Eva is
14 years ago
actually calling www.plurk.com/preussenli... for some silly reason.
latest #414
14 years ago
has to dive over her bed to get the phone. She was busy being naked on the other side of the room. In front of the mirror. "Ja?"
14 years ago
would hit her head against the wall, if only she knew. How silly. "Common decency. I already had your number, you know?"
14 years ago
rolls onto her back, since flattening those chestbags on the mattress feels funny. She has no idea who she's talking to, but it sounds-
14 years ago
like a chick, so she'll go with it. "Oh yeah? So uh...what are you wearing?"
14 years ago
snorts, hugging one of the pillows on her couch. "Who, me? Nothing." Lies, but she'll humour hi- her. "D'you even know who this is?"
14 years ago
looks up at the mirror above her bed and smirks, pleased to see that she's been blessed with such fantastic tits that they still look nice-
14 years ago
laying like this, instead of like they're trying to slide sideways off her body. "Oh yeah? Well that makes two of us." Not a lie. "Nope."
14 years ago
wouldn't know; but she'd probably be amused by her excitement. "Figured as much." Seriously. "Eva. You know. The one with the beer."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
quiet for a long moment. A *very* long moment. Then: "So you're really naked?"
14 years ago
wonders if her brain broke on the other side of the line or something. Hopefully not. Apparently not. "Do you want me to be?"
14 years ago
doesn't even pause to consider that. She *is* still Prussia, you know. "Of course!"
14 years ago
figured as much; good to know you're not getting all girly and weird. "Well then, sure. I'm really naked." She's fun to humour, at least.
14 years ago
has absolutely no problem imagining this. She'd probably still be a filthy pervert even if she got all girly anyway. Y'know, slumber-
14 years ago
parties and bukkake fests. "Hot. Are you walkin' around your house naked?"
14 years ago
(...i apologize for him/her. :| )
14 years ago
{ ..lmao don't -ω-b }
14 years ago
would honestly not expect any less from her. Him. Her. You know. Hah; she's got a lovely imagination, doesn't she. A snort. "'Course I am."
14 years ago
stretches, phone held between her ear and shoulder, and groans a bit when her back pops. "Really hot. With open curtains and all?"
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow on the other end of the line, munching on a piece of chocolate. "Nn, no. I forget those details."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Fuck's sake, you're supposed to say *'oh yeah, of course'* in a real sexy voice. You suck at phone sex."
14 years ago
snorts. "Hah, sorry. Guess I'm better bent over the table then on the phone." If only she was kidding, right. "Is that all you think about?"
14 years ago
only heard 'bent over the table'. Her brain shut off after that. "I fuckin' bet you are-...is what all what?"
14 years ago
must resist the urge to laugh. "Never mind, you proved my point. Don't start beating off this soon, darling."
14 years ago
frowns, lips pursing. Yeah, that looks pretty hot in that mirror too. "Girls don't beat off. You people got nothin' to beat. You keep-
14 years ago
on callin' me darling though and I'll figure out a way. You got a mirror over your bed? You need one. I got one. 's'hot."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes and lies back down. "I *know*. I tend to forget you're one of us now. What's wrong with darling, *darling*?" She snorts. "I_
14 years ago
have one in my shower. 'S good enough for me."
14 years ago
snorts. "Not for long. I'll my dick back some time. Keep sayin' it, really. I like it." Wait, a shower mirror? "...ho'shit, that's-
14 years ago
a fuckin' awesome idea."
14 years ago
shrugs, not that he can see it. "Huh. You'd do well as a chick." She laughs. "Well, darling, Francis set it up for me. It's great."
14 years ago
knows this, among lots of other things she's awesome at. "Oh yeah? Not surprised. Dirty bastard. You better make sure he didn't put a-
14 years ago
camera behind it."
14 years ago
laughs, stretching her arm enough to pick another piece of chocolate. "Mm, I'm not particularly worried about that. He's kind of like family
14 years ago
and all." That makes perfect sense. Totally.
14 years ago
sits up to dig around for a shirt. It's sort of cold down there. "What kinda family? Family family or family you fuck family?" Not uh..-
14 years ago
..n-not like it matters.
14 years ago
actually stops to think about that for a moment. "What's the difference?" She pauses. "Not counting Luxembourg; I just want to punch 'm."
14 years ago
...isn't sure if there *is* one, now that she thinks about it. "Fuck if I know. Nevermind. You ever had flavored bodypaint?"
14 years ago
snorts. "You wanna be part of the family?" She pauses. "Fuck, no. I want to try that."
14 years ago
sits up on the bed and hugs her knees to her chest, pulling the oversized shirt down over her legs. "*Yeah*, I wanna be part of that.-
14 years ago
It's good. I had uh...I dunno what I had, I got real drunk after and forgot. But it tasted alright."
14 years ago
looks around the room, decidedly hoarding the chocolate. Hah. Take that Nederland. "Huh, see. All you had to do was ask. And pfft. Sounds_
14 years ago
like a party to me. Gotta try that some time."
14 years ago
snickers. "Does that apply to other stuff too? If it does, you can *so* try that with me."
14 years ago
snorts. "Mm, I dunno. Depends, I guess; can you keep a secret?"
14 years ago
catches herself examining her fingernails and pretends it's because she was just about to bite them. "Usually."
14 years ago
would find that oddly adorable. In a way. As it is, she's just looking at the ceiling. "Hm. Better than nothing, coming from you."
14 years ago
tucks her hair back behind her ear and laughs. Shit. She sounds completely like a girl. She wasn't kidding though. "I don't talk-
14 years ago
about other people's shit."
