses up when he should be relaxing, but all in all, just watching Francis move is a wonderful distraction. Touching him-
14 years ago
even moreso.
14 years ago
leans into his touch while he eases in completely. He'll lean over to nip his jaw while giving Ludwig a moment to adjust.
14 years ago
leans into his touch while he eases in completely. He'll lean over to nip his jaw while giving Ludwig a moment to adjust.
14 years ago
hooks an arm around France's neck to keep him there, both pressed together right when Ludwig breathes a mild expletive when Francis hits-
14 years ago
right *there*.
14 years ago
doesn't mind being so close.He can fuck him slow and deep like this and brush his lips against his neck.
14 years ago
isn't going to keep him there long, as fantastic as that feels. Just for the first few strokes that make his legs shake a little. Then-
14 years ago
he'll let go and let Francis do as he wants.
14 years ago
pulls back a little to pull one of Ludwig's thighs up so he can fuck him deeper.
14 years ago
helps out by moving both higher but without holding onto his knees. His hands are busy down on his cock again.
14 years ago
would take over with his own hand, but he likes watching Ludwig, so he focuses on picking up his pace and angling his hips.
14 years ago
would take over with his own hand, but he likes watching Ludwig, so he focuses on picking up his pace and angling his hips.
14 years ago
lets him know vocally when he's hit something particularly right. His back arches off the bed several tiems as well. Evidently he forgot-
14 years ago
just how good this side of it could feel.
14 years ago
pushes his thighs up farther so he can go deeper. "*Dieu*, chéri, you're so tight."
14 years ago
doesn't have any snappy retort ready. Words fail at the moment, so have a glare for now while he pants.
14 years ago
nips his neck and after a moment he snaps his hips and begins building a faster pace from there.
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