jyinlim shares
13 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/4769441_7b52f521456d63dcac5d8c56f6d5238c.jpg Anyone wants a male shih tzu??
latest #9
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
>.< i would love to~!!! but really..the current condition doesn't allow me to keep a pet..:-(
jyinlim says
13 years ago
actually this dog is gonna belong to me. unfortunately my boss announce to me i wil be outstation every weeked since sept
jyinlim says
13 years ago
so now i need to let it go and ask see who wants him...ToT~~ nichi~~
jyinlim says
13 years ago
he is freaking cute and smart...
jyinlim says
13 years ago
and most important!!! he wont pee and poo at room and his cage!! only pee and poo 1 time per day and only at outside or toilet!!!
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
(woot) waaa smart tuh~!
jyinlim says
13 years ago
yalor^^ wan?hahahaha
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
>.< i cant la...too many constraint now~ XD
cutegg87 says
13 years ago
cute eh~~~ but paiseh.. i cant keep a pet here..
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