14 years ago
Al Di Meola had a concert in Győr yesterday evening. I went to listen to it with my brother. :-)
latest #10
beekeeper57 says
14 years ago
It was a very interesting mixed style of jazz, classical and something else.
beekeeper57 says
14 years ago
I've never heard about him before. There was a "Wine festival" in my town. It took several days.
beekeeper57 says
14 years ago
I'm glad I could hear the concert.
beekeeper57 says
14 years ago
It took more than one and a half hour.
knocturn says
14 years ago
Great! Sounds like a kind of fusion music to me. I'm glad that you enjoyed the show. :-)
beekeeper57 says
14 years ago
I could only listen to it. It was in the open air on a square.
beekeeper57 says
14 years ago
There were a lot of people there and of course tall ones in front of me so I could see only the top frame of the stage.
beekeeper57 says
14 years ago
In fact the music was the important for me.Spanish was the third style. The mixture was very interesting. Guitars sounded very fine.
beekeeper57 says
14 years ago
Unfortunately people passed by all the time so you couldn't really focus on the performance.
beekeeper57 says
14 years ago
But it was a pleasure to listen to it in live.
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