Airtsua says
14 years ago
If they killed the guy sooner, they will say why not negotiate first? If they negotiate first, they ask why not kill the guy sooner? So sad
latest #11
Airtsua says
14 years ago
from Jackie Chan...
Airtsua says
14 years ago
as in?
Airtsua says
14 years ago
he just try to say, nothing to be blame about what happen... It also happen even in HK...
ahhhh si JC tlga nagsabi?????????????????????????
Airtsua says
14 years ago
Airtsua says
14 years ago
Humans should be united and not kill or hate each other.. he also said...
tinkerbell says
14 years ago
i (heart) jaki chan
Airtsua says
14 years ago
lheila: Me too... he's a real hero...
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