14 years ago
hasn't seen Canada or Hungary around in a while. How curious. He wonders how Will's doing. Maybe Canada's with him?
latest #219
14 years ago
... ;n;
William is
14 years ago
trying to be manly and act like he's not upset. Vash mentioning the reason for him being upset isn't helping.
Vash thinks
14 years ago
that Will sucks at hiding his feelings. It's written all over his face. :C He wonders what's wrong, though.
14 years ago
tries grinning, 'Nothing's wrong mate~'
14 years ago
shakes his head, not believing it. "No, you tell me what's wrong."
14 years ago
crosses his arms, 'It's just... he left me alright?' He looks off to the side. ((I don't blame Canuck, I still talk to her etc /disclaimer))
14 years ago
((But you have to leave when you have to leave ^^; ))
14 years ago
frowns, concern evident in his eyes. He furrows his eyebrows, lips pursed. "...Canada?" :C [Why did she have to leave anyway? ;;]
14 years ago
(( Uni is starting for her next week? :c ))
14 years ago
scowls, 'No effing Santa Claus.' He probably didn't mean to snap ;;
14 years ago
frowns again, this time for a different reason. He crosses his arms, "Well, *sorry*" [Aww :C :C :C]
14 years ago
(( You should probably ask her though /doesn't want to speak out of place ))
14 years ago
looks off to the side, rubbing a temple with his hand. 'It's fine mate... Canada did leave.' He's still touchy about it, 'Do we have to talk
14 years ago
about it?'
14 years ago
[Yeah I should, once I get iChat to work OTL]
14 years ago
(( Yeah ;o; I hope it works!))
14 years ago
places a hand on his shoulder warily, not exactly the best at showing concern. He sighs inwardly. "No, we don't if you don't want to."
14 years ago
smiles slightly at the hand on his shoulder, 'I don't really.' He's trying to forget it ;;
Vash gives
14 years ago
a small half-smile and nods. "Then we won't talk about it."
14 years ago
pokes his side, 'How have you been?'
14 years ago
tilts his head, shrugging. "I've been alright. Nothing much." He pauses and continues. "...You?"
14 years ago
sighs slightly, 'Better...' He grins, 'What have you been up to?'
14 years ago
scratches his cheek awkwardly, "Well actually I feel like I lost a day of my life..." Which was because he went chibi.
14 years ago
blinks... 'I bet you were little again...' He skips a beat before teasing, 'You make a cute kid mate.;
14 years ago
14 years ago
's nose twitches, "Am not. My younger selves are stupid." He hums, "You make an interesting little person."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes, 'Depends what age I am... I went through a rather... interesting phase.' He pokes his nose, 'That's why your younger selves_
14 years ago
are cute.'
Vash has
14 years ago
only seen him as a little child, if his plurker recalls correctly. "Ah, a little kid. You brought a snake into my house." His nose twitches-
14 years ago
even more. :T
14 years ago
pokes his nose again, 'Yeah... I heard about that mate... what was it's name?'
14 years ago
squints, trying to remember. "Tom and Wod, I think." He swats his hand away, "You have to be the worst name giver ever."
14 years ago
pokes his chest, 'The second one was Rod... I had a problem with my rrrrr's,' He rolls the r's, smiling, 'Bruce has a great name!'
14 years ago
rolls his eyes and swats Will's hand away again then gives a golf clap. "Australia; best at rolling r's," he mutters teasingly. "Hm, no he-
14 years ago
14 years ago
pouts, 'Bruce has the best name ever Vashiwashi.' He takes in the claps though, mocking Vash by pruning himself.
14 years ago
shakes his head, "No, I don't think so Willikinns." He doesn't like Bruce itself so.
14 years ago
would be upset to hear that he doesn't like Bruce D:
14 years ago
'He has the best name mate.'
14 years ago
snorts and just nods. "Sure he does." Which is why he didn't say it out loud~
14 years ago
nods, flicking some of his hair. 'Admit that I have the best naming abilities~'
14 years ago
shakes his head, "I may admit to liking your hugs, but you suck at naming."
14 years ago
grins~ Vash likes his hugs. He pouts, 'But I gave you the nickname Vashikins... don't you like that?'
