14 years ago
sneaks off to Eva's, trying to not be seen.
latest #155
Eva is
14 years ago
sitting in the backyard eating cupcakes and reading a book.
14 years ago
decides to sneak through the back, and is pleasantly surprised at seeing her. "Hey, psst!"
Eva is
14 years ago
a bit distracted at first but soon looks up, closing her book in the process. "Hoi!"
14 years ago
chuckles as he stalks forward, and crouches in front of her. "Merhaba. Did I interrupt anythin'?"
14 years ago
grins and shakes her head. "Nee, nee. I was just keeping myself busy, really."
14 years ago
"Well, 'm here now- /I'll/ keep ya busy." He stands back up and holds out a hand to help her up.
14 years ago
takes his hand and pulls herself up. "Sounds even better!"
14 years ago
smiles once she's up, and pats her shoulder. "Hope ya didn't wait too long."
14 years ago
shakes her head. "No, no. Time went by faster than I expected, actually."
14 years ago
"Ah, good.." he glances around her backyard. "Y'know, this area's nice, fer dancin'."
14 years ago
blinks and takes a look at their surroundings. Well, now that he mentions it... "Seems like it, at least."
14 years ago
steps out into it, crossing his arms and nodding in satisfaction. "Nice an' open. We could do it out here."
14 years ago
rests a hand on her hip and thinks about it for a moment. Oh, what the heck, it's not as if it's against the law. "That sounds good to me."
14 years ago
calmly glances back at her. "What kinda dance ya wanna do today? Same as yesterday?"
14 years ago
simply shrugs. "I'm not really picky so we can do that, yeah. Unless you want to try something else instead?"
14 years ago
touches his mask as if he's about to idly discard of it, but stops himself, and chuckles at the almost-mistake. "Whatever ya want."
Eva was
14 years ago
kind of expectant just now; well darn, sir don't keep her hopes up like that. "The same as yesterday it is, then."
14 years ago
likes to tease, madam. Get used to it~ "All right...let's start the music, yeah?"
14 years ago
would rather not get used to it, hmph. In any case since they are outside, the most she can do is go snatch one of the loudspeakers to -
14 years ago
bring it outside after she took care of the music. Different songs today, but hopefully it will do. "This works, yeah?"
14 years ago
watches with a mild look of amusement. "Nice idea. Ya don't need any help with it?" Men are the ones that carry things, after all.
14 years ago
shakes her head, keeping her smiling expression. "Non, thank you but that won't be necessary." Well. She likes to think she is tough. c:
14 years ago
snorts and nonetheless takes a few steps forward towards her. "Yer sure?" There is a man here to help, damn it. :I
14 years ago
doesn't need your help. And even if she does, she won't say so. :T She shakes her head again. "I'm sure~"
14 years ago
eventually rolls his eyes and drums his fingers against his forearms. "A'right, whatever." So he shall wait. :I
14 years ago
will eventually get it all done by herself. It just... Takes her a while. And the siblings might ask later but whatever. "'S all good now."
Eva is
14 years ago
stubborn, get used to it. c;
14 years ago
watched the entire time...he really should have helped, madam. :c "Ya ready?"
14 years ago
will not hold it against, you, sir. c: After all she did say she did not want help, right? "Ja, I'm ready."
14 years ago
supposes it's fine...but he will help next time, argh. "Get on over here then." He extends his hand towards her with a grin.
14 years ago
will not mind that as much then. She will probably need it. "Ja!" She laughs and takes his hand. She has been waiting for this all day.
14 years ago
listens to the music for a second, and can't help but laugh once she does. "Yer excited, ain't ya?"
14 years ago
couldn't deny it if she tried. It is obvious from her overall behaviour, really. "I am, yes,"
14 years ago
{ nn, I need to poof to get some sleep, sorry! niight ;ω;/ }
14 years ago
rolls his eyes, yet smiles. " 'm glad." [N'awww, sleep well then~ :] ]
14 years ago
simply shrugs. "Good." She pauses. "And I'm glad you kept the promise."
14 years ago
"I'm glad ya didn't forget I was comin'. It'd be awkward, yeah?" He snorts as he starts to take a step, to get into the beat.
14 years ago
quickly follows his lead, though she is still a bit distracted with the conversation. "A little, maybe. But I wouldn't forget."
14 years ago
decides to cut the conversation and surprise her with a quick twirl, moving his arm for her to spin. "Well, now we're here- let's dance."
