Gilbert has
14 years ago
an awesome set of boobs now! But since she's been in her room half the day checking everything *else* out, you might not know that...
latest #145
Eva wants
14 years ago
her number. :I
14 years ago
would like to examine her himself.
14 years ago
licks his lips and cat calls. Hey baby.
14 years ago
grabs her chest and squishes her boobs together. They're *amazing*! ...and Eva can totally have her number. Like right now. Look, she's-
14 years ago
texting it. So can you guys-...what the hell, you should both have it already.
14 years ago
just got a new phone. Number?
14 years ago
tells him! Here, have their house number too. Be sure to call about three or four in the morning as often as possible.
Eva was
14 years ago
kidding, you silly idiot. Ahem. Prussia does look, er... Lovely like this.
14 years ago
flashes her.
14 years ago
... stares.
14 years ago
...jiggles. Intentionally.
Francis wants
14 years ago
to be flashed.
14 years ago
....actually, take it all off.
14 years ago
... wonders if those are real.
14 years ago
maniacally puts the number in his phone. He sure will call. He wants her to flash him and Francis too
Heracles says
14 years ago
guys need a break and titties too
14 years ago
undresses in record time. Yeah, that talent applies to both genders. And they are *totally* real, woman, come feel them!
14 years ago
drools then groans. Eva gets all the luck?
Francis is
14 years ago
going to sit down now. He's got some amazing thighs she could be straddling.
14 years ago
... might or might not have poked 'em. Yeep, those are real alright. >: ///I
14 years ago
sticks his face near them. They look real.
Gilbert will
14 years ago
totally get to that here in a minute, right after she grabs Heracles' head and forces his face between her boobs. And smirks at Eva.
14 years ago
takes the opportunity to catch a nipple in his mouth. He's not above it.
Eva will
14 years ago
just ah, ehrm... Pat her shoulder now. She does not expect her to be very lady like but oh well.
14 years ago
swats at him. "Off! That's *mine*!" She'll pat Eva right on the boob too. No, she won't be ladylike at all.
14 years ago
cocks an eyebrow up at her and smirks but doesn't move.
14 years ago
decidedly does not squeak. What the hell, miss. >8//I
Francis is
14 years ago
still just going to sit here and watch.
Gilbert has
14 years ago
manface in her tits. What do. GEEZ, Eva, isn't that how you females greet each other? Y'know, like how guys slap each other on the back?-
14 years ago're not help at all, Frenchie.
14 years ago
shakes her head. She'll sooner grope her ass than her chest y'know. She thinks that was just an excuse to compare boobs or something. Grr :I
14 years ago
snorts. Woman, you can't compare boobs with a shirt on.
14 years ago
chuckles against her and slips his arms around to grope her ass. If he gets one time he'll be good
14 years ago
can help you a lot if you get your ass over here. He's not coming to you.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
used to this, man. See that prissy wallflower? They've been friends for centuries. Her ass ought to be chafed from all the groping at-
14 years ago
this point. And boy, she's a woman now. You come to *her*.
14 years ago
... Agrees. But ain't taking her shirt off. She will just watch you be, erhm. Groped and all that shebang.
14 years ago
...will come over, then. And pick your ass right up. How's that?
Heracles will
14 years ago
pout and look over at Eva, losing his groping material. what's up pretty mama?
14 years ago
places her hands on her hips and looks over at Heracles. Smooth, sir, smooth. :I
Gilbert feels
14 years ago
sorta uh...sorta cold up in the air all bare-assed like that.
14 years ago
laughs. It's all just fun and games. Can't she dig it?
14 years ago
can warm her up. He's talented at that.
14 years ago
... snickers at Prussia. And well, ehrm, sure, sure she can. eueb
14 years ago
wiggles around until she's absolutely sure she's mooning Eva. And she *knows* Francis is good at that, for sure.
14 years ago
holds a hand out. He promises no gropsies unless she asks for it.