14 years ago
decidedly finds that adorable; if she didn't know who was on the other end of the line, she would say so, too. "Good to know." _
14 years ago
pauses. "Remind me again why you shoved your phone number down my shirt?"
14 years ago
can't remember why, besides attempting to flirt with her as usual. "So you'd have it whenever you got around to wanting to call me."
14 years ago
does not mind this explanation at all, you know. "Uh huh." She laughs. "I already had your number though. Maybe you wanted me to call?"
14 years ago
...didn't realize that. Or maybe she forgot it. Fuck. "Yeah? Well maybe I just wanted to put my hand down your shirt."
14 years ago
covers her eyes, laughing. "You have tits now. Why'd you need to have your hand down my shirt too?"
14 years ago
grins. "Yours are different. Sexier than feelin' my own."
14 years ago
rolls around a bit, not sure if she should laugh again. "Pfft. You should have just asked, you know."
14 years ago
makes a noise somewhere between disbelief and a laugh. "*Asked*? Yeah, that would'a worked out great. 'Hey Eva, I'm a chick now, so lemme-
14 years ago
feel your tits!' Uh huh, I see it happenin'."
14 years ago
definitely laughs. Witty, Prussia; very witty. "So instead you shove a note down my shirt and expect me to have phone sex? Ingenious." _
14 years ago
pauses. "I'd let you touch mine, if you let me touch yours. Gotta compare, you know."
14 years ago
likes this girl thing even more now. She isn't even weirded out being on the phone this long. "I like phone sex. You should try it some-
14 years ago
time. Next time you call me even." See? She's still full of charm. "I flashed you, woman. You can touch 'em all you want."
14 years ago
isn't ever weirded out by being on the phone for too long; it kills the boredom, y'know? Kind of like his videogames, maybe. "Or you can_
14 years ago
call me instead, silly." Yeah, smooth, smooth Prussia. She's swooning already. "Hm, make sure to pay a visit before you switch back, then."
14 years ago
...completely forgot about her games. *OH GOTT*. "Naw. I play hard to get. Why don't you just come up here instead?"
14 years ago
would pat her shoulder if she was here; poor thing. "Because I have chocolade. And beer. And I'm a lazy bum?"
14 years ago
hates herself a little for making such an excited noise. "You have chocolate *and* beer?"
14 years ago
will hold that against her forever, just so you know. "*Yes*. Didn't you know?"
14 years ago
waves a hand for whatever stupid reason. "No no no, I mean *always*. You always have that stuff?"
14 years ago
snorts. "*Of course*. Can't live without my chocolate and beer, darling."
14 years ago
's toes curl into the hem of the shirt. She pulls her arms inside it as well to get a little warmer. "Then shit yeah, I'll come up there."
14 years ago
just rolls around some more, almost effectively rolling off the sofa in the process. "Mm, ja? I'll be waiting."
14 years ago
...hangs up abruptly and goes to get dressed. Hey, she doesn't want to keep the lady waiting.
14 years ago
stares at the phone for a while there before laughing. Loudly. Haah, she'll just wait to see how long it takes her to get there.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
going to take awhile. Not counting the amount of time the train ride takes, she drags ass trying to figure out how certain clothes are-
14 years ago
supposed to be worn and what snaps go where on that fucking bra. But hey, after all that, she'll be right up there to raid whatever else-
14 years ago
Eva has. And apparently grope her boobs.
14 years ago
can take a nap or three in the meantime. She'll laugh her ass off if Maria shows up in some ridiculous outfit. Then she will probably give
14 years ago
her some of that Jupiler that's waiting in the fridge as a peace offering. And if she doesn't show up, she'll just uh... Punch her later. Or
14 years ago
Gilbert is
14 years ago
definitely showing up, don't worry about that. Once she figures out how the fuck to get to Eva's in the first place. And then she'll beat-
14 years ago
out some ridiculous pattern on the door until Eva comes to answer it. And no, that isn't a ridiculous outfit. It's some black low-cut top-
14 years ago
and tight jeans, that's all. Pretty simple, but she had a hell of a time figuring out what side that low cut part was even supposed to-
14 years ago
be on.
14 years ago
thinks she should have drawn a map and texted it to her. Her house sort of blends in though, and she's not sure Maria can even read a map so
14 years ago
, you know. But she will be quick to wake up from her billionth nap and open the door-- oh hi, looking good, ma'am. Eva just sticks to her
14 years ago
cute dresses and all. Usually. Y'know. "Lovely. Do I dare ask where you got those?" Make yourself at home, man.
14 years ago
likes that dress on her! ...shit, wait, hold on. Yeah, she'd like it off her too, wrinkled up on her bedroom floor. Yeeeah, there we go,-
14 years ago
what better way to greet someone and thank them for welcoming her into their home. "I know how to shop. *Duh*. Learned it from Francis."
14 years ago
sometimes kind of has to stop and wonder how the fuck she gets into this stuff. Then she remembers who her family is. Huh; riight. "Uh huh._
14 years ago
Well, guess he taught you well." That's a nice outfit. It would be a shameto see it all crumpled on the other side of the room. Oh wait, -
14 years ago
's not like she cares.
14 years ago
sets her hands on her hips and bounces on her toes, watching her chest jiggle down the front of that shirt. "Oh yeah. He taught me really-
14 years ago
really well." Okay, so it's more like she learned by the few times Francis talked her into going to a mall. She had no choice.
14 years ago
sort of sighs and rubs her eyes. "Uh huh. I'm betting he taught you a whole lot. C'mon, I'll get you a beer or something."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
having way too much fun harassing people with this body. Can you tell? But yeah, for beer she'll shut up and follow.
14 years ago
thinks they could be best friends. Well, not really but she doesn't feel like punching her yet, so that's a plus. She heads back to the _
14 years ago
kitchen, to the refrigerator and hands her a beer. Hey look, she was nice enough to go get them from the basement and everything.