14 years ago
twitches, "I like that name as much as you like being called Williepoo."
14 years ago
twitches, bristling. 'I hate the name Williepoo.'
14 years ago
waves a finger, nodding smugly, "Exactly."
14 years ago
grabs his finger, 'Will.'
14 years ago
((Orz, Will why so fail xD? ))
14 years ago
meets his eyes, grinning, "Willie the pooh?"
14 years ago
[Will so faildorable lmao]
14 years ago
takes a while to get that... since he's not 7 :T. He lets go, 'Then you're Vashore'
14 years ago
shakes his head, clearly amused. And Will calls himself smart. 8D "Better than Vashikinns."
14 years ago
[I'm freaking loving this ok ;u; lol ilu bro]
William has
14 years ago
a better University than Vash. 'I like Vashikins... it's my name for you~' He grins, pinching Vashikin's cheeks, ''Cause you're just that_
14 years ago
important to me, eh?' (( Ilu more~ ;o; I don't know what you're loving though ))
14 years ago
purses his lips as *another* blush starts up. Goddammit, why does this always happen? He swats his hand away. He doesn't know how to say-
14 years ago
that he's touched. He would never admit to that, actually. [XD I love their convo lmao]
14 years ago
(( They're just so silly~ ))
14 years ago
[They are~! <3]
14 years ago
squeezes his cheeks one last time before letting go, a smug smile on his face. 'You look like a strawberry today~'
14 years ago
scrunches his face up in disapproval. The blush was still not dying down, though. "N-No I don't!"
14 years ago
presses a thumb inbetween Vash's eyebrows to ease the crease, 'You really do mate... maybe I should call you Strawberry Shortcake. Shorty_
14 years ago
for short.' Yes, he's pushing.
14 years ago
would rather be called a tomato, darn it. ;o; He flicks Will's thumb and shakes his head, "No, no, i'm not short." :T
14 years ago
looks down with a raised eyebrow.
14 years ago
looks up, glaring.
14 years ago
14 years ago
scowls and flicks his forehead.
William is
14 years ago
surprised he can reach there :-P
Vash is
14 years ago
surprised he can see past those eyebrows~ 8D
William is
14 years ago
surprised Vash doesn't have frown lines yet 8D He picks up Vash, smirking.
Vash is
14 years ago
surprised that Willie hasn't gotten any shorter from carrying him all the time. He flails.
14 years ago
... wonders how that would make him Shorter. He throws Vash over his shoulder, 'So... what kind of adventure should we go on today Vashore?'
14 years ago
... meh. He tries to get out of Will's grip, even if that means falling on the ground. He grits his teeth. "I don't know!"
14 years ago
tightens his hold, 'Well... um.' He doesn't know either but the wriggling loosens his hold.
14 years ago
hums, making hand movements that Will can't see. "An adventure to candy mountain," He replies sarcastically.
William hopes
14 years ago
they aren't rude. He puts the other down, bored now that he isn't reacting. 'Candy Mountain Charlie~'
14 years ago
assures that no rude gestures were done. He brushes his shoulders a bit before looking at the sky. It was a rather warm midday. "Want to-
14 years ago
go diving?"
William wonders
14 years ago
why the other is brushing his own shoulders, silly man. He nods though, 'Yeah...' That would help to take his mind off of things,'At yours?'
14 years ago
stops looking at the sky and nods, humming. "Yeah," He says, tapping his chin. "Unless you want other wise, I guess."
14 years ago
shakes his head, 'That's fine... the weather's a tad cold in Australia at the moment...' He looks up at the sky, 'Should be clearing up soon
14 years ago
14 years ago
crosses his arms and nods, "My place it is then. Maybe we can go swimming in ice."
14 years ago
.... would make a face about how cold it could be if it didn't sound so interesting. He crosses his arms, copying Vash, 'Really?'
Vash gives
14 years ago
an amused half-smile. "Yeah really." Sure, it's cold, but it's also really pretty. CB
William gives
14 years ago
an amused, half smile. 'That sounds .... cold, but amazing.' It's hard to stop bouncing about in excitement but he's dedicated to mimicking_
14 years ago
14 years ago
still doesn't notice that Will is imitating his actions. Hmm. "It *is* amazing." He blinks at the other's bounciness.
