Gilbert wants
14 years ago
to talk the hell is on the other end of this drunk-dial he's doing right now.
latest #442
14 years ago
can talk on the phone and eat at the same time. "Yo!"
14 years ago
can drink and talk on the phone at the same time. Perfect! "H-Hey! Who's *you* doin'?"
14 years ago
pulls his phone away from his ear for a moment, because he totally answered without checking the caller ID. "I'm good-" Hold on, he's taking
14 years ago
another bite of his burger. "'m jus' wa'shing-" Swallow. "TV. Dude, this burger I'm eating is *amazing*."
Gilbert thinks
14 years ago
for a minute whoever this is must be drunk too, since he's talking weird. He isn't even sure who he called. "Yeah? Wha'fuck you watchin'?-
14 years ago
I got...I got uh...that one show on with the fat guy and the angry kid with the Brit accent. ...burger. Haaah."
14 years ago
isn't drunk, but a beer probably would go well with this. Sam Adams, of course. "Whassa name of it? I'm watchin' Sou's Park." TH-sounds -
14 years ago
are impossible while trying to chew at the same time.
14 years ago
props his feet up on the coffee table, knocking bottles over and probably leaving spills that West will flip over tomorrow. "Uh...Family-
14 years ago
Dude somethin'. ...shit, there's a horse. South Park's good. Pretty funny shit. Hey. *Hey* man. D'you like Call of Duty?"
14 years ago
actually replies on a clear voice this time, since he just finished chugging half his bottle of coke just now. "Yeah! Dude, I kick ass on-
14 years ago
that game *every night*!"
14 years ago
14 years ago
sits up straight, sloshing booze out of his glass. "We gotta play on Live sometime then! *Shit*, I love that game! I mean I guess I-
14 years ago
shouldn't. But fuck! ...haha, that almost sounded like buttfuck. Wait. Oh. Yeah! We gotta play!"
14 years ago
snickers, but he also forgot he was eating again and ends up with a coughing fit. Brill. "Yeah, dude, anytime! If you're prepared to lose."
14 years ago
usually can't take anything serious when drunk, but this is gaming they're talking about. The very definition of serious business. "Psht-
14 years ago
yeah, right. I'll give ya hell, you watch. ...'ay, who th'fuck did I call?"
14 years ago
finishes the burger in hand and digs into the back beside them for another. "You mean you've been talking to me this whole time and you-
14 years ago
didn't know? Fuck you, dude. S'Alfred."
14 years ago
drains the last of his beer and tosses it into the pile of its friends, snickering. "Naw, fuck *you*. ...but if yer for real Alfred, you're
14 years ago
kinda too far away for that. I'm wasted, man. Lucky I know who *I* am right now."
14 years ago
doesn't respond for immediately; the television is an amazing thing...that is currently distracting him. "...What. No. No, *you*. I said it-
14 years ago
first. Anyway. You should get undrunk and come over here sometime then. There ain't any Wal*Marts there and everyone talks funny, so my-
14 years ago
place is better."
14 years ago
blinks, frowning, and hiccups. "Shit. Need 'nother beer. No, you! Why th'fuck would I need a wall mart? I don't need no fuckin' walls.-
14 years ago
You come out here an' I'll show ya what real beer tastes like. Ain't that watery Miller Coors Bud Lite shit pissbrew, baby."
14 years ago
straightens from his slouched position on his couch. "Whatever. My beer is great. They win those contest things." The tv just said so. -
14 years ago
"You're too far, anyway. And gas is really expensive right now!"
14 years ago
scoffs. "Your beer wins competitions in *your* country. So get on a fuckin' plane!"
14 years ago
"Nah, the commercial said somewhere else too! Like over there somewhere else. I think I have those flier mile maybe."
14 years ago
flings his arms up, spilling the last inch or so of booze in his glass all over the place. "Fuck maybe! Squeeze your ass into those tiny-
14 years ago
seats and get over here."
14 years ago
And if that isn't convincing enough: "Or. Orrr...I'm gonna spread rumors about ya on the internet."
14 years ago
clutches his phone tightly to his ear. You're talking serious shit now. "Like what. You better not. I'll...I'll kick your ass or somethin',-
14 years ago
man." But hey, that threat got him to shove wrappers off of his coffee table so he has a place to set his laptop to look up flight stuff.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
practically laying stretched between the coffee table and couch now. He just keeps sliding for some reason. "You gonna get your-
14 years ago
fuckin' ass on up here or I'll go on fuckin' *4chan* and it'll be *on*, dude. I'll put naked pictures of ya on /y/. Fuckin' hurry up-
14 years ago
before my buzz wears off, drag-ass."
14 years ago
's voice rises an octave. "You wouldn't! Y-you don't have any, anyhow. Are you planning on drinking during my flight, then?"
14 years ago
paws around the sea of bottles around the couch til he unearths a full bottle of something clear. He's too drunk to read the label-
14 years ago
though. "Mn, bet I know where to get some. Or I'll get ya smashed and take some while you're here. Th'fuck you waitin' on? Look'it, I'll-
14 years ago
buy your motherfuckin' plane ticket if it'll speed this shit up. I got 'bout a bottle left. You better be here before it's gone."
14 years ago
isn't going to turn down a free ticket. "Hurry up and pay for it then. I can tots get to the airport in half an hour. " He turns the-
14 years ago
television off and heads to his room to messily throw together an overnight bag.
Gilbert has
14 years ago
to get to his wallet first. This requires much rolling and fidgeting, so that when he finally gets the thing out, he's gone from the-
14 years ago
couch to the floor. "You gotta punch th'numbers in ya'self. Imma read 'em off to ya."
14 years ago
goes back to the living room and sits back on the couch so he can lean forward and type on his laptop. "'Kay, dude, I'm ready. Go for it."
14 years ago
rattles off the credit card number and that weird secret number on the back too, interrupting himself once or twice with hiccups. "How long
Gilbert is
14 years ago
it gonna take ya?"
