2morrows asks
16 years ago
nicole- what was michael for halloween this year?!
Only plurker's friends can respond
latest #23
i has bewbiez says
16 years ago
he was a ninja!
i has bewbiez says
16 years ago
then he decided trick or treating was gay and opted for distributing candy instead.
i has bewbiez says
16 years ago
i has bewbiez says
16 years ago
yeeah we was pretty much like.. trick or treating is stupid.. i'm going to hand out candy
i has bewbiez says
16 years ago
16 years ago
how old is he?
16 years ago
he needs to get a visit from the trick or treating fairy
i has bewbiez says
16 years ago
he's 3
16 years ago
smiley.onegreatguy.net/r... rules state that 3 year olds arent allowed to hand out candy
16 years ago
they are only allowed to go trick or treating
16 years ago
16 years ago
i has bewbiez says
16 years ago
it has something to do with me teaching him not to take candy from people he doesn't know
i has bewbiez says
16 years ago
because he only went to the houses of people we know
16 years ago
bad bewbiez hasser... candy is good from eeeeeveryone... even yourself smiley.onegreatguy.net/p...
i has bewbiez says
16 years ago
lol...seriously i thought my kid was sick or something but he was like... i don't know that guy... i don't want his candy
2morrows says
16 years ago
haha my 3 year old nephew did the same thing
i has bewbiez says
16 years ago
i was freaked out at first hten i realized that he's just being cautious and that's a good thing.. there are too many freaks out there
16 years ago
its a good thing... but candy!!!!!!
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