Emily翁 says
13 years ago
I finally know how to create my blogger at Google.If everyone wants to reas it,Icould share with us.
latest #6
たけし says
13 years ago
gj you (applause)
Emily翁 says
13 years ago
you are good ,too because you defeat the computer virus
轉個彎我還可以飛 says
13 years ago
Do you try to practice always speaking English? You are good and hardworking.
たけし says
13 years ago
Emily0821: I think that I can be good at computer as a hicker.
Emily翁 says
13 years ago
mibow012: Thank you for your compliment.You're also good student.
Emily翁 says
13 years ago
YAO_WEI2010: It seems terrible.I donot knoe you are a person like this way. :-))
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