九海 ☆
13 years ago
papa, here )
latest #31
13 years ago
so, i told I want to EXPO... today is Sunday, so day after tomorrow i'll know have I Chinese visa or not (which would be very sad ><)
九海 ☆
13 years ago
errr..i dont recommand u to go now orz..tooo many ppl orzzz
13 years ago
lol mama, i think it's silly - to be in SH when EXPO and don't go... ^^
九海 ☆
13 years ago
i feel i have sauna today....totally bath in sweat..and there's ppl and pll and ppl....it's horrible to line for hours orz
13 years ago
and if to go not at weekend - maybe therewill be no so many people
九海 ☆
13 years ago
basically there r around 400000 ppl everyday in August....
13 years ago
lol we'll see what will be at September then! ^^
九海 ☆
13 years ago
today over 480000, yesterday was 563800……never go at Sat..
九海 ☆
13 years ago
uh huh )
九海 ☆
13 years ago
oh i went to russia pavilion today..and receive a little present - national flag ) heard it is national flag day?
13 years ago
hahaha.... i told, i think more about usual day, not weekend ><
13 years ago
da, today it's National Flag day
九海 ☆
13 years ago
seems my mom pick a good day lool
13 years ago
oh, about flag as well... i wanted to ask. mama, if you want some special souvenirs, then tell me now.
13 years ago
it's not every day, when good places with real good souvenirs (not for rich silly foreigners) work...
13 years ago
lol glad for your mom! )))
九海 ☆
13 years ago
mmmm..let me think lol tel u tommorrow?
13 years ago
ok^^ (why i think about Matryoshka doll?) loooool
九海 ☆
13 years ago
九海 ☆
13 years ago
i think that will be expensive?
13 years ago
depends on...
九海 ☆
13 years ago
i dont need too expensive things ;-)
13 years ago
lol i understand ^^ but as I told many times, mama, not all good things are expensive >.<
13 years ago
13 years ago
and it'll be very sad, if you'll remember something when I'll not be able to buy it already ))
九海 ☆
13 years ago
13 years ago
hahaha... another funny face )) what it means? ^^
九海 ☆
13 years ago
big mouth lol
九海 ☆
13 years ago
oh, i should sleep now >< work tommorrow ><
13 years ago
yeah )) good night, mama (heart)
九海 ☆
13 years ago
night (wave)
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