jstapfy is
13 years ago
getting ready to pick up the hubby's truck from the body shop... deer damage is repaired... finally a 2 vehicle family again :-D
latest #8
kayboogie says
13 years ago
jstapfy says
13 years ago
you can say that again!!! (dance)
kayboogie says
13 years ago
how much damage did the deer do?
jstapfy says
13 years ago
Ddaisy says
13 years ago
Ddaisy says
13 years ago
We drove a '74 Pontiac Catalina for a while - called it the tank. Hubs came home one day and said "I think I hit a deer."
Ddaisy says
13 years ago
"You think? You don't know?"
Ddaisy says
13 years ago
The vehicle was so solid that the only evidence was a little fur in the rust spots. Strange, but true.
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