sighs. "What are you doing, aru?" The Russian is such a handful.
mutters something to himself. "Hiding!" He may or may not be slightly shaking.
curious. "From Belarus, aru? Is she coming?" He didn't hear anything about this.
nods. "I-I haven't seen her in..." He can't remember now, but that's not normal!
where Ivan heard of this news. "If she's coming, then we should prepare, aru!" His house was messy and he didn't have food ready!
shakes his head. "I don't know if she's coming! I heard a noise!" He does expect her to barge through the door any minute though.
pauses, listening attentively. He doesn't hear anything. "You're imagining things, aru."
still isn't coming out. He insists Belarus is here!
sighs, and goes to check the front door. He comes back soon, insisting Belarus is NOT there.
insists she IS there he just didn't look hard enough! He shall continue hiding.
huffs. "If she does come, aru, then I expect you to behave yourself and act hospitable!" He didn't want his house to get a bad reputation.
glares just a little. "If she comes here she'll be locked out, da?" It wasn't a question, but a statement.
won't listen to that nonsense. "That would be rude, aru!" He's known for being friendly to guests.
shakes his head. "Not rude, logical."
sighs. "She's your sister, aru. You should be nicer to her."
he wouldn't be saying the same if he had a sister like Belarus.
would like to think that he would.
grabs him under the table. "You will *not* let her in, da?" He doesn't care if he's being rude at this point.
doesn't show that the move surprises him. "I do not want her to think badly of me by refusing to let her in, aru. But if you want to hide,
then you are free to do so." He would still rather Russia face his sister, though.
glares and takes him by the collar. "You will *not* let her in." Hiding wouldn't work with his sister... and he wasn't afraid to use force--
to convince China to not let her in
frowns, pulling himself away. Rude, ungrateful young nations! "Violence doesn't solve things often, aru," he says calmly, drawing on years
of experience. "Why don't you talk with your sister?" It could work, unlikely as it may seem.
frowns. He is tempted to push him at this point. "I don't want to hurt her... So I will just avoid her, da?" he says softly.
holds Russia's gaze levelly. At this point, he would like Russia to leave, but it would be too rude to just say so. "You don't have to hurt
her, aru." A family full of violence was no family at all.
didn't think that China understood. He didn't mean hurt physically, but emotionally wise. "If I talk to her, it will hurt her!" There--
wasn't a way to avoid that.
pauses, just realizing what Russia had meant. "That may be true, aru, but you can't let her think what she thinks forever. It would only
hurt her more in the end, aru." She would eventually move on, anyway. Time healed most wounds..
shakes his head. "It is better this way..." he insists. He doesn't want to have to face his sister.
sighs, seeing that Russia wasn't listening to him. "Fine, aru. This can't go on forever!" Russia would eventually have to deal with Belarus.
"Good then." It was better she not get let in if she came here anyway. Now to go back to hiding.
stares at Russia, who seems to be planning to stay under the table. He crawls out and stands, stretching. "Are you still hearing those
noises, aru?" Russia had to realize that his imagination was just being overworked.
listens closely, pausing a few moments before hearing a bump come from outside. He jumps and hits his head on the table, cursing under his--
him a curious look, sure that the bump was an animal of some sort. They tended to like his secluded house.
curls back under the table again ;o;
sighs. This was his dining table! It was a miracle Russia could fit under it at all, but he would feel wrong setting food on it with
another nation hiding underneath. "Will you come out if I confirm Belarus is not near, aru?"
does feel a little scrunched, but there are no other dining places! China needed a taller table. "...Maybe." It had to be really good
takes that as a 'yes.' He begins checking every corner of the room thoroughly, even peering out the windows and checking the ceiling. "No
may or may not believe he checked all those places since he was under the table the whole time.
waits for Russia to come out. When it's apparent that the other nation is not planning to do such a thing, he sighs a long sigh and goes to
search every other room in the house, and then outside too, all the while thinking how ridiculous this was.
waits for him to come back. He knows he must be wrong, because he keeps hearing noises!
eventually comes back, looking distinctly unfazed as if he had seen no Belarus. "There was a cat outside skulking around, aru." That could
have been the cause of the sounds Russia was hearing.
blinks at him and scoots a little back into his hiding place. "Are you sure?"