Eva was
14 years ago
caught by surprise this time, but is thankful she can focus enough to spin without tripping, or something equally embarrassing. "Ja. Let's."
14 years ago
brings himself to smile and focuses on the dancing more now, since he realizes the song is picking up.
Eva has
14 years ago
nothing more to say for now, so she follows his lead, focusing on trying to catch up to the rhythm. This is kind of fun.
14 years ago
's soon smiling more freely as he leads her along, because the more they dance the more he realizes he really enjoys this with her.
14 years ago
likes seeing him smiling - he looks less intimidating that way ( she would know about intimidating :T ahem. ) - and cannot help but to smile
14 years ago
as well, as they dance; he really is a good dancing partner.
14 years ago
's eyebrows perk as her smile appears and he twirls her close for a second. "Y'know, don't put too much thought into this-" he chuckles,"But
14 years ago
ya got a pretty smile. Smile more often, yeah?"
14 years ago
might or might not have squeaked in surprise; she cannot help but to laugh softly though, in response to his comment. "Ah, thank you~?" Her-
14 years ago
smile breaks out into a grin. "I will try, ja?"
14 years ago
chuckles at this and settles his hand on his mask, carefully sliding it off and settling it over her face as he twirls her back out. "Good!"
14 years ago
's eyes widen in surprise and she almost trips on her own feet. Oh hi, give her a moment to process this. "Did you just--?"
14 years ago
"Oi, don't think while ya dance. Yer gonna mess up." He snorts as he steps right back into the fast rhythm, but without eye contact.
14 years ago
briefly wonders about that - the eye contact, but does not ask. Instead she tries to do exactly what he said - don't think. It's difficult,-
14 years ago
though, especially when she gets distracted glancing up at him. :T
14 years ago
does, after a while of dancing, cast a quick glance over to her but only as a forewarning as he tugs her closer and holds her in place, _
14 years ago
_for a while. "'m surprised at how well that mask fits ya."
14 years ago
decided to sneak out to try and grab another cupcake. Imagine his surprise when he looks out the living room windows.
14 years ago
((...I'm sorry. I have to ; w; <3))
14 years ago
doesn't make a move to oppose that, though she does look quite surprised. "Eh? Well, thank you?" She laughs. "Can't say I could get used-
14 years ago
to it, though." Well hi, glad to have her back turned to the window then. { ... oh god |D }
14 years ago
doesn't have his back to the window, argh. But he's focused on Eva, thankfully. "Yeah, takes a while t'get used to." He grabs his mask back_
14 years ago
_and settles it over his head, not putting it on just yet. [Troll! A troll in the dungeon! >o>]
14 years ago
out of shock he'll just send a cupcake hurling toward said masked Turk, man-handling his zuster. That was a warning. >'C
14 years ago
{ >u> that HP reference gets to me every time. ... lmao ten points if you hit the sister instead /shot }
14 years ago
[Roel, horrible aim! Ten points from Ravenclaw!]
14 years ago
((......ffffff oh god. Ilu two XD <3))
14 years ago
rather appreciates the fact that she can finally see him without the mask on; she is about to ask why he wears it when something squishy -
14 years ago
hits the back of her head. Cue the inquiring 'what the hell' kind of look.
14 years ago
{ But that's my House, professor ;A;<3 }
14 years ago
does notice something whirling towards them, but doesn't realize it's a /cupcake/ and it's hit /Eva/ so he peeks over, and sees Roel. "Hold_
14 years ago
_on." He immediately pries away from her and lowers his mask onto his face as he goes to the window. "Oi, punkass!"
14 years ago
...fuckfuckfuckfuck/FUCK/. He steps a ways back, debating on running or something. He didn't mean to hit Eva, dammit! "Oh! Calling /me/-
14 years ago
-a punkass, huh? What the hell are you doing with me zuster?!"
14 years ago
((*my OTL;; ))
14 years ago
touches the back of her head and... What. A cupcake..? Oh damn. She turns around and notices Roel and- "Wait!" She immediately runs after-
14 years ago
Saqid, just in case. "H-hey hey, let's all calm down, alright?" Even if there's cupcake all over the back of her head but shh.
14 years ago
"Showin' her a good time, what the hell are YOU doin', throwin' a fuckin' cupcake at us?!" He growls and glances to Eva, reaching over to_
14 years ago
_wipe whatever frosting he can off from her head. "Goddamn, he got ya good."
