Vivi is
14 years ago
bored at home.. not sure what to do.
latest #87
14 years ago
so decides to clean her whole house~... a few hours later, has finished inside and is weeding her garden in the front of her house~ watching
14 years ago
people walk by as she does so.
Seychelles is
14 years ago
returning home from the store with her hands full. She ends up tripping and falling, her groceries scattering about. "A-Ah!"
14 years ago
jumps at the sound and turns. "Oh!
14 years ago
" spots the girl who fell and stopped what she was doing to rush over. " are you okay?" she asked, helping her up, then began to gather up_
14 years ago
the goods.
Seychelles is
14 years ago
rather embarassed that someone saw her. "Désolé! I-I mean sorry and thank you! I am just fine..." She says as she dusts herself off. She_
14 years ago
Sure hoped her groceries were all right...
14 years ago
think's her groceries will be fine and helps load them up with a charming smile. " THere you go, no harm done.. I'm glad you're alright. The
14 years ago
sidewalks around here are terribly done.." she laughed a bit, wiping her forehead of sweat.
14 years ago
scrambles to pick up the groceries with the other woman and takes them back with a relieved smile. "Sorry to interupt you...I appreciate_
14 years ago
your help though!"
14 years ago
shakes her head. " Not at all~ they look heavy. Would you like some help carrying them?" Vivi asks. " I got nothing to do~"
14 years ago
smiles brightly. "Oh really?! That would be so much help! I live so far away, but I thought I would come take a look around out here!"
14 years ago
laughs a bit. " Probably would of been better if you did that before shopping, But nonetheless, give me something to hold for you and you_
14 years ago
lead the way, alright. " she smiled holding out her hands.
14 years ago
offers her the lighter stuff, still looking quite cheery despite the situation. "I came to look...I didn't expect to buy anything! But every
14 years ago
thing just looked so good!"
14 years ago
chuckles, taking the bags. " That happens to be all the time~ so don't feel bad~ Anyway, I'm Ly~ But everyone calls me Vivi... you're new_
14 years ago
around here, huh?"
14 years ago
nods. "Oui! I am Seychelles, but you may call me Sey~" She chirps happily, a slight spring in her walk. She liked meeting new people!
14 years ago
laughs. "that's a lovely name. It's sure nice to have another girl around here... men can be so Hormonal~"she winked.
14 years ago
tilts her head as she looks over to Ly. "Hm, I know what you mean...It is quite refreshing to see someone other than that eyebrow jerk and _
14 years ago
14 years ago
blinks, then laughs out loud. " Francis isn't a bad guy.. hes just.. welll..... French." she murmured, unable to explain any further.
Seychelles is
14 years ago
now very curious. "Oh, you know Francis? Well...he's not all bad I suppose...he did give me lots of stuff."
14 years ago
blinks." Is that so~ well he was missing his little.. daughter..? I think for a while.. maybe you look like her, hmm?"
14 years ago
seems touched at this. "O-oh my...well would this make us slightly related through Francis?" She tilts her head, appearing to be deep in
14 years ago
14 years ago
shrugs. "Well.. France did.. basically *badtouch* every country possible way back when, so I wouldn't doubt it~"
14 years ago
makes a face at that. "Tell me about it." She quickly moves on. "I never thought this sort of thing would happen coming out here~"
14 years ago
"nothing much to say really.. but.." and she goes on explaining how she had France and China invade her way back when.. and so on and so_
14 years ago
Seychelles feels
14 years ago
for her. She had a similar problem with France and England. "Hehe, maybe we're more alike than I thought~"
14 years ago
grins, nodding. " I guess so~"
14 years ago
brightens up at the sight of her house near the beach. "Oh! We are here! Thank you again...vivi?"
14 years ago
shakes her head. " No problem at all~ It was nice to meet you too Sey~"
14 years ago
looks thoughtful for a moment before speaking again. "Would you like to come in?"
14 years ago
blinks. "Are you sure..?" she wasn't expecting to be invited in~
14 years ago
smiles happily. "Sure! I like meeting new friends and this is the least I can do for your help!"
14 years ago
laughs a bit. " Well, alright~ Thank you!"
14 years ago
hums a bit as she opens the door and allows Ly to enter. "Can I help you to anything?"
14 years ago
"Well water would be fantastic thank you.." she carried the things into the house, gazing upon the attire of it.
14 years ago
's house seemed to be covered in lots of pastels and blue's. "Is that all? I can make you something to eat too if you're hungry!"