14 years ago
takes the beer and even thanks her for it before getting it open for a drink. Look! Fucking *polite*.
14 years ago
's world is turning upside-down, man. "Have you been reading manners for dummies? I'm impressed." Next step, get her to eat vegetables.
14 years ago
spills beer down her front. "Fucking cunt motherfuck...what? No. I've been readin' Deerhunter." ...she'll bite your fingers if you try it.
14 years ago
snorts. She'd rather keep her hands; she kind of likes knitting, you know. "I'd say I'm surprised you can read, but that would be nasty."
14 years ago
would be creeped out by the motherly resemblance if she knew Eva liked to knit. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the beer, now where's the-
14 years ago
Eva is
14 years ago
an unusual ladynation. Well not really, but, you know. "Kitchen, living room..." Shruug. There's a box or two almost all over the place.
14 years ago
brings the bottle down from her most recent sip and quirks a brow at her. "...you keep it in every room, don't you? Gott, how do you-
14 years ago
not have a huge ass?"
14 years ago
snorts and covers her mouth to hide a silly grin. "Some of us actually *exercise* you know?"
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Yeah, no shit. That thing I live with gets up at five every morning to do that. *Five*. No fucking sense in that."
14 years ago
almost laughs. "You should follow his example, y'know? Your little brother's a gentleman." She lives with a moody dutchman; biased, much.
14 years ago
makes a face that has nothing to do with the beer. "Gott, climb on his dick why don't ya. He doesn't know how to have fun."
14 years ago
snorts again. "He might be mortified if I did that. Still; sounds like my lovely siblings. Mood killers, all of them."
14 years ago
finishes the bottle off and shrugs. "Probably. He doesn't like bitches. Figure'a speech anyway. Who all's that?"
14 years ago
just rolls her eyes. No comments on that one. "Nederland and Luxembourg. They count for a whole army for all I'm concerned."
14 years ago
...sort of feels bad for her now. *Sort of*. "...no wonder you keep a lot of beer around."
14 years ago
doesn't actually hate them, but, you know. Even so. A shrug. "Guess so. But eh; some win, some lose. Can't throw a bitchfit over that."
14 years ago
starts wandering off through her house to find wherever those boxes are. "Could be worse. You could have Sealand for a brother."
14 years ago
shakes her head and starts following her around. "I'm going to agree with you. Though at least he wouldn't get high all the time."
14 years ago
frowns over her shoulder. "And what the hell's wrong with that?"
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Disregard that." Here, have a box of chocolate shoved in your face.
14 years ago
will gladly take that! But only eat one piece out of it. She's not a pig.
14 years ago
says she can keep the box. Which is awfully nice of her, all things considered. See, being a girl has plenty of upsides.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
pretty surprised but thanks her after a moment. It's really awesome chocolate.
14 years ago
might or might not have made it herself. But she's going to lounge on the sofa. "It's like a scavenger hunt. Have fun finding the choco."
14 years ago
looks down at the box in her hands. There's a lot there. Plenty for her, since she doesn't like a ton of sweet things all at once. She'll
14 years ago
just carry that with her to sit down instead. "Maybe later."
14 years ago
shrugs and looks over at her. "Mm'kay." She pauses. "So. You want something?"
Gilbert is
14 years ago
busy taking all of the pieces out of the little paper things they sit in then putting them back in the box. "Nope. Er wait. Did I?"
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow. That is a sort of amusing sight. "Don't ask me, dear. You're the visitor."
14 years ago
pops one of the chocolates in her mouth and chews, thinking. The mauled candy probably looks gross when she remembers and speaks up. "OH-
14 years ago
YEAH!" Hold on, gotta swallow. "Your boobs."
14 years ago
sort of grimaces; oh come on, manners, manners! "Well I meant coffee or a salad," Yes, yes. Vegetables. "Or a bra." She snorts. "But sure."
14 years ago
squints at her over the salad part. Better not try anything sneaky, lady. "But I'm wearing a bra."
14 years ago
won't try anything, seriously; she's not about to start a catfight over that. Ahem. "You might not be in the next hour or so.
14 years ago
14 years ago
has met maybe two or three other nations as forward as her. Eva apparently makes number four, and so surprisingly that she's left-
14 years ago
without a response momentarily. Hold on, give her brain a moment to catch back up to speed. "An hour? It's really gonna take that long for
14 years ago
you to man up?"
14 years ago
can be surprising sometimes. Which was apparently a good thing since it took Maria by surprise or something. But in the end she just sort of
14 years ago
shrugs and rolls her eyes. "Oh, you know me. So young, so innocent. Y'know." Riight.
14 years ago
can't respond this time because she's too busy snickering.
14 years ago
's mission was accomplished, then? She is not all too surprised, but can't help smiling a bit. "How 'bout half an hour?"
14 years ago
sighs dramatically. "*Fine*. How 'bout another beer then?"
14 years ago
should hit her over the head for that, you know. "Sure thing. You know where it is, yeah? Go get it." She's lazy sometimes, you know.
14 years ago
isn't lazy when it comes to beer. She passes the box off on her way to the kitchen though. "Here, you eat some. I like girls with a-
14 years ago
little junk in the trunk." ...you see what happens when he watches American television?
14 years ago
would throw the box at her if the chocolate wasn't so damn precious; no seriously, she'll flip a table for it. "Oi, you shut up." Which _
14 years ago
does not negate the fact that she's taking the chance to eat the chocolate anyway.
14 years ago
also knows several American rap songs from days gone by. The one she's singing at the top of her lungs from the kitchen happens to be one-
14 years ago
about some...baby got back thing. She doesn't get half the words, but it's entertaining to sing on the way back too, with a beer for Eva-
14 years ago
as well.