14 years ago
types everything in, and kind of hoping no one minds if he gets himself a first-class seat. He's too tall to sit in coach! It cramps his -
14 years ago
legs. "It takes *hours*. You're probably better off sleeping this one off and getting drunk again. Or getting more booze."
Gilbert will
14 years ago
probably end up doing just that. The position he's in on the floor is very conducive to sleeping. But he has had so much that it's just-
14 years ago
as likely that he'll still be drunk when he wakes up, at least mildly so. He mumbles incoherently for a moment, then yawns. "Mn, you gonna
14 years ago
be a pussy and act all tired when you get here, or are you gonna man up and drink with me?
14 years ago
14 years ago
grabs anything else he thinks he needs and shoves it all into that bag and starts to make sure lights are turned off and whatnot. Inevitably
14 years ago
a few are missed, which he'll only realise when he returns home. "I'm always manly. So manly you won't be able to keep up with me."
14 years ago
rolls onto his stomach and pulls a half-empty bottle out from under the table. It's difficult to lay flat and drink, but you bet your ass-
14 years ago
he manages it. "Whatever, pussy. Hurry the fuck up."
Alfred has
14 years ago
made it to his car now and thrown his bag in the front seat. "I *am*. Heading to airport now. Jeeezus."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
just about to pass out anyway. Good luck understanding him slurring about calling when his plane lands, and the various other things he-
14 years ago
rattles off in a mix of languages.
14 years ago
doesn't attempt to understand him. He just answers everything with 'yeah' and hangs up a moment later. Everything involving the airport is-
14 years ago
routine and boring, as is the flight. Which takes a fucking *eternity*. But he manages to sleep some, and once he arrives and gets to-
14 years ago
customs, he remembers he doesn't speak the language. It's like retard English. With all those dots. Ughhhh. But he has sense enough to -
14 years ago
call Gilbert back now.
14 years ago
wouldn't hear his phone had he not fallen asleep with it cradled between his shoulder and ear. The Culcha Candela song nearly deafens him,-
14 years ago
but it also ensures that he's almost wide awake when he manages to answer it. "...ja."
Alfred is
14 years ago
standing still in the middle of the lobby like a complete idiot. "So...dude, I'm here. How am I getting to your place?"
Gilbert needs
14 years ago
a lot longer than a few seconds to figure out who he's talking to and what the hell he's talking *about*. Yeah, it takes awahile, but-
14 years ago
eventually he groans and rolls over, not surprised that the room still spins a bit around him. "Fuckin' cab. " Here, have his address.
14 years ago
doesn't have something to write down the address so he panics but he a moment later he thinks of typing it on the phone after saying a quick
14 years ago
goodbye. And after hailing a cab, he soon gets to the house and bangs on front door. Loudly.
14 years ago
doesn't know if Ludwig's home or not. He must not be - which is weird; he seems to be spending a lot of time out of the house here lately.-
14 years ago
since he doesn't come storming down the stairs shouting about idiots at the door. It's Gilbert that answers, amazingly fully dressed but-
14 years ago
still looking a bit rough, fresh bottle dangling from his fingers. "Took you long enough, fucker."
14 years ago
grins at him, then peeks inside, though he's still going to wait until Gilbert moves to actually step in. "Whatever, man. I'm always right -
14 years ago
on time."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes and turns back for the living room. Probably. He starts walking a direction, and the living room just happens to be-
14 years ago
the direction he slants towards. He has to catch himself once or twice on the wall before making it back to the couch too, via the-
14 years ago
path cut through all the empties. "Dunno what's left out here. There's more in the freezer. I think. Or we might hafta take a booze run.
14 years ago
14 years ago
follows after him and just sets his bag wherever. The living room's clearly trashed enough that it doesn't matter in his opinion. He plops-
14 years ago
down on the couch too and leans back. This is comfortable after the long flight. "That's cool. The store far from here?"
14 years ago
takes a drink and hangs onto the bottle, mouthing the top thoughtfully. "Mn, no. Walkin' distance. Had to find one close."
14 years ago
watches him for a moment, then looks around at the walls. "You don't drive? I thought all you guys were for driving. Fucking...Autobahn -
14 years ago
or whatever." Of course, that was completely butchered. He only knows the word from the VW commercials back home anyway.
Gilbert needs
14 years ago
a moment to respond to that, since he's gotten his tongue stuck in the top of the bottle. It pulls loose with a pop, leaving him with-
14 years ago
a slight lisp when he slurs out a response. "Naw. West won't lemme drive his car."
14 years ago
can't help but snicker when he sees that. "That sucks, dude. The only thing better than driving is flying a plane."
14 years ago
waves the bottle Alfred's direction. Booze is a great way to change subjects, right? Definitely. Of course he flew. His fuckin'-
14 years ago
Reichsmarschall controlled the Luftwaffe. They were goddamn...oh wait. Yeah, he mumbled that right out loud. Those are inside thoughts.-
14 years ago
Nevermind, here's alcohol.
14 years ago
stares at him like he's speaking some alien language. Well, aside from the words that were obviously German. But he's distracted when the-
14 years ago
bottle comes his way. Hey, awesome. He goes to drink some without looking at the label at all. After the coughing fit, he kinda wishes he-
14 years ago
had. What's the proof of that shit?
14 years ago
doesn't know, but he's pretty sure he could use it to create some wicked explosives if he really wanted to. He's gotta get his buzz back-
14 years ago
fast, and you've gotta catch up real fast.
14 years ago
can do that! He'll just hold into this bottle for as long as Gilbert allows him and keep doing shot-sized sips until he can't feel the -
14 years ago
burn down his throat anymore.
14 years ago
doesn't mind sharing that one, since Alfred's so damn sober. He stretches, grasping for the remote, wherever it went. "Oh. You smoke?"
14 years ago
continues working it down, not even getting the alcohol a chance to work through him. "Depends on what kinda smokin'."
