what a sad day for me got to work on my BD when I suppose to be off~!!!! :-( (annoyed) X-((angry)
latest #56
cat_ro: Thks ^^
i'm a dork
14 years ago
its your birthday? happy birthday
palakaibigangbulate: Yup..........& Thks.............. (tears)
| 宮崎☆猿 |
14 years ago
what is the BD?
zax8704: (doh) (brokenheart) :-o :-( (tears)My BirtghDAY~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm a dork
14 years ago
www.plurk.com/YuKiKo_L your from hongkong arent you?
palakaibigangbulate: haha ya why ^^
i'm a dork
14 years ago
hmmm about the incident that happened, i feel sad on what hongkong citizens holding grudges all over the internet about our country :-(
I see.......not your fault. To you are still nice people so to say..every country has their black n whites or gray no ones perfact
if because of one person doing wrong and bring the whole nation down its not fair. Don't hate the people or even him try to understand why..
ok if his osama then lets bomb him JK...come on y paint the country black because of 1 man, anywhere this also can happen,
n he din mean to target the HK ppl it just happen to be their bus, his not a terrorist who pretarget or plan it..his stress n unsound
i'm a dork
14 years ago
yes :-( i just get frustrated to a HK citizen that has a picture of burning our national flag :-( kinda disgrace to us. :-(
Its just wrong place, at the wrong time. The only thing wrong is they should not publizise it live world wide
i'm a dork
14 years ago
yes he he didnt plan that he'll hostage a bus full of HK citizens :-(
letting him know where the snipers are come on his a cop he knows it at the back of his hands
the police works an ways
ok there some nut officers who are corroupted, n taking pictures at the sence
so mean...haz...all I know is it all about politics an money over there must pray hard for them
i'm a dork
14 years ago
we admit that our police have lack of equipments and training and media is kinda annoying to show what and where the snipers are :-(
its ok just hope they learn from all of us do. Its not time to blame anyone but time to reflact for themselfs what he or she did wrong
an to comfort those who lost their love one or even those who are left with none
like this lady her husband and 2 daughters 21 n 14 yrs dead in oneday, left the only son fighting for his life.
it hurts to watch it life on CNN n not able to help. Watch as familys protact their love ones watch as they bleed to death
watch them watching us as we see them die. Its not holliwood its live n it hurts
i'm a dork
14 years ago
it does, i just wish this arguement ends :-(
yup but all we can do now is pray as we cant do much also. Maybe God has a purpose
i'm a dork
14 years ago
yes yes, >_< thanks your a real human being :-( you understand everyones pain :-(
Welcome. Maybe am ET after all...Aw...come here (cozy) don't cry already ok..
i'm a dork
14 years ago
i shouldnt its your birthday we should celebrate :-)
palakaibigangbulate: O~!! ok lets go ^^ am alone now anyway haz...n friends...someone told me todays not important...
i'm a dork
14 years ago
eh? every birthday is special, the only thing that sucks about birthday is your a year older D:
Tell my so called frens that, they even call to quarrel with me...I am so pissed off now n crying
i'm a dork
14 years ago
awww if they made you cry in this day well their not your real friends. dont cry
I wish n know but they do that almost every year, maybe to avoid celebrating for me, why cant they say so I don need it.
I am use to be alone use to it. I hate my life They have never really celebrated for me only know how to fight with me.
i'm a dork
14 years ago
come on cheer up, look at the brightside you dont have to treat them today (LOL)
I know I have a temper too.
I hate them they are always right
n I am always wrong
i'm a dork
14 years ago
awww dont mind them, if you continue blaming your self that your wrong youll feel bad about yourself, start thinking positively :-)
I will try "SOBZ"
i'm a dork
14 years ago
hehehe smile :-)
i'm a dork
14 years ago
awww dont cryyyyy
so sweet of your the only one talking to me now...
i'm a dork
14 years ago
atleast your not alone :-)
yer......ok "sniff" I just realise am hungry I forgot to eat the whole day
thks for been here
| 宮崎☆猿 |
14 years ago
OH!I thought BD stands for "blu-ray disc" haha!
zax8704: haha... thks ah~!!!! =_="
| 宮崎☆猿 |
14 years ago
anyway,happy bd oh~
zax8704: 謝謝 (cozy)
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