10kHElli was
14 years ago
alerted to imaginary drama. Scoop inside:
latest #109
10kHElli says
14 years ago
So apparently, I'm being accused of creating a sock puppet account and spamming on Ravelry about "my new business venture".
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Let's look at this logically, shall we?
JulieRoseSews says
14 years ago
ooooh boy.. *gets popcorn and settles in*
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Why would I send emails to a bunch of haters about something new I'm doing, especially if I took the time to "craft myself a new persona"..?
10kHElli says
14 years ago
CLEARLY, the sock puppet is one of *them*, trying to stir up shit.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
And, predictably, they pulled the strings and the little Crazies came out in droves to start the whirlwind of stupid.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Way to be manipulated, asshats.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Secondly, other than when alerted to the drama, I've logged in precisely *thrice* to Ravelry in the past two weeks, all three times to add
14 years ago
patterns to my queue. I'm sure Casey could verify that. Good luck getting him to release my login info.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Third: I have precisely fuck-all to do with the knitting community anymore. Lime & Violet is *over*, thanks to the ridiculousness.
Paper Kitty
14 years ago
(LOL) Silly Crazies.
14 years ago
14 years ago
The Ravelry backlash will start from this, I assure you.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Unless there are specific concerns, other than bitchbitchbitch OMG SHE'S SO SHADY (for *what* exactly?), then leave me alone. I have
14 years ago
nothing to do with you.
Paper Kitty
14 years ago
I wish they'd move along already.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
And Kate? Could care less. I don't log in to Ravelry. They can be as snipey as they want, but I do know it'll get reported as a personal
14 years ago
vendetta, and it won't be me crying because my account access is limited, suspended, or revoked.
14 years ago
Amen my friend. A-Bloody-Men.
Orange Mikah
14 years ago
futhermuckers, that's what.
14 years ago
clears up one misconception: I *did* make a second Rav account, but since I couldn't move my library over, abandoned it.
14 years ago
*throws up the devil horns in tribute to your awesomeness*
14 years ago
10kHElli says
14 years ago
After L&V ended, I sure did. You'll note, if you find it, that there's nothing there. Duh. Because I *didn't use it*.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Now run along and find something else to play with. I'd suggest yarn.
14 years ago
indeed, isn't that why we are all here dramallamas?
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Oh, one more thing before I log out of here, too: my "new business venture" isn't all that secret, but it took someone quite a bit of
14 years ago
digging to find the hidden pages.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
That? That doesn't make you a crusader for justice. That makes you a scary stalker.
Orange Mikah
14 years ago
Someone with Way Too Much Time on their hands.
Orange Mikah
14 years ago
(rofl) Yes, that.
Orange Mikah
14 years ago
Creepy stalkers are creeeeepyyyyy.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
And slightly ridiculous. I'm laughing at you. I know you wanted to scare me and poke at me, but I'm not scared. I'm laughing. At you.
Orange Mikah
14 years ago
Let's all throw our heads back and laugh, ready? AAHAHAHAHAHA.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
And now I'm off to go roll my eyes and ignore them all, because I have real work to do.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Enjoy your day.
Orange Mikah
14 years ago
Bad guy falls in poop
14 years ago
I don't understand the drama. I get enough of that in real life, against my will. I just don't get people wanting it online.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
I'm assuming that it's because their lives are *so* uninteresting that they have to make shit up to feel important.
Orange Mikah
14 years ago
I bet that's *exactly* what it is.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Which, again...laughable.
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Get a life. Preferably one that doesn't revolve around stalking, harassing, or otherwise annoying a former podcaster. Jeezus.
10kHElli is
14 years ago
off. Just wanted to clarify before the rumor mill went batshit.
Pennie says
14 years ago
sounds like these folks feel the need to be important and this is the only way they think they can be
14 years ago
(cozy)Enjoy your day.
14 years ago
(eyerolll)(eyerolll)(eyerolll)(eyerolll) well just take comfort in the fact that your real life is interesting enough that you don't have to
14 years ago
entertain yourself with made up internet drama! Its craziness to me (doh)
morgajam says
14 years ago
it sounds like these crazies have been previous guests on daytime shows for nutters
findingjudi says
14 years ago
some people seem to have too much time on their hands...
Morandia says
14 years ago
the rumor mill hit that last night.
Andrea9772 says
14 years ago
I seriously don't understand how people can have so little else to worry about that they need to partake in such shenanigans!
14 years ago
logged back in for a second to mention that she just lied:
10kHElli says
14 years ago
I logged in four times to Ravelry. Forgot that I went over there to look someone up who friended me elsewhere.
14 years ago
Oh, you bad, bad, evil thing. (LOL)
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Just wanted to make sure there was full disclosure. Please amend previoius "fuck-all" comment with FOUR rav logins instead of three.
