miamism likes
16 years ago
the fact that housechick has shown me how to plurkjack
latest #7
mizzle asks
16 years ago
and how is that?
miamism says
16 years ago
by writing all kinds of useless crap on others' plurks......u know.....what we love to do! :-)
16 years ago
ines plurks are never useless. plurks are, or plurks aren't. also, i invented plurkface today.
miamism asks
16 years ago
what in the world is a plurkface?
16 years ago
it's somewhere between a baldplurk and a plurkle.
Black Tie Todd wants
16 years ago
everyplurker to know that a moose once bit my sister (see what I did there?)
Lar says
16 years ago
I like it better :-))
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