14 years ago
... will kindly refrain from hitting her over the head with a shoe and instead take mr Greece's hand. And she's not asking for anything. -3-
Heracles is
14 years ago
she sure about that? He twirls her. He could make it worth it
14 years ago
knows he would regret it in the end. Gah, stop doing that cute stuff, it makes her laugh. ;;
14 years ago
seconds that bit about him making it worth it. Trust that man, lady.
14 years ago
can do that now, if she wants. ...And what. Hey, hey. He can make it *better*.
14 years ago
grins and spins her faster, catching her as she falls. He blows a kiss
Gilbert gives
14 years ago
a very ungraceful snort and suggests he prove it.
14 years ago
grabs onto his arm, damn, damn don't make her dizzy, man. And hey, she didn't say anything about not believing them, just yeah. >:-o
14 years ago
( ... >:I * )
Francis is
14 years ago
going to find a couch or something to nearly drop her so he can settle beside her.
14 years ago
appologises for making her dizzy. But wasn't that fun? he scowls at Francis. Hey he is worth it
14 years ago
doesn't really know how to sit or lay or whatever like a woman. So she just sort of sprawls. And watches this debate thing or whatever.
14 years ago
's attention is caught as he sees her crotch shot. Damn lady.
14 years ago
knows he's better in bed based on the premise that he's *French*, so he'll just lean over to kiss her neck.
14 years ago
snarls at him. Boy he better watch that tongue of his. His people also know about how to please in ed
14 years ago
nods and pats his shoulder. Damn, lady that's no way to lie down. Coughcough.
Gilbert thinks
14 years ago
Heracles has nothing to worry about. He made a great bitch the other night. Hold on, wait, whatever that kiss did is more important than-
14 years ago
14 years ago
still stands on the defensive and finally rolls his eyes at Francis.
Eva wants
14 years ago
to punch her; just a little bit. But she might hit back or something. But hey, she's getting voyeur points, that's something.
14 years ago
nips the nape of her neck and sucks lightly on that spot. He's still better at everything, so nyah.
14 years ago
's eyes explode with fire. He better take that back soon or friend or not he's tackling him
14 years ago
finally manages to at least cross her legs, just because that makes her shiver. Manfight? Awesome!
Heracles feels
14 years ago
his competitive side rise up and he folds his arms and waits for Francis to acknowledge him
Francis is
14 years ago
busy. He'll acknowledge him later. He's got some thighs to run his hands up right now.
14 years ago
sighs. Just. Sighs. Men.
14 years ago
snaps and stalks over. He grabs Maria by the chin and attacks her lips. He'll show him
Francis is
14 years ago
going to punch him in the balls now.
14 years ago
doesn't really get time to do anything but squeak-...*no way*. No way, she totally did not just squeak against his mouth like that.
14 years ago
dodges him and aims a kick for himself. Thats what he gets for insulting him. He smirks at Maria
14 years ago
... snickers.
14 years ago
pulls her legs up onto the couch and just grins at Eva. See? She's cultured. She's not encouraging them. Verbally.
14 years ago
watches her pull her legs up. Damn mama you fine.
14 years ago
can dodge that too. Go be a fucking bum elsewhere. He's not taking shit back.
14 years ago
isn't fucking leaving. Why should Francis get all the fun? Greece knows better, he had sex as a girl and knows what buttons to push perfect
14 years ago
snickers at that 'button' thing. She'll just...scootch on over out of the way and let men be men. It's entertaining. Maybe Eva needs help
14 years ago
with *her* buttons.
14 years ago
heard lesbian. He knows he did.
14 years ago
scoots away. Off, you crazy woman. Her buttons are just fine, thank you.
Francis will
14 years ago
sooner just leave. He has better things to do now. :T
14 years ago
snickers. He's just being a sore loser then.
Heracles is
14 years ago
good with buttons :3
14 years ago
... grrr, men. >:I
14 years ago
sighs. Fine. He's sorry Francis is a jerk
14 years ago
shrugs. Maria got the worse end of the deal, she figures.