14 years ago
would rather not have gotten to know this - but she doesn't actually bring herself to cover her eyes or something. It's kind of amusing, in_
14 years ago
a way. If only because she's a girl right now. Something. Whatever. But hey she'll even set down the box, sit up and thank her for the beer.
14 years ago
twists the cap off her beer and drops back into her seat, practically sprawling like a *man* again. "You can thank me later."
14 years ago
sets the beer down long enough to slap her own forehead. "Right. *Manners*, Pruisen. You could act a bit more like a woman." Says the one-
14 years ago
hogging the couch like it's no one's business.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
only half listening - she's trying to fit the beer between her breasts. And it *works*! "Beerholder! ...*why*? I'm not gonna get stuck-
14 years ago
like this!"
14 years ago
almost wants to smack her; *almost*. She's not that desperate yet. "Beerho-- What? No, never mind. You'd look *better*, trust me."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
surprised there isn't some kind of *pop* noise when she pulls the beer out of her cleavage. "Better? You mean better as a chick? Fuck no.-
14 years ago
I mean I know I look great no matter what, but I like my dick, lady."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Ja, I'm sure a lot of people do." She sits up, finally twisting the cap off her own beer to take a sip. "I just mean.. I _
14 years ago
dunno. Humour me for a minute or two."
14 years ago
nods, glad she sees his point. But fine, she'll at least straighten up in the chair too. "Gott, okay, whatever."
14 years ago
still likes him better as a guy, you know. She just feels the need to punch him more often; you know, display of affection for the immature_
14 years ago
idiot and all. "Hm, thank you darling. See, if I didn't know you I'd say you were a real lady." Hey now she's just being mean. :I
14 years ago
sits very still for as long as she can, staring. Yeah, maybe with her mouth shut she could pass for a real classy bitch. But that makes-
14 years ago
her uncomfortable pretty fast. Shifty, even. Gotta ruin it. Just *gotta*. "Yeah? Well. You...you got a *purdy mouth*. If I had a dick,
14 years ago
I'd wanna stick it in there." Aaand grin.
14 years ago
sorts of thinks she could; but she'd have to work on actually staying that way and, you know, not say something stupid. And she's staring_
14 years ago
right back at her. Then she nearly spills her beer with that comment. Give her a minute or so. "Huh, yeah well." Cough. "Tough luck, ma'am."
14 years ago
sags in her chair. Crush her dreams, why don't ya. "Verdammt. Cold, lady. That's *cold*." Yeah, she only half means most of this shit-
14 years ago
anyway. It's just a way to tease her. Mostly.
14 years ago
leans back, playing with the beer; hey, crushing dreams is one of her dream jobs. Well, no. But this is fun. "Eh warm me up, why don't you."
14 years ago
has very selective hearing sometimes. Occasionally she takes things seriously that ought not to be taken seriously. Like that invitation.-
14 years ago
She thinks on it, nods and sets her beer down, and practically drapes herself across the couch and Eva. "There. Warm up."
14 years ago
should have been aware of this; then again, she should know some things are not to be said around her, since she won't grow a common sense_
14 years ago
out of thin air. But in the end it's not like she's being crushed or anything, so maybe it's not all that bad? After she's gotten over the_
14 years ago
whole what-the-hell-are-you-doing thing. "I didn't actually mean that, you kn- You know what. Never mind."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
totally comfortable now. Too damn bad, woman. You'll have to push her off. "Yeah, you did. Deep down inside."
14 years ago
w-won't do that. Not yet anyway; just don't push it. "Deep down inside, I might or might not feel the need to smack you right now, miss."
14 years ago
's smirk just groooows. "Better smack me real hard then. Make it count."
14 years ago
bites her lip in an attempt to not laugh. "Kinky. Should I tie you up and make you beg, too?"
14 years ago
folds her hands together and stretches her arms above her head. "Oh, definitely. The whole experience."
14 years ago
takes the chance to poke her side gently, just because. Looking good, miss. "Mm, I'll think about it."
14 years ago
tries to look uncomfortable when that makes her squirm. Can't let on that she's way sensitive right there. "You do that. I kow you need-
14 years ago
extra brainpower sometimes."
14 years ago
will just poke her again, you know. Eva's got to pretend she's not at a disadvantage here. "Huh? What do you mean extra brainpower?"
Eva is
14 years ago
confused. Good job.
14 years ago
swats at her. "I mean you gotta think about shit longer than most people." ( yet another post i made while i was mostly asleep. )
14 years ago
's just going to slip an arm around her mid back, just, you know, to be annoying. A huff. "Nee 'm not stupid, missie." (/patpat 's ok c: )
Gilbert is
14 years ago
sort of annoyed by that, woman. *Sort of*. You're trying to mess with a pro here. "If you say so, Albert E."
14 years ago
.. is a cuddlemonster and she won't pass out on a chance to annoy you, ma'am. Just so you know. "So are you just gonna pick on me, now?"
14 years ago
puts on such a stern, serious face that her tongue pokes out the side of her mouth some. The expression breaks into a grin after a second. "
14 years ago
You bet."
14 years ago
needs a moment, she's too busy trying not to laugh. She'll eventually reach up to pinch Maria's cheek. "I might have to really smack you."
14 years ago
isn't really serious about that. Not entirely, anyway.
14 years ago
makes a noise somewhere between a yelp and a squeak and hides her face wherever's available. Like on her! "Quit! You're not supposed to hit
14 years ago
women, lady. Gott. Don't you hve any class?"
