( The first 5 words you see? >w>? )
[...crush, fool, malice, kick, none? Am I doing this right?]
( Yush c: XD and this is what this is all about: -
"Our psychological state allows us to see only what we want/need/feel to see at a particular time." )
( So Finny wants... to kick someone? owo )
[lust, see, fool, leave, flesh. ummmm. lol]
[I..wow. That makes me seem very mentally unhealthy then. xDD]
[all the words I'm finding after words go along with this too. Peep, feel, dream, mania. |8]
( ;w; Pfft XDDD I got Malice, Cut, Pee, Past and Secret. WHAAAT. |DDD;; FRANCE, YOURS ARE AWESOME )
{ see, crush, maniac, enigma, secrets. I spotted "orgia" which is port for "orgy". But in case that doesn't count, the sixth was suicide. }
{ ... but either orgia or suicide make me go "wth self". good job e_e }
( crush, passion, leave, man, rage, kick, follow, lust, dread, secret, fool, naked. ...>8| )
THAT WAS MORE THAN FIVE but nevermind ffffh _
(( Bail lust the see crush... hmm ))
( Suicide, scum, secret, malice, kiss. Hn. I need a poptart. )
( owo *gives Mattie a poptart* They really does taste too sweet sometimes *A* )
( I have a box of cherry ones. ;o;
( /only has the chocolate ones >w> )