France is
14 years ago
laying on his front lawn naked.
latest #76
Cerise was
14 years ago
going to visit him, but won't even look at him if he's being so indecent. 8|
14 years ago
isn't indecent just very drunk.
Cerise thinks
14 years ago
that's just as bad, and gives her even more reason not to be around him.
France thinks
14 years ago
that she should come around to take care of him while he's in such a state.
14 years ago
would rather he put some pants on first.
14 years ago
would if could, but he can't, he's currently on the ground, not able to move.
14 years ago
sighs, walking up to him and nudging his side with her foot. It wasn't like it was something she hadn't seen before. "Papa, you really are
14 years ago
an idiot sometimes."
14 years ago
mumbles inaudible things and shifts to his side, revealing all his glory to the other nation in his yard.
14 years ago
looks away with a pink blush and sighs, tugging him towards his house by his arms. "Mon dieu, one would think you know your limit by now..."
14 years ago
stirs, and slurs drunkenly, "Bien sure, I sais mon limit, je suis just upset." he continues to be dragged to his house.
14 years ago
snickers at that mix of English and French while continuing to drag him. Drunk Papa could be very entertaining. "Pourqui?"
14 years ago
*Pourquoi ))
14 years ago
moans, "Mes so called amis, il m'ignore depuis des semaines!" and drops his head in defeat.
14 years ago
laughs again, dropping him at his doorstep to open the door. "Qui? Espagne et Prusse?"
14 years ago
"Ouch, oui, oui mes deux amis, au moin je pense que ils sont mes amis." he got up signally Seychelles to follow him to the kitchen so he_
14 years ago
could get a glass of water.
14 years ago
still thinks he should put some pants on, now. 8| "Il arrivé quelque chose?"
14 years ago
he leans against the counter sipping at the glass of water, "Peut-etre, Prusse et moi, nous avons eu une arguement et ni lui, nui Espagne_
14 years ago
me parle depuis, je ne sais pas quoi faire."
14 years ago
sighs. "Ce n'est pas bon. Qu'avez-vous argumentez?"
14 years ago
puts his glass down, "Il ete sou, et il voulais aller chez Mathieu pour la soiree, et mais Mattieu est trop innocent, pour avoir une "one_
14 years ago
night stand"!"
14 years ago
laughs at that. "Frère Matthieu est très innocent, oui. Ce qui s'est passé avec Espagne?"
14 years ago
shakes his head, "Je ne sais pas, depuis Ça il ne me parle plus."
14 years ago
pats his shoulder. "Je suis sûr que tout ira bien."
14 years ago
"Peut-être," he says seriously, but his face suddenly displays a more playful nature to it, "Oh Seychelles, je sius si triste!" he quickly_
14 years ago
makes his way over to her and throw is arms over her shoulder, hugging her VERY closely.
14 years ago
squeaks when he does this, trying to squirm away. She preferred *clothed* hugs, thank you very much. "P-papa! Lâchez-moi!"
14 years ago
just hugs tighter at the reaction, reaching for her ass, as he snuggles, "Mais mon cher, je t'aime."
14 years ago
flails and blushes, still trying to squirm. "Ne me touche pas là, papa idiot!"
14 years ago
does not want to let go, not just yet, "Mais mon chere, tu est si douce a mon touche." putting face close to hers.
14 years ago
blinks, her blush growing. Now she remembered why she never got close to Papa when he was drunk...
14 years ago
smiles, how he loved the young bodies of the young, " Ma Cherie. je panse que tu devrais m'accompagner a mon chambre?"
14 years ago
shakes her head, blushing even more. "Non! Papa, que dites-vous?"
14 years ago
nods, "oui, je dit que je veux coucher avec toi, c'est tout." he begins to take her by her wrist to take her to his room.
14 years ago
struggles. "Non! Papa, laisse-moi aller! Tu es ivre!"