14 years ago
wouldn't have minded that half as much if she was expecting it. She props herself up on her elbows, giving her a disbelieving look. "Hey, _
14 years ago
get off--" She huffs. "I'm a lady too y'know. The rule won't apply."
14 years ago
isn't budging. "You keep your pincers away from my cheeks, woman. ...psht. You probably hit like a girl anyway."
14 years ago
"Oi." She frowns. "Girls can hit pretty hard, y'know? Goddamn, will you get off me? I'm not a damn pillow, missie."
14 years ago
sits up and huffs. "*God*, do you have to be such a bitch. Don't you have more chocolate laying around? Eat it. I like you better with-
14 years ago
something in your mouth."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Yeah, like your dick if you had one, yeah?" Thank you, now she can sit up properly. "Don't feel like eating chocolate now."
14 years ago
flips her hair and frowns *very seriously*. "Do you have to be so perverted all the time? *Gosh*." ...nevermind. Can't keep a straight-
14 years ago
face through that one.
14 years ago
snorts and reaches over to flick her nose. Good one. "Yes, yes I have to. 'S what I get for hanging around you and France, honey."
14 years ago
sticks her tongue out, attempting to lick her hand. "Great to know you've actually *learned* something then!"
14 years ago
quickly draws her hand back, laughing. "Surprising, innit? Look at me, feeling so proud of myself already."
14 years ago
picks up her neglected beer to love and fondle instead. "Yeah, look at ya! Want me to knock ya down a peg?"
14 years ago
rolls her eyes, resisting the urge to steal some of that chocolate on the coffee table there."Now why would you do that, hm?"
14 years ago
gets a nice, long pull off her beer then shrugs. "Can't have you getting cocky. You might accidentally grow one."
14 years ago
almost, almost laughs. Her face might be a little red now. "Hey miss, you're not the only one who's woken up the opposite gender, y'know."
14 years ago
slowly sets the bottle down. "You had a dick before?!" Mental image...too awkwardly hot to comprehend.
14 years ago
covers her eyes with one hand. "Yes. Yes, I did. *Twice*." She is not proud of admitting that to you, of all people.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
thrilled with this news. This is actually *funny*. "Did you do awesome manly shit? Did you grow a beard? Jerk off? Measure your own-
14 years ago
14 years ago
chokes on her own words, trying to come up with a reasonable response to that. "I didn't to any of that, idiot!" Ok so lies, she sure as _
14 years ago
hell had fun with a male body. But, you know. Now she's slightly embarrassed. "Sh-shut it, lady."
14 years ago
wishes she had something to record this moment with. Her reactions are priceless. "Bet you did. Probably still can't hold your own drinkin'
14 years ago
no matter what ya got going on downstairs anyway."
14 years ago
can only stare at her, all wide-eyed and embarrassed. "Wh-what!?" She crosses her arms. "That's not true-- J-just shut it, will ya..."
14 years ago
practically giggles, looking entirely the part of a child who's caught a parent in the wrong. "Is too. I can tell just by lookin' at ya."
14 years ago
sort of hates that look, just so you know; it's not helping with the fact that her face is all red. "Hmph, shut up. I'd like you better _
14 years ago
with your mouth full of chocolade again."
14 years ago
will make it more often then! "Tch', I'm trying to watch my *figure*. You tryin' to sabatoge me?"
14 years ago
will hate her forever, yep yep. "Oi, you're the one who asked if I had beer *and* chocolate. Figured you'd want to stuff your face with it."
14 years ago
does not look impressed. "Boo, you whore."
14 years ago
just snorts. "And yet you love me." Hello, ego; you exist.
14 years ago
mutters something about not being French enough. Hello, beer. Best friend!
14 years ago
didn't quite catch that. "What about the French?" She knows a Frenchman; they just so happen to be related, you know. Sort of.
14 years ago
swallows that mouthful of beer first. "I said I'm fuckin' hungry and you should make me some damn food."
14 years ago
just sort of stares at her for a second there. "Huh, right. There's leftovers in the fridge if you want to raid it. 'M not cooking for you."
14 years ago
shrugs. Even if she was hungry, she's way too lazy to go get it herself. "Why? You're a woman."
Eva is
14 years ago
still kind of upset about that one incident with the vegetables though, you know. "What does that have to do with anything? I'm not a maid."
14 years ago
isn't going to argue this much. She was just covering for saying something stupid anyway. "Well...that falls into the job description too-
14 years ago
doesn't it? Womanly things."
14 years ago
wouldn't know this; she would tease her forever about it though. Maybe. Possibly. She just lies back down on the couch, sighing. "Well, be a
14 years ago
woman then."
14 years ago
blinks. "What?"
14 years ago
shrugs. "Be a woman. Make your own food. Why are we even talking about this, again?"
14 years ago
somehow manages to take offense to that. Don't question her logic. "Hey! I ain't a woman! ...I forget."
14 years ago
won't question it, no; she knows better than that. She pokes her side again. "Figured as much. And oi, you are right now, ma'am."
14 years ago
elbows her. "Doesn't mean I gotta take on womanly duties."
14 years ago
reaches up to try and grab her arm. "Ow-- Well, that's no excuse to push me around."
14 years ago
pokes her tongue out at her. "I'm not pushing. I'm givin' ya suggestions!"
14 years ago
mimics her actions. "Yeah well, give me better suggestions. I don't like that one."
14 years ago
makes a 'thpttt' noise at her. "Don't be a bitch, for starters!"
14 years ago
flicks her nose in response. "Right back at you, dear." She rolls her eyes. "Anything else?"
14 years ago
could totally take that in a direction typical for her. But since Eva's close enough to punch her... Aw, fuck it. "Boobs!"
Eva is
14 years ago
in a bit of a disadvantage, all things considered. And honestly, she shouldn't be so surprised, given it's *Prussia*. "Wh-what?!"
