Emily翁 says
13 years ago
Accompaning with little cosin doing summer homework,I was sad because she didnot study hard. (tears)
latest #8
oh航 says
13 years ago
許 祐 群 says
13 years ago
oh航 says
13 years ago
難怪= ="
Fish~ says
13 years ago
糟糕的力綺 says
13 years ago
丹青從貓咪變熊熊 says
13 years ago
How old is he or she?
尋愛覓情 says
13 years ago
Don’t be so sad. I think you need more patience or better ways to make him consecrate on his studies.
尋愛覓情 says
13 years ago
After all, the more you try hard to convince him, the more chance he will obedient to you.
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