for details... what did she text & ask?
now that's dedication to the social media task
I was meant to see her yesterday - latest message was trying to get me out tonight. You will laugh if you knew what she asked
hehe yes. Actually think I am coming down with flu. Feel like crap.
hold on hold on... how do you know she tried?
good work
liako. Got the priorities right!
he is too young to hear it - can i block myself from this conversation from this point forward? plurk feature required
I want to laugh very very much and very very hard plzzz
sorry to hear about not feeling so well mate - i've had variations on the flu theme for 8 weeks *sigh*
Trust me, she wants to see me. Best if I don't repeat the messages. Although my mates pissed themselves laughing...
liako should send her a private msg thnx
its great when you know you've got the power right?
to know how I can reply to peope inline?!
if you click on 'plurk privacy options'
or do you mean send an @? @'s don't work the same as on twitter
liako should create a clique called sharing bad boy secrets of Sydney & include here & a few other key women plurkers on the details
matthooper damn! 8 weeks. I thought I had it bad when I had it for 4. Feel for yah!
yes a clique would be another option
How do I DM? I'll share one message that will make people laugh. For context, there have been another 50, but the one summarises it.
cheers rgiles - i've had bronchitis, a touch of pneumonia and whooping cough, which i'm still not over! Slowly on the improve though
below the mail plurk spot on left hit plurk privacy
that this should deifinitely be spread via a clique
matthooper I'm getting over chickenpox - between us we've had it all!
wow - that can be quite dangerous in adults, can't it? get well soon man
it has and I have the details and am not plurking & telling either
matthooper the dr gave me some wonder drug which has helped out a lot - I think I'm nearly over it ... but still aiming for the sympathy!
pneumonia is nasty. I had in when I was backpacking around Europe in 2005. I partied too hard on the Greek islands. True story!
liako many stories to tell from that holiday aye?
would like to point out that this conversation thread is now around 30 comments, in the space of about 10 minutes
matthooper Stories I have plenty
Good, bad, and ugly - and more to come I hope
liako yeah, I wasn't just dissing you the other day. I'm no longer contagious which is good ... at least not over Plurk
thankfully I think I'll avoid the complications like pneumonia, which I had in 2003 - that was terrible. I sound like a model of health huh!
geez you can get pneumonia from chicken pox?
how many other men would turn down a woman for plurking?
well.. i wouldn't turn my wife down, but plurk sure is addictive - i simply had to rush online after being out all day today
well, I follow the same approach as
matthooper - no way would I turn down my wife for Plurking. Tonight she made the decision for me tho'!
actually, my wife makes most of the decisions truth be told ... except the important ones which I toss a coin on
is so happy to hear you guys love your wives
sure - marriage is getting better for us with time - takes time to wear off the prickles mebbe?
yep you do have to work through a few things... all though I can't really talk I'm divorced....
it would be insanity not to. My wife is clearly insane to be with me but that's another story
remembered that his wife is out not with him so perhaps ... ??? No, we're very happy
eskimo_sparky lol yes - women can be so wonderfully accommodating of us blokes aye
kahunagirl I didn't know you were divorced. Sheesh, learning more about people on Plurk than twitter
liako conversational threading is great, yes
hm... I'm attempting open ness
for sure. I believe it's because conversations are SO much easier here and i find it easier to have a genuine convo
a convo here feels more natural and less clinical than twitter
plus the design of putting descriptions words creates more feeling here
kahunagirl yes - hard to put a finger on why, but you are right
it's coz of the way the threads are presented and because the darn thing actually works!
this is just like chat rooms.
liako much moreso yeah - almost realtime. I find it so much easier to be me over here
whats great is you can pick & choose your topics... where a chat room the most dominant chatters control the convo flow...
I find it hard not to be me to be honest
eskimo_sparky i guess i just find twitter a little more 'clinical', like kahunagirl said and so i can't be as free in my speach as here
yip, completely understand.
I still like Twitter though, just not so much this week.
i have been very peeved at twitter's outages this time around- critical mass of users is still there of course and networking opps are great
I use Twitter as a normal person but also for work. I'd like it to be less borked - it's v. frustrating.
yes - i have met some amazing people via twitter who i would never have connected with in a million years otherwise
playing on Plurk instead? poooor girl