14 years ago
's typical smirk returns almost immediately. "Boobs, woman." To illustrate her point, she pokes one of Eva's.
14 years ago
furrows her brows, sitting up. No, that is not her face turning red. "You're that determined to see them?"
14 years ago
's lower lip might just jut out a little bit. "You said I could."
14 years ago
can't resist cute, sad faces. You should know this. "... Well, can't argue with that."
14 years ago
continues making that face, since she hasn't seen anything yet. "Nope."
14 years ago
... that's a low blow, man. Low blow. "... Ugh, *fine*. Stop giving me that look."
14 years ago
14 years ago
wonders if pulling down her dress below her bra will get that look off her face. She decides to give it a try.
14 years ago
's expression blanks pretty quickly, yes. Then her entire face brightens and she pats Eva's chest with both hands. Rhythmically. "Nice!-
14 years ago
Mine are better."
14 years ago
finds it appropriate to cover her own face at this point. But hey, hey, her ego. "Yeah w-well mine are *permanent*. So there."
14 years ago
can't help snickering that she chose to cover her face instead of her chest. She'll just tug the front of her bra down while she's-
14 years ago
distracted then. "...well, at least you don't have crazy nipples. Y'know, the ones that take up half the chick's boob?"
14 years ago
would have to deal with more pouts or something. She does uncover her face at one point to glance back at her. Poor thing is all red now. _
14 years ago
"I know, I've seen those. Hrmph. Don't have too much fun, the excitement might kill you."
14 years ago
"Oh, I'm not. This is only a little fun." Too much fun would be sticking her face in there and motorboating.
14 years ago
... w-would rather if she did not do that. She is not so hopeful, sadly. "Well, eh... Thanks. Don't die of boredom then, dear."
14 years ago
...doesn't like the thought of that. Motorboating it is!
14 years ago
decidedly did not squeak in surprise. "Oi wait a se-" Sighh. No point in arguing with Prussia, is there.
14 years ago
gets both arms around her waist too, so whenever she's finished and just sets her chin on Eva's boobs to look up, she isn't in too much-
14 years ago
danger. Not really. "You say somethin'?"
14 years ago
isn't sure whose forehead to slap right now. In the end she just resigns to playing with the other's hair. "Never mind that, never mind."
14 years ago
could probably fall asleep like this. She's uh...squishy right there. Way comfortable. Have a kiss to one though! "You like it."
14 years ago
holds her breath for a moment there; as she glances away, she hopes that wasn't all too obvious. "J-just a little bit." Ahem.
Gilbert was
14 years ago
going to give her her space back, but that little stutter's like encouragement, y'know. "More than a little bit, I think." And now-
14 years ago
another kiss to the opposite. She'll just keep on pushing until Eva shoves her away, since it's *fun*.
14 years ago
bites her lip. No, she should know these little slips are all it takes for that sneaky fox... err. Nation, to get away with her schemes. _
14 years ago
She shifts uncomfortably. "O-oi! Shush, will you?"
14 years ago
does listen for once, but just because she's managed to work part of her bra aside with a finger and found somewhere better to use-
14 years ago
her mouth, one brow arching. Gott, if she loses teeth for this, it'll so be worth it.
14 years ago
gives her this wide-eyed, red faced look, mouth hanging slightly. Give her a second, two... There, now she's sitting up straighter and _
14 years ago
trying to get the other to unlatch, all the while spluttering nonsense.
14 years ago
gives up immediately and flops onto her back. Yeah, she's a bit pink in the face too, but hey, that was an awesome reaction. Best she-
14 years ago
could have hoped for with all limbs still in place. "Gott...your *face*!"
14 years ago
would punch her or something, but... Nah, not yet. She does lean forward to poke her stomach. "Wh-what about it? Verdammt..."
14 years ago
gives a little wheeze, but for the most part her laughter continues uninterrupted. "Hey, don't go flashin' those things and expect me to be
14 years ago
14 years ago
goes to poke her again but pauses and instead tugs gently at her top. "I *didn't*. You're no good, that much I know. And we had a deal."
14 years ago
stretches, letting the bottom of the shirt ride up some on its own, and gives her a sneaky little grin. "I'm not *good*. I'm *awesome*.-
14 years ago
Get it right." But yeah, they had a deal, so fine, she'll pull her own shirt all the way up her chest as well then recline against the-
14 years ago
couch arm, arms folded behind her hug. Smug much?
14 years ago
should probably get this little she-devil to act properly but that's kind of bordering on the impossible. Not to mention she's getting a_
14 years ago
pretty nice view. She shifts to sit on her knees so she can lean closer, slowly tracing her skin with one finger, down from her bellybutton_
14 years ago
, all the way up to her chest. "*Good* works for me. Still can't believe these *are* real." Here, have a tiny poke.
14 years ago
behind her head* wtfff )
14 years ago
will just act like that initial touch didn't raise slight goosebumps along her belly. "Good, great, awesome, fantastic. Whatever you can-
14 years ago
manage to scream, baby. 'course they're fuckin' real. I grew 'em overnight."
14 years ago
{ 's alright, I got it /thumbs up }
14 years ago
just rolls her eyes and leans down to nuzzle her chest a bit. Yeah she's all prim and proper, can't you tell. "Mm ja well. Grow them _
14 years ago
overnight more often, will you."
14 years ago
squirms just a little but hasn't lost her smirk just yet. Fair's fair. "Psht, naw. Tits are great but I like my dick better. You would-
14 years ago
14 years ago
might or might not have planted a little kiss right there. "Hm, I don't know... You seem like less of an arse when you have tits."