14 years ago
watches him drink, half grinning with approval. And here he thought Alfred would puss out on him. "Ain't legal where you're from."
14 years ago
can handle his drinks decently back home, but American stuff tends to not be as potent. "Technically ain't legal for me to drink there too."
14 years ago
takes a larger drink from the bottle and passes it back.
14 years ago
blinks as he takes the bottle. "...was?"
14 years ago
waves his hand. "Based on my appearance and shit. 'Cause the drinkin' age is twenty-one. *I* didn't make that law..."
14 years ago
sort of follows this, but he's never had trouble getting alcohol, so it's sort of hard for him to grasp while he's drunk. "Oh. You don't-
14 years ago
have some kinda ID? ...I meant I got shit if you want it."
14 years ago
"I got an id, but if I can't get anything if I forget it somewhere." He shrugs. That was just his roundabout way of saying there are certain
14 years ago
laws he doesn't abide by, himself. "S'cool wit' me if you wanna."
14 years ago
thought about it a minute, but the longer he sits there, the less appetizing it sounds. "Maybe later."
14 years ago
simply nods and slouches back more. "Whacha been doin lately?"
14 years ago
holds up the bottle and snorts.
14 years ago
grins and looks up at the ceiling. "Lucky."
14 years ago
considers himself extremely lucky to not have responsibilities anymore. Yeah, he doesn't have a nation anymore and technically shouldn't
14 years ago
exist, but that means less paperwork! Hah! Hahaha...ha...yeah. Hello bottle. "It's fuckin' great, 'cept when West gets on my shit."
14 years ago
assumes that's some celebratory drinking right there. He holds his hand out, wanting a turn with it. "That's gotta be a drag. I ain't -
14 years ago
really got no one bossin' me 'cept boss. He's pretty chill sometimes so whatever."
14 years ago
tilts his head back against the couch and watches the television for a moment, eyes half-lidded. Going straight from a long nap to-
14 years ago
drinking again tends to make him sleepy. He'll get over it in a few minutes, just give him time. "Your boss, huh? I keep hearin' about-
14 years ago
your boss. Supposed to be some hotshot smoothtalker, but he isn't gettin' hot reviews here lately."
14 years ago
glances to the television, but since he doesn't understand what's being said, it holds no real interest. "It's all really complicated. But
14 years ago
not worth really talking about in detail. It'd totally kill your buzz."
14 years ago
nods. "Your fuckin' right it would. Shit, thanks for bein' so fuckin' thoughtful. You wanna go through my porn stash?"
14 years ago
's face reddens a little and he directs his gaze to the television. "What, um, kinda porn you got?"
14 years ago
doesn't notice and shrugs. He's too desensitized in general to really notice if his terrible behavior and manners bother people these days.-
14 years ago
"Damn near every kind you can think of, between me an' West."
14 years ago
finds this easier to talk about if he keeps looking at the television. "Oh. I have...Playboy and Penthouse." At least, that's what he-
14 years ago
keeps in somewhat obvious places in his bedroom. Just in case someone he would prefer not to see certain things ends up snooping.
14 years ago
's head rolls to the side, chin resting on his shoulder as he blinks at Alread. "Thas' it? Well fuck, I got that shit. Plain ol'-
14 years ago
skinrags, yeah. got 'em if you're into pussy like that."
14 years ago
fidgets a bit. This conversation is killing whatever buzz he was starting to get. "Well, that's kinda what 'm supposed to like...yanno? I-
14 years ago
do got other stuff, it's just..." Not widely accepted enough for him to be really open.
14 years ago
doesn't realize it or particularly care what Alfred's tastes are. He figures he'll find out of the guy gets really drunk anyway. Who fucking
14 years ago
cares anyway. "S'cool. Whatever." Even better. He doesn't have to give his porn away.
Alfred is
14 years ago
quiet for a moment before he's distracted himself. "I want more of...that." He grabs at the bottle.
14 years ago
shoves the bottle at him. He's gone right on back into that near-delirious drunk state by this point anyway. It's probably better that-
14 years ago
Alfred keep the fucking thing so he doesn't finish the rest of it and black out.
Alfred will
14 years ago
hold the bottle close and drink at it until he can't feel anything. The way he keeps at it, that won't take long.
14 years ago
puts his feet back up on the coffee table and burps. "...I should clean up." And then snickers.
14 years ago
leans against the armrest. "Don't your brother do that?"
14 years ago
nods. "But if he comes home 'an all this shit is fuckin'...fuckin' 'splosion all over the living room, he'll have a bitchfit an'-
14 years ago
I won't be able to walk for a couple days. *Again*. Fuckin' 'nnoyin'."
Alfred is
14 years ago
assuming he only means fighting. "But like, if he comes when you're sober, you could hold your own." He remembers how strong you were...are.
14 years ago
squints at him oddly. "I hold my own just fine no matter what. There just ain't much I can do tied up."
14 years ago
doesn't get it. "You cain't put up a fair fight when you're tied up. Why would he do that?"
14 years ago
smirks. "Punishment. His way."
14 years ago
"....Like what?"
14 years ago
turns around so he's leaning against the couch arm, legs pulled up onto the couch. It's easier to animate this with his hands like that.-
14 years ago
"Like first he gets pissed and smacks me around. Then when I don't go all puss, he ties me up and sometimes he uses stuff on me. Other-
14 years ago
times he just does shit to drive me crazy. Fuckin' torture, man."
14 years ago
still doesn't get it. Mostly because he's not taking it the right way at all. But the expression he's making should make it obvious how-
14 years ago
confused he is. "Oh. That's...not cool?"
14 years ago
should nod and agree, but he's shaking his head instead. This is just such a commonplace thing in their house that it seems totally normal-
14 years ago
"No, it's cool. It's *really* cool. It hurts like a sonofabitch, but that's the fuckin' point. That and gettin' fucked afterward. Ain't-
14 years ago
much of a punishment, 'f'ya ask me."