14 years ago
wouldn't mind having boobs all the time if this is what it reduces men to in her presence.
14 years ago
welcomes her to her world. :I
14 years ago
isn't sorry for anything, but he's leaving now. You kiddies have fun!
Gilbert thinks
14 years ago
Eva should flash Francis so he stops acting butthurt.
14 years ago
snorts. She is not a kid, goodsir. And she ain't flashing anyone. >:I
14 years ago
can't help it he's a sucker for beautiful women.
14 years ago
isn't *butthurt*. He has no reason to be; he just has places to go.
14 years ago
wanted voyeur rights. Well damn.
14 years ago
can take Francis's spot to givee eva those voyeur rights
Gilbert thinks
14 years ago
he must be butthurt to leave such awesome naked boobs behind. *Gawd*.
Francis thinks
14 years ago
it doesn't matter where he is. Grèce is there for those 'awesome' boobs.
14 years ago
suggests a threesome and they can all be happy. Ahem.
14 years ago
nods at eva's words. that sounds like a fine solution
14 years ago
points out that there's four of them there, Eva. Learn to count.
Heracles says
14 years ago
he thought Francis was leaving. If he stays thats a foursome
14 years ago
isn't in on this, ma'am. She just gets voyeur rights.
14 years ago
ne s'intéresse pas.
14 years ago
... is shocked.
14 years ago
est trop fâché. Sort of. Whatever. He said he was leaving so he is. Mon *dieu*.
14 years ago
taps his foot. What can be so important?
14 years ago
would like to add
14 years ago
that he's still there and obviously not on that much of a hurry to leave.
Francis is
14 years ago
walking out the door, then.
14 years ago
trips him
14 years ago
catches himself. Touch him again and he'll break your face.
Eva thinks
14 years ago
they should all calm down. *Please*
14 years ago
licks his lips. He's always liked it rough.
14 years ago
would much rather take a bayonet to him.
14 years ago
cocks an eyebrow. by bayonet does he mean penis?
Francis is
14 years ago
referring to that fancy dagger that attaches to a rifle. But he has no qualms with shoving it up his ass all the same.
14 years ago
winces. Thats a tad too rough.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
totally intrigued now. Bayonets remind her of awesome times.
Francis will
14 years ago
let her be intrigued all she wants; but it's not like he has one with him or anything.
Gilbert thinks
14 years ago
Francis needs to quit being such a fucking cunt and get to fucking cunt. ...wait hold on, she said something witty and has to snicker over-
14 years ago
14 years ago
isn't moving from door. She can come to him now if she wants him to do that. so badly. /:
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. If a lazy dick like him can move for pussy so can Francis.
Francis thinks
14 years ago
it's none of his damn business.
14 years ago
crosses her arms. Eva's right about them needing to calm down. And how come she has to beg for it all of a sudden?
14 years ago
...because. He doesn't have to give her a reason other than that.
Heracles is
14 years ago
a man. Not much of one, but damnit hes a man. And he can get excited if he wants to
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. Whatever. Be a dick.
Francis will
14 years ago
be the biggest one ever.
14 years ago
realizes this. He has been here lately. Doesn't take much effort.
14 years ago
hears the word dick.
14 years ago
he has a dick. Do they want to see it?
Francis is
14 years ago
leaving for real now. :T
Eva wishes
14 years ago
everyone would get dressed and behave. Francis, that means you should stay and try to work through your UST.
14 years ago
laughs. come on Francis don't be this way
14 years ago
can be anyway he wants. And he knows his mood isn't going to improve if he stays.
14 years ago
scowls. Stop being so grouchy. All's been in play. Lighten up
14 years ago
sighs. Seriously, boys, take a few deep breaths and work things out instead of throwing punches. Heaven knows one angry dutchman is enough.
14 years ago
doesn't think so. Either way, he's out the door now.
14 years ago
tosses his hands up in the air. Whatever. He tried being nice.
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