14 years ago
probably doesn't sound as offended as she could at the moment. Totally Eva's fault. "Hey. I'm a completely ass all the time. Even like-
14 years ago
14 years ago
will gladly take the blame. That is a smirk, right there when she looks up. "You're not being one right now."
14 years ago
's eyes narrow. Is that a challenge? "I could be. Just not when you're expecting it."
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow. Yeah, maybe it is a challenge. "Or maybe you're just losing your touch."
14 years ago
snorts. "If I had a dick, this is where I'd tell you to suck it, princess."
14 years ago
huffs and leans down to nuzzle her chest again, just to be more annoying. Though it's kiind of nice. "Can't say I'd comply, missie."
14 years ago
decides now is a great time to hug her and very tightly, so her face will just be stuck right there in her boobs. "Spoil sport."
14 years ago
sort of flails a bit, definitely not expecting that. "Oi!" Well, if that is the case, don't mind her tongue on Maria's skin.
14 years ago
lets go after another few seconds. Yeah, like that's really going to bother her. "You got spit on me."
14 years ago
sits back up and takes a deep, deep breath. Hey, it was worth a shot. "So?" She arches an eyebrow. "You're gonna bitchslap me or something?"
14 years ago
knows an awesome way to retaliate, but that wouldn't be very fair. "You just keep pushin', don't you?"
14 years ago
would wonder since when does he-she play fair. She smirks, holding up her hands. "Me? I'm not doing anything~ "
14 years ago
will take advantage of that open shot right away, getting spit on *her*, but right on the lips. ...and truth be told, there probably isn't-
14 years ago
that much spit there anyway.
14 years ago
... No idea how this is *awesome*, but at least it shut her up. Don't mind her being kind of wide-eyed right now; her brain sort of broke.
14 years ago
manages to keep a straight face for all of, oh, seven seconds. Then she's off again, snickering. "You make the best expressions, I swear."
14 years ago
might look slightly horrified. Her face is all red again, too. "I should *murder* you for that, you know?"
14 years ago
fixes her shirt back in place, unfazed. "Mhm, yeah, I know. That and a million other things. You're fun to pick on."
14 years ago
sort of makes a face, but that reminds her to fix her bra and dress. "Nn I can't see how. Don't you know how to treat a lady?"
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. " 'course I do. I just don't have ladies around to treat nicely."
14 years ago
probably shouldn't sound this offended. It's just proving Prussia's point. "Hey *I'm* a lady you dimwit."
14 years ago
snickers. "*Ladies* don't swear so much. You aren't around that much anyway. Francis is the closest I get to keepin' woman-company."
14 years ago
huffs and flicks her nose. "Ladies don't have to be trophy wives, mister. And well, I'm a busy woman.. I don't see Francis that much now."
14 years ago
's nose wrinkles. "They gotta look good though. Busy? Thought that was the kind he liked."
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow. "You saying I don't look good? And yes, busy; he's my cousin, miss. Don't get any ideas."
14 years ago
flips her bangs back out of her face. "Never said that. You look pretty damn good. Just makin' a point. What's him being your cousin-
14 years ago
have to do with anything?"
14 years ago
decides this is an appropriate time to reach over and steal another piece of chocolate; yum. "Hm, good." Hold on, can't speak with her mouth
14 years ago
full. "... Yeah, good point there."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
just going to change the subject real quick now. Look at her, now look down. Now look at her again. "So what d'you do around here for fun?-
14 years ago
" What's the subject? It's back on you.
14 years ago
isn't even asking; hey, for all she knows, the other has a short attention span... Yeah. "Uh.... Lots of things, I guess? Depends on what _
14 years ago
you think is fun." A shrug. "Videogames don't count. Neither does getting high; Roel's room here is off limits 'n all."
14 years ago
makes a face. "I wouldn't go in some other dude's room, lady. There's bro-laws. I like whatever isn't boring as fuck. Or work."
14 years ago
shrugs. "Sorry, I'm not familiar with those laws. And well that's vague. You can always watch television, I don't know. I reckon you don't -
14 years ago
like knitting."
14 years ago
sucks the back of his teeth. "'course you don't. You're not a guy. ...what the fuck is knitting?"
14 years ago
waves a hand dismissively. "Something like that. And it's a hobby you wouldn't understand. You'd just call me grandma or something."
14 years ago
lip curls some. "I could call you a milf all day. But gilf would be pushin' it. Isn't a damn thing that looks better the wrinklier and
14 years ago
saggier it gets."
14 years ago
tilts her head slightly. "Well, good think I'm not wrinkly and saggy. Uh..." She turns her back to her for a while to search over the edge_
14 years ago
of the couch until she finally finds something and turns back to her with a little basket. "Knitting. Get it now?"
14 years ago
squints at the basket then shrugs. "Looks like an unraveled cat."
14 years ago
gives her a blank stare before setting it back down. "You won't be complaining when I send you a home made scarf in the winter." Yeah right.
14 years ago
might not complain about that, no. She kinda likes scarves. "You make stuff like that with that?"
14 years ago
hopes she does; because at this rate, that's all she'll be sending to the other nations. "Of course. And socks and more stuff."
14 years ago
laughs. "Socks out'a that stuff would make your feet sweat somethin' awful, wouldn't they?"
14 years ago
shrugs. "Well, not during cold winters I guess? You can do lots of stuff with this; if it was uncomfortable, we wouldn't do it, right?"
14 years ago
bites her lip, trying to think of something neat. "Could you make a little thingy for your beer?" (HNGH i'm terrible, sorry. ;n; )
14 years ago
thinks about it for a moment. "I guess so, yeah. Not sure how well it would hold up though." {naw, 's ok! plurk's been really lively lately}
Gilbert is
14 years ago
about to suggest a condom, but she's supposed to be a *lady*. "What about a prophalactic?". There. A nicer word for condom!