14 years ago
goes a little scarlet hearing that, because he definitely gets it when it's explained this way. "O-oh. That's...nice, dude." He's going to -
14 years ago
watch the television now.
14 years ago
agrees! It's more than nice, actually, ignoring the chafed-ass feeling.
14 years ago
wouldn't know to ask. But at least he can be distracted enough that he'll forget about this...enlightenment for a while. "Wha's'is show?"
14 years ago
decides that now is a fantastic time to light up a cigarette. This might lead to something else later, but it's just something to do with-
14 years ago
his hands for the moment. "Uh...Bad Girls Club."
14 years ago
watches this for a moment, either not noticing or caring that Gilbert's smoking. "You watch girlie shit like this?"
14 years ago
really likes these cigarettes; they're a spearmint menthol sort of thing. "
14 years ago
Shit, you see that bitch pop the other one? These bitches fight like men."
14 years ago
does find the fighting rather entertaining. "That one right there is like. Fucking crazy."
14 years ago
exhales toward the ceiling. "I know! A bunch of 'em have tattoos too. Fuckin' hot."
14 years ago
"I saw them on that one chick a sec ago, but not the others yet." He'll be watching more closely now.
14 years ago
"They walk around naked a lot. You'll see 'em."
14 years ago
doesn't have to wait that long to see that. And he's just a bit distracted *staring*, even if so much is blurred out.
14 years ago
concentrates on his cigarette for now, only glancing over at Alfred after some other sort of fight. "Like it, huh?"
14 years ago
nods a fraction later. "Yeah. Ain't bad."
14 years ago
"I like 'at Lea bitch."
14 years ago
"She's pretty chill. That blond don't seem that bad."
14 years ago
ashes his cigarette into one of the empty beer bottles. "Not yet. These bitches self-destruct by the end of the fuckin' season."
14 years ago
"Kinda like Big Brother but different?"
14 years ago
shrugs. "Never watched Big Brother."
14 years ago
"Oh. I kinda got bored with it. There's like fourteen million seasons now."
14 years ago
grunts as he snuffs the cigarette out. "You people have too many fuckin' shows."
14 years ago
"Nauh. Never such a thing as too many!"
14 years ago
"Then keep drinkin', pussy."
14 years ago
forgot he had the bottle still, so he'll get to doing that. "'m not a pussy."
14 years ago
"Are too. Fuckin' pussy."
14 years ago
"Am not. Nutin' like one."
14 years ago
goes for another cigarette, but there's a joint in his pack too, so naturally that's where his fingers land. It takes longer to light up-
14 years ago
than a cigarette though. "Fuckin' vagpussy, can't hold your booze."
14 years ago
isn't paying attention to what's being lit up. Getting more of whatever this is into his mouth is. "Fuck you. I can' handre it."
14 years ago
holds his first hit in as long as he can, ghosting it so that when he finally answers, there isn't even a wisp of smoke. "You can't even-
14 years ago
pronounce handle, dick."
14 years ago
"You got a weird accent when you talk."
14 years ago
"Didn't stop ya from understandin' the word pussy, pussy."
14 years ago
finishes off whatever's left in the bottle. "I told you I ain't a pussy."
14 years ago
grins, smoke leaking through the expression. "Whatever you say, badass."
14 years ago
"Damn right whatever I say. This is empty now." He holds the bottle up in a loose grip.
14 years ago
glances at the bottle and lifts a shoulder, shrugging. "Make yourself at home and go check the fuckin' freezer."
14 years ago
manages to get to his feet after a moment and grips the back of the couch. "Where's the kitchen?"
14 years ago
throws his arm up and points off somewhere behind the couch. That general direction, boy, channel Columbus.
14 years ago
eventually makes it to the kitchen by following the walls and grabs the first bottle he sees in the freezer before returning.
14 years ago
locates the remote in the meantime to change channels. He isn't interested in that crazy fucking hair-scapade.
14 years ago
plops down on the couch and focuses on trying to get the bottle open. He doesn't care about the tv just yet.
14 years ago
isn't sure what they're watching anyway. He's just flipping channels, attention primarily on the weed.
14 years ago
drinks from the bottle once he gets the lid off. That took a lot of effort, really, so he's not distracted from that just yet.
14 years ago
really thinks everyone's fair game, especially when he's drunk. And he uses certain things as bait now and then. And yes, he does-
14 years ago
primarily only think about sex sometimes. Can't tell that just by looking at his grin though. Hopefully. "You want a shotgun?"
14 years ago
actually didn't hear him well enough to know what Gilbert said. Too busy drinking and squinting at the television. But rather than asking-
14 years ago
what he said, he acts like he understood all along and shrugs. "I guess."
14 years ago
promptly leans over to give him one. He leans over Alfred's lap, one hand on the couch beside his thigh for support. Obviously he has to-
14 years ago
get near to touching lips with him for this to work.
14 years ago
would have known what was going on had he heard, so he doesn't react quickly at all. Actually, the moment he opens his mouth to ask what-
14 years ago
he's doing, it's far too late to do anything to stop it.
Gilbert hopes
14 years ago
he handles this better than other people who've done it. The last few people cough it right back in his face. For Chrisssake's, it's not-
14 years ago
like it's cigarette smoke. Yeah, maybe he sits there like that a little too long too. "Good?"
14 years ago
hasn't done this before but he at least sucks the smoke in and holds it for a long moment, then leans back to slowly let it out. He hasn't-
14 years ago
realised that constitutes as a kiss in a way, otherwise he's be acting very awkwardly right now.
14 years ago
14 years ago
pats his cheek and goes back over to his side. "Glad you didn't puss out."
14 years ago
looks around for that bottle that he seemed to have disappeared for a moment. "Told ya I ain't a pussy."
14 years ago
shrugs. "Okay. You're not a pussy. You're a bitch."
