Reuben will
14 years ago
be glad if he never sees paperwork again, after that tour. He (almost) missed Tri-Nations matches because of it!
latest #61
14 years ago
(( =D ))
14 years ago
ruffles his hair from behind.
14 years ago
|That'll be as close as you can get to a congratulations.
14 years ago
wasn't expecting that; he's not quite able to suppress a noise of surprise. It's not one he'll be likely to live down any time soon. He_
14 years ago
((Second thoughts, ignore that 'He_' *fails already*))
14 years ago
snorts, grinning widely. 'What was that Reubarb?'
Reuben is
14 years ago
well aware he's caught. He attempts to level a glare at Samuel, despite how glad he is to see the other. "Nothing," he manages, defensively.
14 years ago
saw him at the Tri-nation matches though! He grins, 'It didn't sound like nothing.'
14 years ago
isn't as successful at hiding his grin as he would like. He doesn't care over much, more than glad to see Samuel. "Funny that. It was."
14 years ago
grins some more, happy to see Reuben too. 'That's a shame... I might have liked it.'
Reuben is
14 years ago
caught between laughter and flushing, attempting to do neither. "More's the shame, since we'll never know," he manages, almost teasing.
14 years ago
sticks out his tongue, 'I'll just have to record you next time.'
14 years ago
blinks. He nudges Samuel in the ribs, more out of habit than intent, smiling. "Careful. You'll give the impression that I'm interesting."
14 years ago
smirks, rubbing the spot more out of habit than anything else. 'I wouldn't want to do that, would I?'
14 years ago
smiles crookedly, looking over. "Course not. Might get an ego." He drops his gaze, mumbling. Might be 'missed you' not that he'll admit it.
14 years ago
bops the other over the head affectionately. He missed the other two but he thinks he's already made_ that apparent. 'Yep, don't think you
14 years ago
could fit an even bigger ego on your islands.'
14 years ago
laughs, teasing back in turn. "That's rich coming from you. What do you even need half that landmass for, anyway?"
Christian says
14 years ago
, 'It's full of wonderful and unique scenery.'
Reuben will
14 years ago
just smile and nod. "Sure it is..." Though he can't *quite* bring himself to malign the scenery. He'll settle for implying it.
14 years ago
crosses his arms, huffing. 'Just because it isn't all green doesn't mean it isn't beautiful Reubarb pie.' Oooh, sore spot.
14 years ago
looks over at the other, trying to decide if the offense was enough to warrant an apology. He edges a little closer, deciding it was._
14 years ago
"Green can be just another bit of grass, when it's not home soil," he starts, awkward, before mumbling slightly, "I'd never say you were_
14 years ago
anything *but*." And, why, hello there, Freudian slip. It hasn't quite sunk in yet, though...
14 years ago
blushes a little before smirking. He uses the closer proximity to his advantage and stoops for a quick kiss, smirking afterwards, 'Thanks_
14 years ago
Reuby... I think you're a beaut too. Even if you're mostly covered in sheep.'
Reuben is
14 years ago
kinda dumbstruck. Did he just...? And, yes, he's blushing too, though he does manage the presence of mind to enjoy that kiss. And he does_
14 years ago
try to respond, only it comes out more like something that might unkindly, if honestly, be compared to a 'meep' before he turns away, a_
14 years ago
small, guilty smile forming on his lips.
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow at the 'meep' wrapping his arms around Reuben's waist. 'This would be so much easier if you had a bit of height to you_
14 years ago
Reuberu.' He rubs the small of his back, 'The awkwardness suits you though.' He's smiling brightly despite the blush, tilting his head to_
14 years ago
try and see Reuben's face.
14 years ago
manages a wry grin up at the other, despite the blush. "Well, I'm glad my idiocy amuses you," he manages, tentatively tracing his hands_
14 years ago
lightly up Samuel's arms. "And I *do* have a bit of height to me," he grimaces slightly, prodding the other's chest lightly. "You've just_
14 years ago
far too much." Grumbling, he's willing to admit to being a little unfair, but thinks it's a little deserved after that remark.
14 years ago
sticks out his tongue, 'I'm the height of an average, Australian male I'll have you know.' He pinches Reuben's bum, smirking all the while.
14 years ago
still thinks he's too tall. He almost manages an ill-thought jibe about overcompensation (that would doubtless have embarrassed him far more
14 years ago
more than Samuel) before he feels the other...And that takes him by surprise. There's an oddly familiar noise as he starts forward in an_
14 years ago
attempt to escape that hand, only to bring himself awkwardly flush against Samuel.
14 years ago
smirks against his hair, rubbing the small of the back and keeping him where he is. 'Ahh, there's that noise, he chimes, sounding pleased_
14 years ago
with himself.
14 years ago
hits his head against Samuel's chest a few times, though gently; he really needs to stop letting the other surprise him like that. "Not_
14 years ago
another word about it," he manages, harshness hopefully somewhat mellowed by the movement of his hands around Samuel's waist, thumbs_
14 years ago
brushing, gentle and repetitive, against his sides.
14 years ago
hums, amused. 'You'll have to shut me up,' He murmurs, obviously not deterred by the harshness. He does melt somewhat into the touch however
14 years ago
shoulders relaxing.
14 years ago
bites his lip, not quite managing to suppress a smile. "And however would I manage that?" he responds, wryly feigning ignorance even as one_
14 years ago
hand trails upwards to tangle in the hair at Samuel's neck.
14 years ago
turns a little red in the cheeks, hands coming to rest on Reuben's shoulder blades. 'Hmm, I can think of a few ways.'
14 years ago
grins, almost laughing with exhilaration. He teases the hair within his grasp momentarily, before exerting a little bit of encouraging
14 years ago
pressure, since he's a little disadvantaged for initiating. "Similarly," he mutters slightly, looking up at the other.
14 years ago
realises Reuben's predicament and manages a soft smile, eyes brimming with affection. He leans down to brush his nose against Reuben's,_
14 years ago
brushing his lips against his as he murmurs, 'Thankfully we're on the same page... occasionally.'
Reuben is
14 years ago
somewhat thankful for that; tackling Samuel from this position would be awkward and he's not entirely sure how well it would end. He savours
14 years ago
the contact, smiling against the other. "Sometimes,"he mumbles, before pressing a kiss forward, almost teasing light against Samuel.
14 years ago
briefly goes along with the light, teasing kiss before pressing his lips against Reuben a tad more forcefully, moving his lips against them.
14 years ago
hands slide down Reuben's back and somehow end in his back pockets... and no, that isn't a smirk Reuben might feel against his lips.
14 years ago
gladly presses back in kind. He moans slightly at the presence of the hands, *almost* surprised, before pressing his his hips tighter_
14 years ago
against Samuel's, gently nipping his bottom lip in response.
14 years ago
makes an odd sound in the back of his mouth, hands staying innocently where they are for the moment. It could almost be considered cute. He
14 years ago
pokes out his tongue at the nip, flicking Reuben's top lip. (And this is where you find out I'm inexperienced when it comes to these things)
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