14 years ago
"Trying to stop you from--WAIT WHAT? YOU'RE DOING /WHAT/ WITH HER?" Oh yes, he misinterpreted that. Quite a bit. And now he's sort of red-
14 years ago
-in the face and trying to stop himself from hitting Sadiq.
14 years ago
, if this was not a situation of some risk of imminent violence, would be hitting her head against the wall. As it is, she tries to stay -
14 years ago
between them, shooting her brother a very angry look for a moment there. "Hey, calm down- that's not what he meant!"
14 years ago
blinks, but eventually does snort and shakes his head as he tries his best to get the frosting out of her hair. "Nice misinterpretation,_
14 years ago
_jackass. Oi, hold still...don't want this t'get embedded in there or whatnot. That's a lot of fuckin' icing."
14 years ago
blinks, looking highly confused and crossing his arms. "..'scuse me?" He grunts and smacks Sadiq hand away from Eva, though, and growls.-
14 years ago
-"Stop touching her, I'll get it." He proceeds to get the rest of the icing out then, huffing.
14 years ago
's eye twitches slightly, which is not a very good sign and she proceeds to smack Roel's hand away, too. :T "I can take care of this, thank-
14 years ago
you. Accept that I have friends, verdomme." She rolls her eyes and turns to Sadiq. "I'm sorry. Immaturity runs in the family." ... Ouch.
14 years ago
growls a bit and rubs at his hand, shaking his head afterwards. "It ain't a problem, but that's probably my cue to leave." He shows a small_
14 years ago
_smile and nods as he starts to step back. "I'll just see ya another time." He idly glares at Roel, because, really. Rude.
14 years ago
will return the glare, thank you, already feeling stupid. How was he supposed to know what the hell they were doing?!
14 years ago
shakes her head and grabs his arm, just for good measure. Oh don't you think about that, mister. "It's not even close to an hour. Just stay-
14 years ago
a little longer?" She does not seem to be aware of the dangers of having two large, testosterone-filled males in the same place at once. .-.
14 years ago
does stop and look over when he feels her hand on his arm, and rolls his eyes, grinning. "Yeah, yeah, all right. Can't say no t'ya."
14 years ago
...would like them to stop flirting in front of the jealous brother. It would be highly appreciated.
14 years ago
... is not flirting and you know, she could punch you for that. And hoard the chocolade. I: But she does seem happier that he said yes, so~
14 years ago
"We should all get a nice, fresh drink and calm down, ja?"
14 years ago
sighs and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah sure...I'll put back the loudspeakers and shit." He hums and goes off to do that, for now.
14 years ago
huffs and glances away, shrugging his shoulders. He doesn't want to get punched any time soon, so he'll be a good boy for now. "Yeah, fine."
14 years ago
{ /petpet Good boys =ω= /shot }
14 years ago
would say something about those manners, but he's being nice so. c: She does turn to Roel and huff. "Make sure there's still cupcakes left."
14 years ago
decides to help with the loudspeakers!
14 years ago
easily hauls the loudspeakers around, but doesn't really know where to put them...hah, he'll just follow Eva. And try to ignore Roel. Rgh.
14 years ago
grunts and turns around, resisting the urge to stick his tongue out at her. "..yes, ma'am." He heads to the kitchen and oh look, there's-
14 years ago
-cupcakes left. He'll just steal another now, considering the other one splattered all over his zuster. :'|
14 years ago
just leads him back to the room from the other day. "You can leave them anywhere, really. Thank you." Now, to go keep an eye on them both-
14 years ago
so they won't get any ideas...
14 years ago
{ sob. Mamabel ·_· }
14 years ago
leaves the speakers there, and hums. "It ain't a problem. Yer sure I can stay? Didn't know yer brother was gonna flip shit." [ :I ]
14 years ago
will just grumble and not notice frosting stuck to his mouth. He eats like an animal when he's angry. D'|
14 years ago
just shakes her head, heading back to the kitchen. "It's fine. He's just jealous." She pauses. "Protective. Whatever--" Oh hi Roel, she will
14 years ago
just snicker now. Like she's any better when hoarding chocolate. :I
14 years ago
rolls his eyes and pats her shoulder. "I understand whatcha got goin' ok, m'kay? It ain't hard to read, damn." He sighs somewhat dejectedly_
14 years ago
_however, and shakes his head as he walks in and peers over to Roel. "Punkass, even Heracles was a cleaner eater than you."