14 years ago
"..What. I am not. I ain't no girl.
14 years ago
14 years ago
finishes more than half the joint and sets it in the ashtray. "No. Still a bitch."
14 years ago
frowns a fraction, but only"Why?" momentarily.
14 years ago
whoa, gj keyboard]
14 years ago
*but only momentarily. "Why?"
14 years ago
really hasn't thought this through. He just enjoys getting people riled up. Evidently it isn't working. "...'cause you aren't a pussy."
14 years ago
tosses a throw pillow at him. "Whatever, dude. I ain't. You are."
14 years ago
bats the pillow away and flips him off. "Part time. You're always a bitch."
14 years ago
"Na-uh. You don't know that."
14 years ago
"Do too. I got a thing for that kinda...thing. Gaydar."
14 years ago
takes a big gulp from the newly acquired bottel. "You're fucking wrong, dude."
14 years ago
"Am not. I'm never wrong about this shit."
14 years ago
would feel inclined to prove him wrong, but he's too comfortable here.
14 years ago
flips to one of the late-night movie stations still showing cheesy porn. He stays for a minute then moves on to another. "Fuck 'at-
14 years ago
romance shit."
14 years ago
looks around to see if there's any snacks. "Ya don' like it?" He doesn't really, either.
14 years ago
doesn't have anything in here, but there's plenty in the kitchen. God help you if you spill anything in there. "Fuck no. Man, you-
14 years ago
fuckin' tell somebody somethin' an'' don't matter. Or it does. But nothin''s the same, y'know? *Y'know*?"
Alfred will
14 years ago
get the sense to look there soon. But for now he squints at him. "Nah...I dunno. Maybe ya should do something to change it yerself?"
14 years ago
throws his hands up, accidentally sending the remote sailing. "Well fuck man, I *tried*! I made it pretty fuckin' obvsivious...ob...that."
14 years ago
doesn't notice until it collides with whatever. "Maybe ya need to do somethin'...knight in shining armourly." Dunno; he simply-
14 years ago
watched Shrek again yesterday. "An' be heroic and shit. Save 'er from running out of beer." This somehow sounds like a good idea.
14 years ago
kicks bottles off the coffee table and sinks lower on the couch. "Ain't a bitch, man. That shit doesn't work so well on dudes. 'specially if
14 years ago
they've been knights in shiny shit before." This is mostly Prussia talking to himself. Enjoy.
14 years ago
isn't going to ask who. "That sucks dude. I dunno know what to tell ya. Maybe ya needta just talk to 'im again?"
14 years ago
snorts. "I don't need to talk about shit. I'm just gonna keep gettin' laid like he does all the fuckin' time. Yeah. Fuck. I'm hungry."
14 years ago
doesn't know what to say to that. "Uh...have fun with that. I'm hungry too." He tries getting off the couch to get food.
Gilbert thinks
14 years ago
he's doing a better job trying than what he personally could do just *thinking* about trying. "Get me food."
14 years ago
"I ain't your maid." But he heads to the kitchen anyway. Fucking Pringles and Oreos sound awesome right now. Though whatever he-
14 years ago
comes back with depends upon whatever snack foods he finds in the kitchen. He plops down in the middle of the couch rather than where-
14 years ago
he was sitting on the end, and tosses a bag of whatever in Gilbert's lap.
14 years ago
*wishes* there were fucking Pringles and Oreos in that fucking kitchen. If Alfred found his stash, he probably came back with chips.-
14 years ago
If *Ludwig* got to it first, he'd have found some kind of healthy bullshit in its place. "West never keeps any good shit in the house."
Alfred needs
14 years ago
unhealthy snacks to survive. He'd've brought his whole pantry if he knew. "Why don't you hide it in your room or something?"
14 years ago
snickers. "Cause I'll forget it's there and West will flip a bitch when he finds it.."
14 years ago
half nods in response and digs into the snacks. He can't really taste them either way if it's gross healthy stuff.
14 years ago
"I'll hafeta send you a twinkie carepackage."
14 years ago
hasn't ever had a Twinkie. Bot
14 years ago
Not the kind Alfred's talking about. "...a carepackage? I got all the twink videos I need man. Ugh. Fuck. Are you fuckin' drunk yet? I
14 years ago
think i'm fuckin' drunk." Get any of that through all the slurring? "We need to go out."
14 years ago
doesn't get half of that. He slouches back again and drinks some more. "Yeah. Where we gonna go?"
14 years ago
flops his arms, shrugging. "Dont fuckin' know, man! But we gotta get out of here. It's all...whatever. Killing my groove here. Oppressing.
14 years ago
...haha, help help, I'm bein' repressed! You ever see that movie?"
14 years ago
shrugs. "Can't remember if I have right now, man." He tries standing again, but he's so offbalance he might accidentally fall on Gilbert.
14 years ago
hasn't made any effort to get off the couch yet. In fact, he's yawning at the moment, so he isn't paying attention to whatever Alfred's-
14 years ago
Alfred is
14 years ago
going to try his best to stay on his feet, since he'd completely crush Gilbert, but he ultimately fails and struggles to get back up.
14 years ago
would say something, but he's kind of squishing him. It's pretty fucking funny though.
14 years ago
pushes himself off and rolls onto the floor between the coffee table and couch. "Sorry."
14 years ago
leans over to look at him, still laughing. "Fuckin' graceful. Like a big goddamn swan."
14 years ago
swats at him. "'Course I am. Shaddup."
14 years ago
nudges him in the shoulder with his boot. "Hey, while you're down there, get on your knees and help a guy out." He snorts, only half-
14 years ago
serious, since this guy doesn't give off any bromo-overtones.
14 years ago
smacks at his leg for that. He gets the innuendo, but he'll other than that smack he'll act otherwise. "No need. I could prolly pull ya-
14 years ago
to your feet if ya wanna stand so bad."
14 years ago
shoves at him again. "You're fuckin' thick, man. Any beer down there?"