William is
14 years ago
excited~ He blinks back, 'So when are we going?'
14 years ago
realizes it now. He grunts, "Stop copying me," He says before grabbing the other's hand and starts dragging him somewhere, "Now, actually."
14 years ago
smiles, 'Did you know that imitation is the greatest form of flattery?' He allows himself to be dragged along.
14 years ago
snorts and rolls his eyes, "Yeah, right." He drags him until they reach the lake. ...Then he realizes they didn't bring equipment. Time to-
14 years ago
William thinks
14 years ago
renting would work... since all he has is the clothes on his back, and a wallet. 'You sound annoyed mate...?'
Vash has
14 years ago
only that too. Oh well. He sighs inwardly. "I like to work with my own equipment?"
William was
14 years ago
meaning more the 'Yeah, right.' But this works, 'I know what you mean. It's good to know where your equipment has been and if it works.' He_
14 years ago
saunters off to the renting place, 'But nothing wrong with living on the risky end of life every now and again.'
14 years ago
hums, shrugging as he follows along. "That's true," He mutters as they enter the shop. He walks up to the counter to rent two sets~
William was
14 years ago
going to pay for his own. Way to dent his manly pride. He hovers, looking out at the lake... 'There's ice in there?'
14 years ago
paid for both of them~ How's that for manly! 8D He snorts, "No shit sherlock."
14 years ago
scowls, 'Well my dear Mr Watson, why don't we get in there and investigate?'
14 years ago
nods, "That's what we're going to do," He answers as he hands Will's equipment to him.
14 years ago
gets to putting it on right there and then. Surfing has ruined his sense of modesty it seems. 'Thanks mate....'
14 years ago
blinks and shrugs. If that's what the guy wants to do, then whatever. He nods once, "I'll change in the locker room..."
William thinks
14 years ago
it's fine, other people are doing it too... he thinks. Well whatever, 'Okay mate, see you out there.' He's going to check his equipment in_
14 years ago
14 years ago
nods again, already heading to the locker room. "Meet me there in around ten minutes." He then proceeds to change.
William is
14 years ago
distracted by an animal and arrives 15 minutes later... ^_^'
Vash was
14 years ago
starting to get impatient, so he glares when Will arrives. "About time."
14 years ago
rubs the back of his neck bashfully, 'I was just talking to this little critter...'
14 years ago
sighs, grinning a bit. "Why am I know surprised?" He gestures for the other to follow. "Let's get going?"
14 years ago
nods, following him along. Get ready for extreme whining about how cold it is. 'Yeah... the sooner we start the better.'
14 years ago
braces himself, then. He smirks as they reach the lake and crosses his arms. "Care to do the honors?"
14 years ago
looks wary. He steps in though on to jump straight out with a sound of discomfort. 'It's cold.'
14 years ago
14 years ago
blinks and stares, incredulous. He face-palms. "What did you think? There's *ice* down there."
14 years ago
makes a face. He's a hot country, he doesn't do well in the cold. What does Vash expect? 'It's the summer though...'
14 years ago
thought he had winters. Well, he couldn't blame the guy. It *was* cold there. "Yes, but it's still cold. Want me to go first?"
14 years ago
nods, looking a bit put off. And he has winters... but his tourist company compares them to European Summers... so... :3
Vash thinks
14 years ago
those are really warm winters, then. He goes into the lake slowly and nods his head a little.
14 years ago
watches before gingerly following, 'You look like a bobblehead doll.'
14 years ago
grins and takes Will's hand lightly, "How do you like the water, miss~?" He teases.
14 years ago
blushes bright red in embarrassment. 'I-I'm fine!' It's really cold for him though ;o;
14 years ago
hums smugly, still not letting go of his hand. "Are you sure, though?" He asks before dragging him downwards.
William is
14 years ago
half way through replying with an affirmative when he lands in the water with a shout. He immediately scrambles to get back up, teeth_
14 years ago
chattering and eyebrows furrowed.
14 years ago
follows him up, laughing. "I don't think you're fine," He says, smirking at the other.
14 years ago
scowls, 'I-I-I am!' Or he will be when he gets used to the water.
Vash wonders
14 years ago
when that will be, then. He lets go oh his hand, "No, you're not."
