Annyka asks
14 years ago
who uses Twitter for their SL news? Me, I find it to be an unusable quagmire of one-way conversations, but the kids seem to be into it
latest #11
14 years ago
Well it seems like everyone i actually want to talk to is on plurk... if i wanted to know what Jay Leno had for breakfast i'd tweet
Annyka says
14 years ago
i dont like Twitter cuz you cant really discuss anything on it. It just seems like lots of people talking AT each other instead of TO each
Annyka says
14 years ago
Milla says
14 years ago
I use Twitter for RL and plurk for SL -- but I have to say, plurk is so much better for actual convos
Mmw Strangelove
14 years ago
I feel the same as you. Twitter feels shouty and impossible to follow. I only go there to see if my husband will be on from work.
14 years ago
There are some applications that make twitter a bit more centralized, like HootSuite.
14 years ago
doesn't use it much, but Ran uses it a lot to follow and spread Game of Thrones news.
Scarp Godenot
14 years ago
Specialized twitter groups that people make seem to have interesting stuff on them... I'm a recent twitter joiner.
Dot? Dot!
14 years ago
I don't understand twitter
Scarp Godenot
14 years ago
BTW, add me! ha ha ha
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