14 years ago
sits up and leans against the coffee table and pushes at his legs. "Whuteva. 'n I didn't see any."
14 years ago
watches him with amusement. "Wha'fuck you tryin' to do?"
14 years ago
"I dunno." That doesn't stop him from keeping at it until he somehow causes the coffee table to scoot back and yet again offset his balance.
14 years ago
tries to grab at him to keep him from hitting his stupid head. He fails pretty terribly and ends up flopping right off the couch into the-
14 years ago
floor as well.
14 years ago
hits the back of his head on the coffee table anyway and rolls onto his side while rubbing the impact spot. "That kinda hurt."
14 years ago
found a beer bottle with a little left in it and gets to drinking that. "Pussy."
14 years ago
looks around for a moment before forcing himself back to a sitting position to reach for the bottle left on the couch. "Dunno why you-
14 years ago
keep saying that. Ain't got one."
14 years ago
sits up - or at least tries to. Cracking his head on the underside of the table puts a stop to that pretty quick and puts him flat on the-
14 years ago
floor, swearing.
14 years ago
snickers, as if he didn't just hit his head on that thing, and nudges him. "You okay?"
14 years ago
rolls onto his back, rubbing his head. "Shit, I'm fine. Not some sissy bitch like you." ...that kind of stung a little. Probably would-
14 years ago
have hurt a lot more if he were sober enough to feel it.
14 years ago
upturns the bottle to drink some more. "Whatever, man. I'm fucking *tough*. Kicking Commie as since...since...whenever." Thinking too hard -
14 years ago
hurts at the moment.
14 years ago
inches his way out from under the table to sit up and swipe that bottle. "Bullshit. I could take your ass in a fight, no problem."
Alfred will
14 years ago
let him have the bottle in a mo--now. He can stand going without it, so it's fine for now. "No fucking way. I could beat you blindfolded."
14 years ago
tilts the bottle up for a long drink. He wipes his mouth and laughs. "Ya think so? I got a fuckin' blindfold, 'f'yer feelin' bold."
14 years ago
can't turn down a challenge like that. And he's confident enough that he thinks he can still hold his own like that. "Bring it."
14 years ago
blinks, trying to remember just where there's anything that'll work as a blindfold. He has to resort to crawling halfway across the living-
14 years ago
room before he can get on his feet and to the closet. But there was one of Ludwig's black ties in there, so that's what he comes stumbling-
14 years ago
back with and thrusts at Alfred. "Use that."
14 years ago
watches Gilbert for a moment, then scoots the coffee table all the way over so it's against the tv to avoid further head trauma. After, he -
14 years ago
gets to his feet and snatches for the tie and secures his over his eyes. He even positions it where he can't see out of the edges. See, he-
14 years ago
plays fair.
Gilbert has
14 years ago
to lean heavily against the arm of the couch, but he does manage to stay upright while he waits. He even takes a step away and faces him-
14 years ago
once it appears Alfred's finished. "C'mon. First shot, big man."
Alfred has
14 years ago
an even harder time standing up with the blindfold on. But even though he's swaying, he still tries taking a shot at him. He figures if he-
14 years ago
falls over without his fist colliding with anything, he missed.
14 years ago
only occasionally fights fair and would have sidestepped that attempted blow entirely. He actually tries to, but the alcohol and drug has-
14 years ago
slowed his coordination down so much that he doesn't move fast enough and takes the punch, stumbling from the force. Once he gets his feet-
14 years ago
back under him, he'll just try returning the gesture.
14 years ago
nearly falls over after landing that blow, but nearly isn't actually doing it. See, he can handle this. Up until Gilbert's fist collides-
14 years ago
with his face. He couldn't very well block that, and ends up stumbling back and inevitably falling over.
14 years ago
isn't going to give him time to get up on his own. He'll just drag Alfred up by the front of his shirt and set him on his feet again.-
14 years ago
"Thought you said you could take me, pussy?"
14 years ago
grabs at Gilbert's wrist and eventually his upper arm in as firm a grip as he can manage. "I can." And since he knows where he is, he'll try
14 years ago
aiming for a punch to the gut.
14 years ago
doubles forward with an '*oof*', almost smacking his chin against Alfred's shoulder. Winding him successfully shuts up the shittalker in-
14 years ago
him for at least another few minutes, so all he can do is try to jam a fist into his ribs.
14 years ago
Alfred is
14 years ago
put off by that enough that he'll end up causing them both to fall if Gilbert can't support them both. That doesn't stop him from trying to
14 years ago
land another hit on him.
Gilbert was
14 years ago
doing well to hold himself upright. He can't manage the both of them, so falling and Alfred's hit are enough to catch him up for a moment.
14 years ago
rolls off of Gilbert and lays flat on his back for a moment. He keeps the blindfold off, even though he knows he's liable to give Gilbert-
14 years ago
a free shot.
14 years ago
just gives him a good solid kick in the hip.
14 years ago
curses and rolls onto his side for a moment before trying to kick. Slightly in the wrong direction.
14 years ago
rolls...somewhere. Something hurts, so maybe it was in the direction of Alfred's foot; maybe it was in the direction of the table. Either-
14 years ago
way, he ends up flat on his stomach, cheek against the cool floor. "You suck at drunk fightin'."
14 years ago
takes the blindfold off now and turns to face Gilbert. "Whatever. I was blindfolded and I still owned you."
14 years ago
flips him off. "Keep that shit on. You look better."
14 years ago
tosses it at his face. "Fuck you, dude. Cain't make me."
14 years ago
doesn't bother trying to toss it back or anything. The floor's pretty nice; the room tends to spin when he gets upright. "Fuck yourself."
Alfred is
14 years ago
relaxed enough that he's not thinking about what he's saying at all and just laughs. "Not doing that in front of you."
14 years ago
rolls onto his back and spins the tie around his finger. Which...promptly makes him dizzy. "Chicken."