14 years ago
chuckles, setting the things in her kitchen. "Im alright, cute place you got here~"
14 years ago
goes about getting her a glass of water, and then starts putting her groceries away. "You think so? It's a bit small...but it's home!"
14 years ago
nods slowly, sipping. " It's cute! I like the colours, feels cool in here."
14 years ago
grins happily at the compliments. "Your house looked nice too. Your garden especially!"
14 years ago
smiles brightly. " You think so? it was a mess earlier~ Too much rain, but its coming around!"
14 years ago
nods enthusiastically. "Yeah! It is really coming along lovely. I would love to see it when it's in full glory."
14 years ago
probably not till next year then." she giggled, sipping more, leaning against the counter. "But you're welcome to see it, I have redone my_
14 years ago
backyard into a kind of.. yen like feel.."
14 years ago
sets out a small bowl of chocolates. "A yen feel?"
14 years ago
chuckles." Yeah, like a small pond with Koi fish,a waterfall with a small stream and rocks with sand~"
14 years ago
tries to imagine it. Her imagination makes it seem like some fairy tale. "Wow~! It sounds so pretty!"
14 years ago
laughs again. " Well its nice to relax in~ But it took enough time to make so relaxin in it is the reward."
14 years ago
glances out her window to her neglected garden. "I should really work on mine.."
14 years ago
looks over." Nothing wron with it! Just a take over grown, nothing a good cutting and weeding couldnt fix."
14 years ago
nods to her. "It has been a while since I've worked in it. I am admittedly, usually out on the beach fishing..."
14 years ago
"Well you gotta have fun sometime too huh? No harm in that~"
14 years ago
laughs a bit nervously and thinks that she may have a bit too much play time. "I suppose that is right.."
14 years ago
Sips the last of her Water and sets down the glass."Thank you for the water, but im sure you're tired, I'll leave you be~"
14 years ago
grabs her arm a bit suddenly, looking a bit worried. "No, no! I am enjoying your company! O-or do you have somewhere to be?"
14 years ago
blinks, smiling warmly. " Not at all~ I just don't want to keep bothering you, Im not too exciting.."
14 years ago
"You're not bothering me at all! I-In fact, I was a bit lonely."
14 years ago
lifts an eyebrow. " Now how could such a cute woman be lonely, Guy's should be lining up to bother you~"
14 years ago
blushes a bright red at her comment. "W-Well, I don't leave my island much at all."
14 years ago
giggled a bit, patting her hand that was still upon her arm. " Well that's alright~ I don't leave my place much either~.."
14 years ago
realizes that she is still clinging and releases her, slightly embarrassed. "It is very regretful. You are so nice!"
14 years ago
smiles. "Well Thank you~ I'm glad you think so~ I think you're very nice too Sey~"
14 years ago
beams at this. She was glad she had bought so much stuff! It allowed her to meet a new friend! "Oui~ Let's be friends from now on, okay?"
14 years ago
nods. "Of course~"
Seychelles thinks
14 years ago
giving her a gift is in order. She moves over to grab a beautiful seashell and presents it out to her. "A momento~"
14 years ago
blinks and takes the seashell. "Oh wow! This is so pretty!... really? I can have it?"
14 years ago
smiles widely. "It's all yours!"
14 years ago
smiles brightly. " Thank you~ I'll cherish it!"
Seychelles feels
14 years ago
quite happy today. Hopefully she could see more of vivi. "My beaches are full of them...maybe one day we can go look for more!"
14 years ago
nods. " I'd like that very much Sey~"
14 years ago
suddenly realizes she might seem a bit pushy.. "U-Um...If you want to and if you're not busy I mean."
14 years ago
grins and gives her a small wink. " Of course I'd want to.."
14 years ago
seems somewhat relieved. She hadn't meant to push anything onto her. She was just excited! "O-Okay! I'm happy to have you then."
14 years ago
laughs loudly. "Well good~ now, I'll let you be~ Im sure I will see you around. Feel free to come bug me anytime, alright?"
14 years ago
moves to open the door for her. "Please stop in anytime here as well. You're always welcome!"
14 years ago
bows a bit. " Thank you~, take care!"
14 years ago
smiles and waves happily. "You too! I look forward to seeing you again!"
14 years ago
nods and heads down the steps and turns the corner.
14 years ago
closes the door and feels content in the fact that she had made a new friend. She hopes to see her again soon.
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