14 years ago
swims a bit back and dips his head in to try and get used to it some more. He pops up, looking a little more... relaxed. 'I am mate.' Only a
14 years ago
little shiver now.
14 years ago
smiles a bit and nods, "Then let's go?" He says briefly, before diving under water without warning.
14 years ago
hesitates before following. He sees the block of ice and stops in awe... that's pretty amazing...if only his camera worked underwater.
Vash thinks
14 years ago
he could have brought an underwater camera or something. He stops swimming to look if Will's following him. He's already far ahead.
14 years ago
tries to catch up, not wanting to hold him back. His eyes are stuck on the ice formation.
14 years ago
grins at how distracted the other is. He waves for him to catch up, also observing the ice.
14 years ago
catches up, floating beside the other as he peers up at the ice... it looked huge :-o
14 years ago
starts swimming again once Will is beside him. And yes, they *are* huge. Also maze-like. Anyone up for a race?
William is
14 years ago
up for a race, he was born for racing. Rushing to catch up with him, he tries to think of how they can race... maybe one to see who's the_
14 years ago
first one out.
Vash thinks
14 years ago
that's a good idea. He nods once to initiate the race then starts swimming fast. Be wary of the ice.
14 years ago
slips inbetween cracks in the ice, pausing as he looks around him in awe... it was like the Ice Queen's Castle. He swims around, careful of_
14 years ago
the ice like Vash said to be.
14 years ago
swims around the ice and curves, staring at his reflection a few times. It looked like a fun house or something.
14 years ago
hasn't looked at himself in the ice... He catches a glance though, smiling when he sees himself stretched out. This was amusing.... but now_
14 years ago
he needed to find a way out.
14 years ago
turns right at a fork, separating himself from the other. Oh, now to find an exit... Ah! He swims fast, towards something that might be
14 years ago
the way out.
14 years ago
swims the other way, only to find another fork... and then yet another. He can't see anything close to an exit o.o
14 years ago
unfortunately swims into what seems like a dead end. Sighing inwardly, he swims back out and decides to go back to the fork. Left turn!
William is
14 years ago
by now at a dead end, turning around to see Vash. He hides behind a corner, willing the other to turn the other way. He's going to escape_
14 years ago
they way they came.
14 years ago
didn't see him yet, luckily for Will. He goes the way the other went a while ago, dead set on finding the exit. Hey! Isn't that cheating? :T
William thinks
14 years ago
they said the first one out... it might be cheating though. He passes the whole... hesitating before going off in another direction to find_
14 years ago
an exit.
14 years ago
runs into yet another dead end. Fabulous. He swims back as fast as he can to find the real way out. He spots Will and wonders where he's-
14 years ago
going. He follows discreetly.
14 years ago
swims past the original exit, staying as close to the outer wall as possible. He eventually does find an exit, turning round to find Vash.._
14 years ago
He didn't have the heart to leave him stuck down here.
14 years ago
swims up to him, before Will goes to find him. He takes his hand and starts swimming to the exit.
14 years ago
starts when the other takes it, afraid a monster of some sorts has come to take him. He stares at the other as they swim along, heading for_
14 years ago
the surface when they get out of the exit. Vash can let go of his hand now~
14 years ago
(( Sorry missed the first bus and BLAH, Sunday services ))
14 years ago
lets go of his hand, amused even though technically, he lost. What's Will going to ask for now, he wonders. [It's mmk bb~ /pets]
14 years ago
surfaces, tugging off his mask when he gets there. He floats on the surface, 'I won~' he chimes, grinning.
14 years ago
takes his mask off as well, panting a bit. He chuckles, "Yeah you did."
14 years ago
smirks, shaking his hair dry. 'Meaning I get something, right?'
14 years ago
waves a hand, "Yes, yes you do. Name what you want."
William thinks
14 years ago
, wading in the water. 'A foot rub~'
14 years ago
makes a face, "Why would you want that?"
14 years ago
grins, 'Because it'll piss you off?' He smirks, looking self satisfied.
14 years ago
pokes his forehead in slight vexation. =n= "...Seriously though?" He hopes that wasn't his real answer.
William has
14 years ago
to think of something else now... le sigh. 'Well what can I ask for, oh high and mighty one?'
