I post 2 comments in a row
and all of a sudden it's spamming
they're like whoa stop right there you're flooding the system
plurk is cutting down on spam crime
i'm waiting for the plurk version of Chris Hansen to pop out
rofl i'm waiting for him to come to your house
and ask me where all the little 14 year old girls I've badtouched are
I mean I was planning on letting them out later
they have plenty of food in my basement to keep them for a few days
Plus that's where the ps2 is SO
i will expose your secret
but they like it in my basement
don't take them away from me ;;
they only like it when you're not around
only if i can join except don't bad touch me
i just want to play your ps2
if you let me do that your secret is safe with me
but only if you bring that sexy 360 and Vesperia with you
when i actually get vesperia
he's right up there with those delicious 14 year old girls
i just looked in my wallet and i only have like $40 because i kept spending it
i will just ask my mom for cash money
she owes me like $10 anyway
omg i can charge interest fees
i've needed that money for like five weeks, $5/week so
somehow i don't think that'd fly
she once owed me $50 so i was like
you owe me interest now, too
and she didn't give me the money for like 6 weeks
but she lowered the interest to like $2
and i was like cheapskate
she was like stfu whore i pay for you
lmao my dad still owes me and my brother like $500 worth of allowance
i haven't gotten my allowance in forever
buuuuut since the economy is being crappy my mom is all like
no spending money for you
I mean that allowance was from when we were like 7 and 9
oh yeah my dad does still owe me allowance from that one period of time when i was like 12 and he said he'd pay me
no wait i can just get that for my birthday nvmd
but i don't want to wait 5 days
oh yeah i got to episode 6 of higurashi
but asdfghjkl; Higurashi~
btw i'm stealing p4 from you
sounds good if I can steal ToV from you when you get it
yeah have fun playing it on your invisible 360
you can just stare at the box
/prepares to shower her with gifts and praise
you'll have to give it back eventually