14 years ago
watches the tie for a moment. "Am not."
14 years ago
"Are too. Don't worry, I won't laugh if you're small."
14 years ago
frowns at him. "I'm not small." He's inclined to unbuttoning his pants to show him, but his hands lack the coordination right now.
14 years ago
blinks at him. Or somewhere near him; everything's a little blurry right now. "Uh huh, yeah. Can't be. Heroes aren't *small*."
Alfred feels
14 years ago
his masculinity and heroism is at stake here, so he tries tugging at his jeans once he gives up on the button. "Damn straight."
14 years ago
folds his arms behind his head and just watches, amused. "Quit wastin' time, damn."
14 years ago
"I ain't wasting time. These pants are jus' bein' difficult." And there it goes, down to his thighs so can slide his hand under his shorts.
14 years ago
grins and nods towards the television. "You need some encouragment?"
14 years ago
hasn't ever done this in front of someone, but he's too drunk to care at the moment. "Yeah. Jus' don' put in nasty shit."
14 years ago
gets up on his hands and knees and crawls over to the cabinet under the television. Whatever he picks is pretty docile compared to all the-
14 years ago
other videos they have around. But there ya go, man. Porn happenin'.
Alfred is
14 years ago
going to pretend that Gilbert isn't there while he watches the porn and strokes himself. But look, see, it's not small.
14 years ago
sees that very well. No, it's definitely not small. It's so not small he might sort of bite his lip and pay more attention to Alfred -
14 years ago
instead of the movie.
14 years ago
doesn't mind this simply because he doesn't notice, just like he doesn't notice that he's being a little vocal too.
14 years ago
lets him continue just because that is one fucking pretty sight. Finally letting go of his abused lower lip, he shifts and clears his-
14 years ago
throat. "Hey, pussy. Why don't you fuckin' come over here and I'll really let you win a round."
14 years ago
turns over on his side to face Gilbert with his hand still on his cock. "Yeah? What's my prize for winning?"
14 years ago
pauses with his pants half unzipped, blearily staring at him. Then he grins. "You can come on my face."
14 years ago
blinks, and opens his mouth to speak but is a bit too shocked to reply at first. "I can what..." The idea of that is actually...really hot.
14 years ago
jerks his pants down, kicks them away and leans back on his hands, legs spread. "I *said* you can fuckin' come on my face. You can fuck-
14 years ago
me, jerk off on me, whatever, as long as it goes right. *here*." Right where he's pointing on his cheek.
14 years ago
sits up and watches him, with his jaw hanging a bit. Not because of him being turned on by this; he's not surprised about that, it's what-
14 years ago
he heard him say that gets him. He scoots over a bit, to Gilbert's side but doesn't do anything yet, other than reaching over to touch-
14 years ago
his cheek for whatever reason. "Right there. Okay."
14 years ago
turns his head immediately, taking two of his fingers into his mouth to suck.
14 years ago
closes his eyes and focuses on the sensation, blatantly reminiscent to something else. "H-hey. I want you to do this to my dick." His face-
Alfred is
14 years ago
red, partially from saying that in such an awkward way.
14 years ago
lets go of his fingers and slides down. It's pretty ungraceful, but it does get him to Alfred's lap the fastest. He looks up at him as he-
14 years ago
spits on the tip of his cock, fist using this as lube to stroke him. "What d'you want me to do to it?"
14 years ago
watches him and bites this inside of his cheek to prevent himself from making any sounds that at the moment seem embarrassing. "Suck."
14 years ago
snickers and obliges - sort of. He doesn't suck at first but works him with lips and tongue. It's a little sloppy considering how drunk he
Gilbert is
14 years ago
, but that doesn't make it bad. Just....wetter.
14 years ago
doesn't mind this at all. Especially when he honestly isn't sure the last time this has happened. He sets his hand on Gilbert's head but-
14 years ago
tries to refrain from pushing his head down.
14 years ago
could handle it if he did but he's trying to make sure he does a good job. No teeth, sucking so hard now and then his cheeks cave, yeah-
14 years ago
he's really going out on on Alfred's cock, topping his rises with a light half-spiral of his fist.
14 years ago
could easily get off soon the way this is going, with as drunks and inexperienced as he is. He tugs on Gilbert's hair, without even thinking
14 years ago
to try asking if that's even okay. "F-fuck..."
14 years ago
pulls up and takes over with his hand, looking up at him with a smirk.
14 years ago
swallows thickly and pats his head." ...You're good at this, huh."
14 years ago
would lean up and kiss him, but Al seems kind of iffy on all this in the first place. Just a grin and careful wrist flick then. "Yep. Real
14 years ago
good. Way I see it, if ya don't like suckin' dick, there's no way you're gonna give good head. An' I fuckin' love it. So what, what d'you
14 years ago
wanna do? You want me to bring ya off like this?"
14 years ago
probably wouldn't mind it so much at this point. He's too caught up in this now to really be able to think. "If you did, what would you-
14 years ago
do about yourself?"
14 years ago
almost snorts. He just manages to catch himself only by licking him. No way this guy's a virgin, but he sure as he'll acts like it. Sorta-
14 years ago
cute. He shrugs. "Jerk off, if you don't wanna recip...ress...uh. Give back." Fuck big words this drunk.
14 years ago
sits there for but a moment before pushing Gilbert onto his back and crawling over him, head facing crotch. What he lacks in talent-
14 years ago
he'll make up for with enthusiasm.
14 years ago
*is* laughing now, but out of surprise, not meanness. "Well goddamn, Al."
14 years ago
would mumble a response, but at this point he's already got the head of Gilbert's cock in his mouth.
14 years ago
goes to grab his head but stops because that...that curl thing. And oh god, it is fucking *impossible* to resist that after he sees it. If
14 years ago
it works like the Italies' curls, it *has* to be messed with, even while he's getting some pretty fucking decent head. So he touches it.-
14 years ago
Well. More like grabs it in a handful of Alfred's hair.