14 years ago
kind of stops to stare at her. "... No." Ok, nothing useful, at least. She will proceed to resist the urge to hit her over the head.
14 years ago
just grins widely. That was a huge word. She's proud.
14 years ago
would be, too. Except right now she's still sort of staring. "Y-you weren't serious. Right?"
14 years ago
tilts her head. "About what?"
14 years ago
just rubs her forehead. "Asking me to knit weird things."
14 years ago
snorts and flips her hand. "Honey, please. Like I would have any use for a *condom*."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Be sure to use them when you get your dick back, miss."
14 years ago
could probably get a human chick knocked up nowadays, that's the scary thing. "Yeeah, yeah, if I remember to. Barebackin's way more fun."
14 years ago
would antagonize him forever if that happened, he should know that. "You *should* remember. But please, spare me the details."
14 years ago
would antagonize himself forever if that happened and *stay* drunk. She smirks. "You want the details, don't lie."
14 years ago
thinks that shows he at least has some common sense then; good. She snorts. "No, thank you. I'll stick with my details and you with yours."
14 years ago
snickers. "You have details about barebacking?"
14 years ago
slaps her own forehead. "No, I meant in *general*."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
so glad she came out here. Eva is pretty entertaining company. "Generally what?"
14 years ago
's just beginning to feel all flustered and all. "Gott, you know what I mean. Details... I dunno, anything, why are we talking about this?"
14 years ago
casually looks down at her nails. "Because I figure if I keep askin' stuff, you're eventually gonna slip up and tell me."
14 years ago
falls back on the couch and covers her eyes. "I'm *not* gonna say anything, regardless of what you ask. You're as stubborn as a mule."
14 years ago
goes from doing something dainty like checking her nails to cracking her fingers. "I'm not stubborn. I'm a conversationalist."
14 years ago
snorts quite loudly at that one. "Nee, you're *stubborn*. As a mule. And persistent. 'm not telling anything, missie."
14 years ago
frowns and opens her mouth to unknowingly prove her point. "Mules aren't stubborn either. They're just picky. Fine, fine, you don't-
14 years ago
have to tell me anything. I'll mind my own business and find out elsewhere."
14 years ago
shakes her head; it's useless to argue with this lady, apparently. But hey, what. "Oi, what do you mean elsewhere, eh?"
14 years ago
shrugs. "Oh, you know how nations like gossip." She's bluffing; she doesn't know shit, but you don't have to know that.
14 years ago
narrows her eyes. "Of course I do." Because that's what she does with Francis all the time anyway. "You wouldn't dare."
14 years ago
bites her lip to keep from laughing. "Oh, I would."
14 years ago
holds up her index finger like she's about to spit out some threat but stops. "You know what. I know you would. I should hate you for it."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
beaming, she's so proud of her for figuring that out. "Naw. I make life more interesting."
14 years ago
won't even bother to *try* and get angry; seriously there's no point. "Well I said I should hate you, not that I don't. Unfortunately, yeah_
14 years ago
you do make life more interesting. Stressing, too. Sometimes."
14 years ago
bounces on the couch some. "You liiike it. It's okay, baby, I know I'm hard to resist."
14 years ago
pointedly looks at the ceiling, lest her eyes start wandering. "Oh, I can resist you just fine, honey. But I admit." She pauses. "Life _
14 years ago
wouldn't be the same without you."
14 years ago
doesn't pout at all. That's just your imagination. "Aw, break my heart why don't ya." That's cute though. "Well, then you can be extra
14 years ago
thankful I didn't die sixty-three years ago then. I sure as fuck am."
14 years ago
finds that cute; she should hold it against her or something. "I'll glue it back together with love and chocolate." She smiles. "Eh, guess_
14 years ago
you really are too awesome to die. Something like that."
14 years ago
makes a gurgling noise and flops back. "God, you're such a *girl*. Ugh."
14 years ago
tries to give her a little kick, nothing too violent. "Oi shut up. You love me anyway."
14 years ago
sticks her tongue out. "Gross. Keep your feet to yourself."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes and tries to do it again, just for fun. "Nn shush. Don't feel like it."
14 years ago
tries to pinch her. "Fair warning."
14 years ago
squirms and tries to poke her with a toe. "Oh bite me."
14 years ago
crams herself as far as possible into the corner of the couch. "Get *oooff*."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes, stretching her leg some more in an attempt to keep bothering her. "Oh come on, stop being so dramatic."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
going to crawl right over the arm of the couch here in a second. "*Quit iit, I *hate* feet, god, get away!"
14 years ago
stops right there, foot still hanging mid-air to give her a disbelieving look. "You hate... feet?" She pauses. "... Why."
14 years ago
makes a face. "Because they're gross, that's why."
14 years ago
wiggles her toes but soon withdraws her leg. "It's a *foot*. And here I thought it was virtually impossible you'd find body parts gross."
14 years ago
relaxes into taking up more space on the couch again. "They're just gross. There's nothin' sexy about feet."
14 years ago
blinks and examines her own foot for a moment there. "There is if you're wearing court shoes and all. Guess you wouldn't know."
14 years ago
frowns. "What the hell are court shoes? Are you talking about basketball?"
14 years ago
shakes her head. "I mean those high heeled pumps. Arthur taught me that term, sorry."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Be thankful he didn't teach how to wax your eyebrows. He's not a pro at that."
14 years ago
snorts. "If anything I'd teach him that, not the other way around." Sh-she'll leave out that one time Francis asked her to help with waxing.
14 years ago
would appreciate her leaving that out, if he knew. "You need to teach him that. Consider it an act of charity."
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