10kHElli has
14 years ago
just destroyed all your confidences and will go take my rightful place in hell now.
14 years ago
ahems. :-D
Orange Mikah
14 years ago
HedgieLib says
14 years ago
oh the drama...it never goes away
HappyZGal says
14 years ago
As Annie Modesitt calls it: Schadenfreude
louisey says
14 years ago
So you and L stopped doing L&V. You said you were moving on. And now you have and.... that's some kind of big scandal?
louisey needs
14 years ago
help making drama make sense.
louisey says
14 years ago
Listen up, everyone! E. is still alive and still doing *stuff*! It's all scandalous, shady, and secret! Alert the mobs!
14 years ago
logs back in with a pitchfork! Let's get 'em!
10kHElli says
14 years ago
Wait...who are we getting again?
10kHElli says
14 years ago
10kHElli is
14 years ago
clearly much more important to these people than she thought, considering the amount of energy they're spending on her.
10kHElli is
14 years ago
flattered now.
louisey says
14 years ago
OMG! I have to PM you about Erin.
SpaceJunk says
14 years ago
the doucheness of some people never ceases to amaze me.
14 years ago
spammed you good. :-)
louisey says
14 years ago
In the words of Ned Flanders "There's no justice like angry mob justice."
librariankate7578 says
14 years ago
louisey: ha! :-)
MorbidiaDrekk has
14 years ago
started deleting people for drama reasons. I don't need to read that crap. If they can't move on, then they are the ones with the problem.
Morandia says
14 years ago
I delete my posts that end up turning to drama, and I mute others that have drama. too much good stuff to read without the garbage
14 years ago
I can understand if people have real life drama and need to vent about it. But to dredge up things that are done and over is ridiculous.
14 years ago
doesn't get it? Why do people care what you're doing, it's all legal right;-)
14 years ago
doesn't get it either. Clearly, I'm just that interesting. :-)
10kHElli says
14 years ago
And yes, all legal, except for that puppy smuggling ring and maybe the stable full of kilted male prostitutes, but they don't know about
14 years ago
those yet.
Orange Mikah
14 years ago
Kilted male prostitutes... (mmm) Can I sign up for that mailing list? I don't want to miss out on the next 50% off sale.
yarngeekier wonders
14 years ago
which half EnablingOrange would buy... :-D
Orange Mikah
14 years ago
(LOL) (evilsmirk)
Wensleydale says
14 years ago
you've been hiding kilted male prostitutes? Aw man. I'd pitchfork ya just for holding out on us!
Paper Kitty
14 years ago
Kilted Male Prostitutes!!! Do You Need A Minion To Wrangle Them? (evil_grin)
entropicon says
14 years ago
missviolet - 'could care less' here's a message from the Queen ;-)
10kHElli says
14 years ago
No, entropicon, I could care less. There are things I definitely care less about, or I wouldn't have felt the need to clarify the mis-
14 years ago
14 years ago
couldn't, however, care less about things like flea populations in east tennessee, the price of milk in Boise, or Dancing with the Stars.
entropicon says
14 years ago
(LOL) don't blame me, 'twas our Queen ;-)
yarngeekier says
14 years ago
That was hilarious entropicon!!
yarngeekier says
14 years ago
And I just totally pictured missviolet in a false knit beard...
14 years ago
Oddly, some1 just posted a link on my f-list that says the opposite about the could/couldn't care less thing: www.bspcn.com/2010/08/25...
14 years ago
Now I will say neither of them, I'll just say "I don't care" (rofl)
entropicon says
14 years ago
sorry for plurkjacking a serious plurk (evilsmirk)
Kimberknit says
14 years ago
did I see something about kilted men?? I need one of those
HedgieLib says
14 years ago
and I wonder why I mostly stay out of the forums. Oh wait...no i don't
librariankate7578 says
14 years ago
Hedgielib: you and I both know forums and listservs are breeding ground for drama!
HedgieLib says
14 years ago
librariankate7578 what us? Noooooooo :-P
14 years ago
TwystedMagpie says
12 years ago
wow, and I thought the goth scene was bad. i seriously do not get what about you brings out those crazies! Granted I don't know you other
TwystedMagpie says
12 years ago
than the you that you portrayed on LnV and plurk so I don't know the whole story but the you that I heard seamed pretty fracking awesome
TwystedMagpie says
12 years ago
in my humble opinion. well that is likely it. People who don't have goals or can't achieve what they want tend to snipe those they wish to
TwystedMagpie says
12 years ago
be like. In fact I sort of fangirled about you just a little bit when I first started knitting. blush
Kalkette says
12 years ago
ugh! Stupid Drama Hounds! Somehow they think them stirring up trouble bring attention to them or something. (cozy)
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