14 years ago
's ahoge really does nothing for him, but he does have a sensitive scalp, so the moment his hair is grabbed, he moans, still with Gilbert's-
14 years ago
cock in his mouth. Cue his cheeks burning when he realises he did that, and a sharp suck as an effort to focus himself on the task at hand.
14 years ago
...Or in mouth, rather. Whatever.
14 years ago
isn't sure what exactly caused that, but he doesn't give a fuck. If pulling hair makes Alfred do *that* with his mouth, he's going to do=
14 years ago
it at least once more and a little harder. "Aw, fuck, man."
14 years ago
tries choking back another moan and sucks harder. He moves down a little farther down. He can manage sucking without using his teeth, but-
14 years ago
he doesn't do this enough to be able to go all the way down without choking.
14 years ago
won't crit him for not being able to deepthroat; this is fucking great as it is. He'll just pull again - not as hard - to get Alfred to-
14 years ago
bob his head faster, stupidly trying to not force him too far down while his hips come up.
14 years ago
bobs his head a little faster; he's not completely oblivious. But after a moment, he pulls back completely to trail his tongue over the -
14 years ago
underside of his cock.
14 years ago
hisses through his teeth when the air hits the spit on his cock; this and Alfred's tongue makes his skin tingle, right on up his belly and-
14 years ago
even down his fucking balls. "*Fuck*, you're good. Goddamn fuckin' bitch, you like suckin' me off, don't you?"
14 years ago
doesn't isn't sure how to react to dirty talk, though he does feel a bit of an ego boost with the compliment. He sucks again, this time on a
14 years ago
spot near the base of his cock. "I...guess so."
14 years ago
whacks him in the side of the head, really without thinking. At least it isn't too hard of a hit. "You fuckin' *guess so*, y-you're..
14 years ago're fuckin' right you do." His shit-talking usually has no direction other than to rile his partner up. It's just muttering and-
14 years ago
swearing until he gets extremely turned on and closer to getting off.
14 years ago
groans a little. It didn't hurt really hurt though. He sucks harder at that same spot, so much that he ends up inadvertently nipping him. -
14 years ago
He moves a father down to pay attention to another spot. "Yeah. I like it. Fuckin' *love* it." See, he can somewhat get into this kind of-
14 years ago
14 years ago
grins at the ceiling. Fast learner. "You suck dick like a fuckin' pro, man. You're gonna fuckin' make me come like that."
14 years ago
looks up at him and sucks at the head again. "You can, uh, come on my face if you want." Since he was offered... (I thought I posted /: )
Gilbert is
14 years ago
going to here in a minute anyway, with or without invitation. That's pretty hot though, so he slips his hand down to take over, quick
14 years ago
and hard. "Open your fuckin' mouth."
14 years ago
pulls back slightly so his face isn't in the way and so he has a better view of watching. Soundlessly, he opens his mouth.
14 years ago
really gets into it when he jerks off. This shaking and squirming around, this isn't him putting on a show for Alfred. He's thoroughly
14 years ago
enjoying his own hands, pumping his cock and rubbing lower as well. Just...just another second...
14 years ago
's jaw drops as he watches. He's so...not drooling. That's just him forgetting to swallow. Uh. Yeah, he likes watching this *a lot*.
14 years ago
's arm would be cramping by now of he weren't so practiced at this. He opens his eyes just to make sure he isn't going to shoot in Alfred's
14 years ago
eye then, in another few fast strokes,
14 years ago
his hips buck up and he he gives a short, loud groan as he comes. Part in Alfred's mouth, part on his chin, even a bit running down over his
14 years ago
fingers as he strokes and squeezes through the orgasm.
14 years ago
's first instinct may have been to spit, but instead he swallows and keeps his eyes fixated on Gilbert and leans back, wiping his chin with-
14 years ago
the back of his hand.
14 years ago
saw that, and you bet your ass he's going to remember what Alfred looked like swallowing a load next time he jacks off. He needs just-
14 years ago
another second though; he's still shaking a little, still coming down from that.
14 years ago
leans against the back of the couch, breathing heavily. He's still watching Gilbert, though at the moment he has nothing to say.
14 years ago
tugs his pants back up and sits up to reverse their positions and help Alfred get off too, hopefully just as awesomely as he did.
Alfred is
14 years ago
worked up enough that it doesn't take him long to get off. And really, just look at his face. It should be obvious how much he enjoys this.
14 years ago
*is* looking,you bet your ass he is. Speaking of ass, about the time he's pulling back to make sure Alfred gets his face, Gilbert's sort of-
14 years ago
regretting not fucking him instead. If he looks like this just from a blowjob...holy shit, man. "Fuckin' sexy."
14 years ago
grins a little lopsidedly through his panting. He isn't thinking at all now, so don't judge too harshly when he leans over to lick-
14 years ago
that off of Gilbert's face. And from there it's easier to just lay down rather than try sitting back up.
14 years ago
stares at him, mouth slack. Yeah, that just about made up his mind. He wipes his mouth and faceplants the floor. "Just so y'know
14 years ago
time we get drunk, I wanna fuck you."
14 years ago
goes a little pink and looks up at the ceiling. "'f'ya get me fucked up like this again I'll prolly let ya."
14 years ago
shrugs. What can he say; he's a man of opportunity. "Ain't no *prolly*. I'll get ya so fucked up on the good shit you'll forget how to say
14 years ago
14 years ago
...actually doesn't mind the idea of that. Uh. Awkward. "Whatev' ya say, man."
14 years ago
rubs his nose then lets his arm flop back to the ground. He's just about had it for the night; getting off has him tired on top of drunk.-
14 years ago
"Mn...mhm...ja, y'can take th'...the couch...f'ya want."
14 years ago
blinks up at the ceiling and yawns. "'m too comfy here. S'anks though." He'll fall asleep here soon anyway.
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