People misusing Latin abbreviations is my number one pet peeve :3
latest #34
ect., which i see FUCKING EVERYWHERE
because it comes from "et cetera"
so ect. makes no sense ugh
it's like someone...messing up roman numerals or something makes me want to stab myself in the eye haha
ect. is actually the only one i can think of...
i don't think i usually see people mess up i.e. and e.g.
I don't even know what some of them mean, so I just don't use them. (unsure(
fffff *
i can never remember what i.e. and e.g. stand for, actually 8D;
or ibid, or most of them, even though I took Latin for like six years DERP
HI5 x 2 THE BEST LANGUAGE IS A DEAD LANGUAGE sob i need that shirt
the only good language is a dead language
that is a great shirt omg
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