oh yeah btw how far are you in your english paper?
massage it for a small fee. :3
bittertea: uh half way and I've been working since 11:30 C:
procrastination is an art
ahab: iyaaaan it hurts~ massage it for meee
i want to say i haven't even start my paper but that'd be a lie
I mean it's fine I can do it in 20 minutes if I really concentrate
to fulfill your needs, honhonhon. I've been reading Lolita, so I'm pretty pro at giving sensual massages to minors (or something)
think of the intimate neck-rubbing as a reward for your scholarly pursuits
it also gives me a chance to procrastinate on alleviating your suffering, lmfao.
demands you to get on AIM
or your boob window size will become smaller
and i'll make revive my new biff
but i thought we were bestest biffurs...?
you're replacing me already? what about what we had last night? i thought that was special..!
you're not even in the skittle squad
what is this? Gravitation? and i'm Shuichi?
damn yoooou eiri yukiiii~
you will be rejected in a minute, regene, if you don't obey my demands
you think i want to settle for someone as inferior as bring or revive or whatever the other one's name is?
divine, that's what it is
divine sounds like a stripper's name
but yeah i have bad mental images
that just confirms my mental image of ribbons being a pimp