春奈 中丸 shares
14 years ago
latest #25
春奈 中丸
14 years ago
I'm so CRAVING for something like this ç____
14 years ago
I wanna something more ero-ero xDDD I won't mind if he shows... at least a part of his skinny ass
14 years ago
14 years ago
-sorry for perverting-
春奈 中丸
14 years ago
I LOVE his butt XD
春奈 中丸
14 years ago
and the more he shows the more I'll be happy <3
14 years ago
ueeee hahahaha we're so latin xD
14 years ago
I won't mind if he showed EVERYTHING xD
春奈 中丸
14 years ago
I'll JUST BE HAPPY!! and YEAH! so latinXDXD I loved Koki's perf this year! so damn HOT!!! AAAAAH!! can't stop drooling!! >_<
14 years ago
hahahaha ;___; I couldn't see obviously because there is no fancam about it ¬¬
14 years ago
but I'm craving for the DVD *_*
14 years ago
I'd like the performance w/ girl dancers but... I'll permit any other option XD
春奈 中丸
14 years ago
I saqw it twice but I'm craving for it too, cause it was so damn hot!
春奈 中丸
14 years ago
and Koki and maru held hands <3
春奈 中丸
14 years ago
yes I'm a TaNaka freaker gomen >.<
14 years ago
hahahaha I'm not really into pairs but I understand people do ^^ I prefer Maru w/ tons of girls XDDD
春奈 中丸
14 years ago
LOL Prefer him with koki cause I can't be jealous of Koki since I love him too right after yucchi ^^
14 years ago
I'm not jelous at all around Yuichi XDD on the contrary if he enjoys, I enjoy XDDD, yeah it's weird
春奈 中丸
14 years ago
I'll be just happy if he finds a nice girl who can truly love him <3
14 years ago
yeah that too, but I think it's just normal if he fools around a bit... he's cho kakkoi
春奈 中丸
14 years ago
lol but he's soo shy ne lol so cute <3
14 years ago
so cute so cute~~~I love him being shy XDD but I have the feeling he is skillfull around girls thanks to that xD
春奈 中丸
14 years ago
uhm u think? lol I just hope nobody will break his heart! U_U
14 years ago
nahhh he's too cute ^^
14 years ago
why not~!!! (haha) (heart_beat)
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