14 years ago
lets go and turns around to face her, "Non, je ne suis pas je veux juste coucher avec toi!"
14 years ago
shakes her head, refusing to cry but is still a bit scared... "Non vous n'avez pas papa ... s'il vous plaît ..."
14 years ago
(( ...ignore her. >v> /ships this pairing a looooot. ))
14 years ago
takes her shoulders with a little more force than necessary, and pushes her against a wall, kissing her suddenly.
14 years ago
[[Alright just as I was about to back off, you made me do it just so you know]]
14 years ago
presses closer to the wall, trying to pull away, but failing. She had to remember, Papa was drunk... but she liked his kisses...
14 years ago
(( \o/! She'll give in eventually~ ))
14 years ago
Leans in more putting his hand on her waist, he brushes his tongue across her lips in hopes that she'll let him in.
14 years ago
[[Oh btw do you think you could make her a little older 16 or even 18, because the 14 year old thing makes me a little uncomfortable.]]
14 years ago
(( Sure sure. We can make her... 17 for this? ))
14 years ago
[[Yeah that WAYYYY better than 14,]]
14 years ago
(( Haha, okay~ It's fine, I would have been the same. ))
14 years ago
(( A very short 17 year old. >v> ))
Cerise is
14 years ago
a bit reluctant... but slowly parts her lips to him. He smelled like wine, and this was so wrong...
14 years ago
[[well, we can pretend she's taller]]
14 years ago
smiles in success, and slips his tongue into her mouth, she tasted so sweet, it was addicting he wanted to taste every bit pit of her, just_
14 years ago
to say he did, he leaned down and grabbed behind he knees and wrapped her legs around his waist, as he presses her against the wall kissing_
14 years ago
her deeply.
14 years ago
squeaks as he pulls her up, slowly letting herself be swept away... Papa really was good at these things...
14 years ago
puts his hands on her ass, and strokes it softly as he explores her mouth, he finding it hard to keep his hands to himself, he tries to_
14 years ago
keep himself in check, but his little buddy doesn't seem to want to comply and being completely naked doesn't help any.
Cerise is
14 years ago
slowly melting into the kiss, letting her guard down. Papa really was a good kisser. Squirms a bit when he touches her, but lets him.
14 years ago
's lips travel from her lips to her neck, sucking and nipping at it to get a reaction out of her.
14 years ago
tilts her neck so he has more room, letting out the slightest moan.
14 years ago
keeping one hand on her rear, he moves the other to massage her breast, as he kisses and sucks her neck.
14 years ago
moans again, eyes half lidding. "Papa ... vous êtes si méchant ..."
14 years ago
groans, "Pourquoi ma cherie?" as he nibbles on her neck.
14 years ago
licks her lips. "Je suis comme votre soeur ou votre fille ... Pourquoi fais-tu cela?"
14 years ago
pulls back ever so slightly, "Tu es ma fille, tu es ma soeur, tu es mon amour, que fait t'il si tu es ma fille ou soeurm l'amour est l'amour
14 years ago
Cerise thinks
14 years ago
about this... "Mais il semble si ... étrange..."
14 years ago
smiles that this, "L'amour est étrange" he leans in to kiss her lightly.
14 years ago
almost swoons as he says that, kissing him back this time.
France is
14 years ago
satisfied with the fact that she finally responded, and lifts off from the wall and starts to carry her up the stairs all while kissing her_
14 years ago
of course, he planned to take like no other man could.
Cerise is
14 years ago
quite nervous about what she's about to do... with her father figure, for goodness sake! But, she knew he wouldn't hurt her...
14 years ago
walks down the hallway of his upper floor, leading to his bed room, he figured it was the young girls' first time, which he loved al the_
14 years ago
more, but he promised himself, if she said she was not ready, he simply could not continue, he does not want her first time to scare her.
14 years ago
isn't really sure... but it does feel good... she'd go along with it for now and see what happened.
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