antruslim is
16 years ago
listening to Brilliant Green-Ash Like Snow.. "Everytime world change its state, things that I protect are destroyed"
chypee says
16 years ago
briliant green itu yg nyanyi there will be loved there bukan sih?ada lagu enak apa lg?
antruslim says
16 years ago
yep betul :-P hihi gw sih suka Ash Like Snow secara di video clip OP Gundam 00 keren... soal lagu yang lain gw ga tau cip
chypee says
16 years ago
mau a cari..... crunchyrolll....... :-)) dengerin yg there will be lov there de.. enak jg... ^^
chypee says
16 years ago
enakkkkkk... :-)
antruslim says
16 years ago
bagus kan... desho.. desho...:-P