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow, frowning at them both. "..wat? Wat's wrong?" He wipes his sleeve on his face, then stares down at the frosting, blushing-
14 years ago
-a bit. Oh good job, making yourself look like even more of a dipshit Roel.
14 years ago
does not like that sigh, so she won't push the subject any further. :c Instead, she just snickers some more before heading over to the -
14 years ago
refrigerator. "Would any of you boys be interested in anything to drink or eat?" Besides cupcakes, she means. Though they are good when they
14 years ago
are not attached to her scalp.
14 years ago
calmly leaps up onto one of the empty counter tops, not thinking much of it since he does it all the time at his house. "Water's fine."
14 years ago
makes sure to look anywhere but at Roel right now. Rrggh.
Roel is
14 years ago
making sure to do the same thing. Rrggh yourself, asshole Turk. He tilts his head and gives Eva a small smile. "Can I have a beer, zus?"
14 years ago
nods at both of them, choosing to ignore the obvious tension for the time being. She pulls out a jar of fresh water and a couple of beers,-
14 years ago
one of which she proceeds to hand to Roel, leaving the other on the table while she pours Sadiq a glass of water and hands it to him.
14 years ago
"Figured tap water wouldn't be as fresh." And now she will get her beer and kindly sit on one of the counters as well.
14 years ago
takes the glass and thanks her with a smile. "As long as it's water." He hums as he takes a few generous gulps, and rolls his shoulders.
14 years ago
"Ya DO know yer brother's killin' me with your eyes." He suddenly chuckles after a drink. "I should really leave."
14 years ago
[*his eyes. His eyes. /shakefist]
14 years ago
{ /patpat }
14 years ago
brings the bottle of beer to her mouth but stops before even taking a sip. "Mm, ja I know." She purses her lips. "Don't mind that too much."
14 years ago
leans back, and snorts. "Don't mind me dyin' under his gaze? Thanks." He finishes off his glass of water then with a massive gulp.
14 years ago
[Dammit Holland get back from dinner I need eye-sex >:I I mean.]
14 years ago
{ ... yum :I ♥ }
14 years ago
huffs and takes a long gulp of his beer, arching an eyebrow at Sadiq now. "Kill you? Oh no, that'd be too quick, wouldn't it?" He snorts-
14 years ago
-,taking another swig. "And how d'ya know m'glaring at you, huh? I may just be admiring how easy it is to take off that mask of yours."
14 years ago
smirks, hoping he isn't going to get smacked soon.
14 years ago
just. Sighs. I hope you know that is her way of proclaiming how silly you boys are.
14 years ago
stiffens immediately as he looks back, for an excruciatingly long time, before sliding off the counter. "Yeeup, headin' home now."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes, settling back against the counter and grunting. "...pansy." Oh yes, he's an asshole when he's angry and drinking.
14 years ago
... will make a note to not let him drink next time, dammit. She looks over at Sadiq. "Please don't go?" Sad face goes here. "Nn, I was -
14 years ago
hoping you two would get along or something." {/WISHFUL THINKING}
14 years ago
can't help but smile a bit and reach over to pat her shoulder. "Yeah, I was too. You two have fun drinkin' and whatnot." He steps back and_
14 years ago
_merely nods in Roel's direction before saluting them in a farewell as he walks off to find the front door, so he can leave that way.
14 years ago
14 years ago
huffs loudly, sort of sliding away from the counter and scowling. "...lovely." He sets the now empty beer bottle on the counter and-
14 years ago
-starts to walk away, not wanting to deal with the yelling at he's probably going to get from Eva pretty soon here.
14 years ago
{ ... I don't wanna =3= }
14 years ago
{ /shot }
14 years ago
doesn't even finish her beer, sorry. It kind of feels nasty when her cool dancing partner is leaving because of a silly argument and she -
14 years ago
might or might not be planning SOMEONE'S bloody demise. Ahem. She does follow Sadiq to the door. "You'll be back, ja?" Because, look at -
14 years ago
that sad face. :c
14 years ago
's pleased when he finds the door, but the small moment of bliss when he sees that face. Oh man. "Perhaps." He smiles though, so the answer_
14 years ago
_is yes, and he settles a hand on her shoulder. " 'm sorry today didn't go as planned. Always next time, yeah?" He shrugs, and calmly exits.
14 years ago
returns the smile with one of her own then, muttering a small "Thank you." as she watches him leave. Yeah; there's always next time.
14 years ago
[L-LOL that was......extremely entertaining to read. :U]
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