14 years ago
shrugs, smirking a bit. "You definitely aren't going to ask for chocolate." Because he can get it anytime and yadda yadda yadda.
14 years ago
nods, 'That I can~' He thinks, 'How about a back rub?'
14 years ago
makes another face. "I'll just stick with the foot rub, thank you."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes, 'Then a chocolate cake.'
14 years ago
grins. That isn't as bad as the other too. "Done and done. Do you have a deadline, oh high and mighty one?" He teases, copying him.
14 years ago
laughs, puffing up his chest. 'I'd like it by the end of the week~'
14 years ago
nods, putting that in his mental checklist. "Alright, then." He pauses, then, "How did you find the ice?
14 years ago
14 years ago
smiles, 'It was amazing. I've never seen anything like that in my life...'
14 years ago
smiles smugly, crossing his arms. "See, once you get over the *cold*, it's pretty cool." No pun intended.
14 years ago
laughs none the less. 'It's just worth the cold mate.' He really doesn't enjoy being freezing e_e
14 years ago
pats him on the back. One wet pat. "Hmm, it sure is." He says proudly. CB
14 years ago
eyebrows furrow before he starts making his way to shore. 'It's not as amazing as the Great Barrier Reef' he calls back.
14 years ago
14 years ago
waves a hand, staring at the ice down below before heading to shore as well. He waves a hand, "I still need to go there."
14 years ago
blinks before he nods, 'That you do mate, we'll have to do that after laser tag.'
14 years ago
smiles a bit, "There should be a list of things we need to do, then..."
14 years ago
blinks before smiling, 'But there's only two things.'
14 years ago
shrugs, "We could always plan more," He says, smiling a bit.
14 years ago
watches the other for a moment, pausing in the water. 'I guess we could,' he says before swimming and then reaching the shore. He's not_
14 years ago
going to climb out in case it's cold. Vash can go first :T
14 years ago
climbs out first. Silly Will, it's not that cold. ...Alright, maybe it is. But he isn't going to say that to him. "Come on out."
14 years ago
stares at him, 'It's cold isn't it?'
14 years ago
shakes his head, poker face on. "Nope, not at all." He waves his arms for effect.
14 years ago
nods slowly, walking out slowly. He shivers when he's finally out, 'You effing lied!'
14 years ago
grins, shrugging. "Maybe I did!"
14 years ago
pushes him back in :T
14 years ago
falls back in. He shivers in the water, "What was that for!"
14 years ago
smirks, 'For lying.' He's shivering too though. 'Why is it so cold here... isn't it summer?'
14 years ago
climbs out of the water and sputters a bit. He nods, "It is. It's just cold here, I guess."
14 years ago
snorts, rubbing his arms. 'You okay?'
14 years ago
nods again, "Yeah, I am. Are you...?" He smirks, "It being cold and your shivering."
14 years ago
starts walking back to the rental place, 'Y-yeah.' He's not going to give Vash more to tease him about.
14 years ago
follows along, mood light. Teasing Will is fun. "It's not that cold in the Great Barrier Reef, I'm guessing."
14 years ago
keeps walking, 'I normally go in the summer when it's warm.' He pretty much gives up surfing in the winter, he's a baby when it comes to the
14 years ago
cold unless he's properly bundled up.
14 years ago
hasn't gone surfing either, if he recalls correctly. "And I suppose the only thing you like doing in the winter is snowboarding."
14 years ago
shakes his head, 'I go swimming at the local pool and play cricket abroad when I get the chance. There's also the Tri-nations against Africa
14 years ago
and New Zealand.' He's really into his sports.
14 years ago
nods in understanding, tapping his chin. "Sporty I see." They reach the rental shop, where he goes to remove the equipment and all that.
William likes
14 years ago
sports! He uses the changing room this time quickly changing. He finds an heater, and practically sits on it as he waits for Vash.
14 years ago
really cleaned himself up. Sanitariness for the win. He stares. "What are you doing..?"
14 years ago
... 'What does it look like mate? I'm humping a heater~' And he's clean!
14 years ago
blanches, "And you're doing this why..?" He thinks it's not that cold anymore.
William was
14 years ago
joking... 'I like that you think so highly of me mate.'
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