14 years ago
heard there is this foxy lady who wants his... Bad Romans?
latest #69
Tino thinks
14 years ago
GaGa should take all of the Romans. :T
14 years ago
won't mind if she wants to join his empire! He's seen painti-- ah, no, they're called photos? -- of her and she's one fine lady!
14 years ago
would tap that. Or just steal her clothes. |8
Nero thinks
14 years ago
she wears some rather, ah... Revealing clothes. Not that he minds 8D!
Heracles is
14 years ago
one of her background dancers in the music video fo Alejandro.
Francis loves
14 years ago
her clothes. Mon dieu, there's this one leather outfit she has that he'd look fabulous in.
Tino is
14 years ago
just..,.going to quickly slip out of this conversation.
Nero is
14 years ago
interested! Ah.. Wait, you look familiar, young man! Rome wonders if he is related to lady Greece? And haah, that seems interesting, though
14 years ago
he would rather keep his toga!
14 years ago
{ fdbsglf /finds it difficult using so many exclamation marks }
14 years ago
mama Greece and him are said to look alike. She often spoke of a Rome.
Nero says
14 years ago
that is hi-- wait, wait whoa whoa. Did she say good or bad things about that Rome, hmm?
14 years ago
shrugs. Both really. "When she was happy good. But there were a few times she called you the basterd child of the fertility god Priapus."
14 years ago
... isn't sure whether to feel happy or disappointed, but in the end he is kind of an idiot. "Ah, wonderful!" He rather misses mama Greece!
14 years ago
blinks. "You like being called the son of the whore penis god? well mama did say you were weird."
14 years ago
shakes his head. "No, no! I like that your dearest mama spoke nice things of me~" Obviously he's better than one of her gods. >:I
14 years ago
scoffs. "That she did. What was with the thumping?" Please, Greek gods could best a Roman god.
14 years ago
crosses his arms. "Well, people will come to accept how great the Roman Empire is!" He'll just bask in his glory now, thank you. :I What was
14 years ago
that about Greek gods? Ah, not as good as Roman gods, of course~
14 years ago
's eyebrow twitches. "Mama was right. You are a moron. I doubt youre as good in bed as she said either."
14 years ago
... Ouch, that one was a burn, kiddo. "A moron?" He laughs. "Well, if that means I'm amazing, of course! And of course I am, your mother-
14 years ago
dearest wouldn't lie about that!" ... Just like she didn't lie about him being a moron, as you can tell.
14 years ago
shrugs. "Till you prove it, I'll keep saying how bad you and your gods are. I bet you cant kiss great."
14 years ago
laughs in a somewhat amused fashion, reaching over to ruffle Heracles' hair. "Well of course I can! How can you even doubt, hmm~?"
Heracles gives
14 years ago
him a bored and sleepy look. "Because you're retarded."
14 years ago
's face falls, oh wow, mama taught you well, huh. "Ah- you're no fun! I should have raised you myself!" And made an awful job, yeah right.
14 years ago
notices. "Hey I didnt mean to sound so harsh." He awkwardly claps Rome's shoulder. Man this guy was built.
14 years ago
had many years to build up and get in shape, you know! "Ahh, it's alright!" He grins. "Of course I won't be let down by that!"
14 years ago
grins back. "Well then you're a super retard." He feels his biceps. "No wonder Mama slept with you."
14 years ago
very much appreciates this attention, though he is a bit of a derp, so apologies in advance. "Hah, well. There's no reason for her not to!"
14 years ago
shrugs. "Then again Mama and I had very similar tastes. She taught me alot." He smirks and moves closer in Rome's personal space.
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow. Personal space? What's that? "Oh did she, hmm?"
14 years ago
sleepily nods. "Yup. Maybe even you would like to find out." He places a hand on Rome's chest and grins.
14 years ago
, like the idiot that he is, just grins in response to that. "Hah, perhaps I would!"
14 years ago
hooks his arms up around his neck. "It's a surprise. Still want to know?"
14 years ago
tugs him close, tilting his head slightly. "I love surprises, kid."
14 years ago
scowls. "You and Turkey both love calling me that I swear..."He cuts himself off and attacks Rome's lips as his mama had told him how too.
14 years ago
(omg his mama sounds cool. I wish mine would be as cools as her :3)
14 years ago
{ mine is cooler :U but his mama is definitely cool <33 }
14 years ago
(pft he is a 2d character so that makes your real life one cool by being real)
14 years ago
{ yess, I suppose that makes sense <3 }
14 years ago
merely shrugs in response and oh, he remembers a certain lovely lady who liked to do just that~ So expect him to reciprocate. What about him
14 years ago
not being a good kisser again?
14 years ago
regrets saying that, yeah. He presses up into it, liking the way he tasted, felt...damn he was messed up.
14 years ago
But Mama would forgive him, wouldn't she? She taught him it was okay to take fun like this.
14 years ago
doesn't expect to hear anything about regret, really! He knows how to have fun (unlike that traitor of a bodyguard, germania >:I ), so this
14 years ago
isn't really unnatural to him or anything. He does pull him closer now, bent on deepening that kiss and prove him wrong. :I
14 years ago
leans back too far, which unknown to him, his mama did alot too. He flails slightly and turns bright red as he almost falls.
Heracles needs
14 years ago
to stop doing that, but damn he has a weak back. He claws at Rome to stay up.
14 years ago
wraps an arm aound his lower back, leaving the other further up to help support his weight - he truly reminds her of mama Greece and he
14 years ago
can't help but to chuckle a bit in
14 years ago
response, though he doesn't mean to mock him or anything.
14 years ago
sags slightly in relief. It'd be embarassing to fall down. He breaks away from the kiss to breathe heavily. He rolls his eyes and says
14 years ago
"Fine I take it back. You can kiss good. But I bet you still suck in bed."
14 years ago
laughs, a deep, rich laugh. "Still doubtful?" He looks somewhat smug. "You would be surprised."
14 years ago
( /flees to get some sleep~ <3 )
14 years ago
scowls. "You don't have to be so smug about it." He leans back and smirks. "Prove it." (FLY, FLY!)
14 years ago
[I lol'd so much when I saw this plurk lolololll]
14 years ago
{ :"D }
14 years ago
simply shrugs. "It's not called being smug if it's the truth!" He pauses, mirroring his smirk. "What would your mama say, hmm?"
14 years ago
keeps the smirk up. "Mama would approve. Unless you really do suck in bed."
14 years ago
leans in close, looking like the smug bastard he is. "Well, you seem pretty bent on making quick judgements. Maybe I really should prove
14 years ago
it to ya."
14 years ago
"Stop being a douchebag and do something. Otherwise you're boring me and I'll see somone who's better."
14 years ago
snorts. "Impatient, eh?" Grope, grope. He's just being himself though. :I "Thought Greece would've taught you better, hmm..."
14 years ago
"She taught me to take what I want. Mama was all for it." slides hands onto his ass.
14 years ago
's hands are roaming because he wants to feel this nice body that's practically being offered to him. =u= "Ahh, that she was! Such a fine
14 years ago
lady, she was."
14 years ago
flinches then purrs as one hand grazes his cock. He smirks and grabs Rome's crotch and leaves the hand there.
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