eshyukie says
15 years ago
plurk seems to be very *meriah* now..we are like one big happy family!! lol..
latest #41
Anduril says
15 years ago
haha everyone suddenly talk a lot :-D (dance)
eshyukie says
15 years ago
haha..cuz all mhs-ians aer stress out due to
ChooN says
15 years ago
ding da banana dancing look like u
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
hahaha.. yaya.. all stress out.. haha.. hello shynn..
ChooN says
15 years ago
omg onn also here d..hey there onn..
SeanOng90 says
15 years ago
cherylyn hem says
15 years ago
shynn: U WENT JOGGING TODAY O NOT? i did. lol.
issimu says
15 years ago
NONO de lo.. we cant wake up..
cherylyn hem says
15 years ago
issimu says
15 years ago
next time u shud join us too
eshyukie says
15 years ago
paiseh,,,plurk until so big mana tau nvr go jogging
eshyukie says
15 years ago
lol..cuz we were tired ma..hehe..but we woke up at 6smtg in da morning d wo..
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
oh u all din go jog heh.. hahah.. i thought u all went.. haha..
eshyukie says
15 years ago
nola..haha next day la k..i scared tmr i cant wake up to attend sch man
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
hahah.. ok ok..
eshyukie says
15 years ago
jas n huiqwan r oso in plurk d!! yahoo!!
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
yaya.. i know i know.. eunice tak sampai sampai lagi.. sesat jalan edi she..haha
eshyukie says
15 years ago
oh yea heh!! tmr we go sch n drag her in!! (LOL)
Haru says
15 years ago
ya...just tell her darlynn is also here, she sure join one...hehe...
eshyukie says
15 years ago
waaa.. all of us call her in oso she nvr join..but use darlynn's name then she will join a?? haha
eshyukie says
15 years ago
oh yea ppl..where is our siok shen a?? she seems to ...
Haru says
15 years ago
maybe ah siok is busy wit her exam kua....
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
hahah.. e shynn dun need jealous la.. definately darlynn is dif in her eyes.. hehehehe..
eshyukie says
15 years ago
aiyo..then look at all of us la..we are da one supposed to be *serious* but we are
Haru says
15 years ago
hahaha....actually i feel really guilty for plurking when i'm supposed to be studying but too bad lah....can't resist all the fun here...
eshyukie says
15 years ago
same same *high 5*
Haru says
15 years ago
* high 5 back * :-D
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
haha.. right right.. but luah u afternoon pia edi rite.. so tonight relax a bit la..wont die wan.. haha
Haru says
15 years ago
pia 1 hour, watch tv....then read another hour....terus sleep d....hahaha....
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
hahaha.. at least 1+1.. got 2 hours edi.. not bad not bad.. i think i study less than tat.. haha
eshyukie says
15 years ago
aiyo..i oso didnt study ar today..tsk tsk
Haru says
15 years ago
u sure or not? i thought u went to jenna house to study?
eshyukie says
15 years ago
tomorrow everyone going to sch..last day to reunite ppl! haha
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
no la.. period pain ma so tak jadi go out la.. yaya.. tmr last day to really see everybody in sch. sob sob.. i will miss my frens man..
issimu says
15 years ago
gt so kelian or not? as if u really wont see us anymore..there's smth call outing right?
Haru says
15 years ago
ya...i will be going also...after tomorrow, when we meet again, is the BIG day d....*starting to feel scared liao...*
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
ya lor.. crazy man.. luah.. u dun make me kan cheong la.. sob sob..
Haru says
15 years ago
i not want to make u kan cheong....i sendiri also damn kan cheong k....typing here also menggigil d...
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
hahah.. sbar sabar.. tonight study.. we do marathon.. haha
kiramax says
15 years ago
that is the purpose i ask everyone to join plurk..
SeriousQ says
15 years ago
guys...big exams sure kan cheong la...go study la all of u!!! so naughty plurking here! hahah!
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