KristineS says
15 years ago
Happy Election Day! Did you vote yet? I'm going after work.
latest #7
Blessed says
15 years ago
I'm going after mt data entry run... hopefully the lines aren't too bad!
15 years ago
yes I did!
AmyDoodle says
15 years ago
I'm going this afternoon. Hope the lines aren't too long.
rochambeau says
15 years ago
will be heading to the polling place after I get the kids off to school...
thehunterswife says
15 years ago
I voted! Waited in line for about an hour this morning at 6:15 (rock)
15 years ago
yes i have...good luck at your polling place
KristineS says
15 years ago
I'm hoping going around dinner hour will make the lines shorter. I'm not optimistic about that though.
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