What the hell have you been up to while I wasn't looking, you freak?
So Squalo hasn't said a word to you eh?
*laughs* I got caught in a bit of war in New York. Getting my coordination back as we speak.
Although, I already got most of my training from Reborn. I'm just... keeping my shounen heart burning! T^Tm
.... an idiot that runs the Cavallone family, just to remind you of things, Xanxus.
Mm, well. Your family, your shit to deal with.
Squalo has been oddly mum about you. Doesn't even react when I rib him on it. It's boring in bed.
Care to tell me what the hell happened this time?
blinks at the idea of ribbing. what is ribbing?
wonders 16 years ago
if that's like rimming but it's on the ribs.
can never really tell if Xanxus talks about something related to sex when it comes to verbs.
Ah well, Squalo did some home invasion recently. He got into Hibari's nerves and got to my nerves..
He could be feeling guilty about my fallout of sorts in New York. I was in coma for a good number of days, so I heard...
So yeah... it could be that. If it pertains to me, Xanxus.
Shark must be feeling like shit or something. You've always had that effect on him.
I never was able to beat it out of him. *smirk*
Well, I was special. What can you say? >w<
So I assume he's moping about it at work, eh? He visited me in New York but yeah -- I think you can imagine what happened there.
I can't, because I usually don't care. At all.
But now it looks like I have to, because it's having a direct bearing on my sex life.
*laughing* Sorry to cause such a big burden on your debauchery, Xanxus.
...You're not as sorry in as much as you're amused.
... I have nothing to be sorry about, Xanxus. He's the one who's wronged me, and in my head, he's already forgiven.
If his moping affects your sex life, well, I'm sorry my friend has got me in his head than you.
I didn't think I'd still have an effect on Squalo like that... *laughs*
You're the miss that missed, Cavallone. Squalo hates that sort of thing. *languidly*
...Hope you don't mind if I invite myself over to your place sometime. I miss your wine. And I want to watch your new boy.
He's... not as wild as he was back then. What did you do to him?
*blinks* hates what sort of thing?! I didn't get that.
I'd take you out on a drink rather than invite you over Xanxus. Fragile times for me and Hibachuu. Must handle with care.
thinking what Xanxus meant by wild. Like hair flipping wild?

Cannot imagine Squalo as the wild one in bed... like tiger wild?
Tell me first what "hates that sort of thing" mean? I asked first, Xanxus.
didn't think Xanxus would jump in on his troubles that fast.
Squalo hates having things to look back to regret because he's the sort of person that just charges on and eats whatever's in his way.
You're a bundle of regrets for him. So he hates it.
I see... I never saw it that way. I always thought he got past me. I mean, it was his choice, Xanxus...
Well, I guess I'd be sensitive about that next time. Don't want him crying in the middle of your bed or something.
Wah! Xanxus, you're really a scary guy. You probably wouldn't have slept with me back then. >A<
I am hurt that my ass was not to your liking. T3T I will drown my sorrows with a bottle of cabernet sauvignon '96 from my vineyard.
But I still want to meet your boy.
What do you want from him?

I find this very suspicious, Xanxus.
I'm not going to sleep with him, if that's what you're wondering.
Unless... you're afraid that HE'S going to want to sleep with ME? Because I wouldn't really mind. *smirk*
When that happens, you'll definitely have me as your enemy, Xanxus. I'm serious.
It's been a long time since I've seen your fangs come out, Cavallone.
Does he mean that much to you?
Hm. All the more reason for me to want to see him.
Must be a pretty amazing kid.
that any trash that's willing to step up and fight him without hesitating has got to be pretty amazing, actually.
Yeah. He's an amazing guy. He even got to my mother's good side. Sort of. TwT
very proud of Kyouya. >w<
You haven't answered me yet. You said "fragile".
Oh lookie! It's the afternoon already!! >w<
Don't think you're off the hook yet, Cavallone.
I can't be late for my date, Xanxus! >w<
I'm a man of my word.
baibai Xanxus. I'll see you when I'll see you~~! And err... tell Squalo that he's welcome to talk to me anytime.
I'm not your fucking marriage counselor. Do it yourself.