14 years ago
finally finished his Warcraf-...important computer work and has emerged from the basement!
latest #255
Francis is
14 years ago
glad to see he's alive.
Gilbert is
14 years ago
thrilled that he's glad. Good to see he's still appreciated!
14 years ago
thought he'd moved to the funny farm; apparently not.
Francis thinks
14 years ago
he'd be more appreciated if did more than play video games.
14 years ago
doesn't see anything funny about *farms*, lady. And he does do more than play games! But that one was *really* important...
Eva thinks
14 years ago
you should read the dictionary some day, mister. Or google it. ·ω·
14 years ago
fails to see how a game can be important. But whatever. He'd give him a hug, but no there's no telling when the last time he showered was.
14 years ago
doesn't need a dictionary. He knows all the important words already anyway! ....gonna look that up later.
14 years ago
...showers every day, y'know. He isn't *that* gross. A hug might be kinda okay.
Francis is
14 years ago
glad for that. But if it's only kind of okay, an arm pat can suffice.
14 years ago
...will punch him in the arm if he doesn't get a fucking hug, how about that. :|
14 years ago
{ You don't deserve hugs, Pruisen :T /flees }
Francis likes
14 years ago
that better. He better enjoy this hug, too. :U
14 years ago
14 years ago
enjoys this hug quite a bit, y'know. Hell, if he were taller, he'd pick your skinny French ass up and spin you around. Like a girl.
14 years ago
isn't sure if he should take that as a compliment or not. But he could always spin you instead.
14 years ago
might latch on to you if you try. He and heights don't get along too well, man.
14 years ago
wouldn't mind that. And at least if he ends up falling, it's not like Gilbert can squish him.
Gilbert hopes
14 years ago
he sure as hell doesn't fall. He's too tall to be doing that.
14 years ago
isn't that much taller than him, you know.
14 years ago
suggests he find somebody his height and have them pick him up, then see how high up it feels.
14 years ago
isn't afraid of heights, so it probably won't seem that high to him, really. He spends some time on la Tour Eiffel and all.
14 years ago
snickers. "How much time d'you spend on that thing?"
14 years ago
shrugs. "A few hours a week if I have time." When all the tourists aren't there, it's a great place to clean his mind.
14 years ago
crosses his arms and rocks back and forth on his feet. "That where you been all this time?"
14 years ago
isn't sure how much time he's talking about. "Sometimes. I guess I've done a bit of travelling lately."
14 years ago
looks at him evenly then shrugs. "Hn. Heard you been around this part of Europe maybe more than you been lettin' on. But whatever. You-
14 years ago
have a good time travelin'?"
14 years ago
waves a hand airily. "Work takes me places. And it isn't like you've been easy to get in touch with lately. But yes, travelling is always-
14 years ago
nice, especially when the places aren't as crowded as Paris."
14 years ago
shrugs. "I don't get good cell service downstairs. You could have come by.". Cell service is really terrible when he turns his phone off
14 years ago
14 years ago
half nods. "I will next time I end up over here, then." It has been a long time since he's really spent time with him.
14 years ago
grins a little, momentarily satisfied. It's still just sort of weird. "So how'd that birthday thing go?"
14 years ago
"It was great. I think everyone had a really nice time. I think you would have enjoyed it."
14 years ago
makes a face. "No way, man. Way too many people in one place." Yeah, that'll be his excuse for not going.
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "You never have a problem with people when we go to bars and the like."
14 years ago
frowns and lifts the sleeve of his t-shirt up. "That party was on a beach. You think I'd go from this white to buff and bronze in all that
14 years ago
sun? Shit, I'd turn into a lobster."
Gilbert has
14 years ago
a million good excuses stowed away. Don't test him.
14 years ago
shrugs and sighs. "I was just surprised you turned down all that free beer. It wasn't even outside."
14 years ago
nearly makes a stricken noise. Free beer...but he had his reasons. "Yeah well...glad you had a good time. West came back burnt up. Pretty
14 years ago
14 years ago
snickers, as if he didn't know this already. "I lucked out, I suppose. I just got a little burned across my cheeks, the bridge of my nose,-
14 years ago
and the tops of my shoulders." Which is where he always gets burned even when dousing himself in sunscreen like he did that whole week.
14 years ago
reaches out to pinch his cheeks. "You do look sorta tan."
14 years ago
tries to grab at his wrist. "Well, I tried." He still can't ever get very dark though. Oh well.
14 years ago
doesn't put up much of a fight to stop him. "Bet you looked funny all pink in the face."
14 years ago
pulls his hand away but doesn't really let go of him. "It looked like I was blushing, but still look fabulous like that." Totally.
14 years ago
turns his wrist so he can grab Francis' hand and pull him over. "Oh, I bet. The blushing bitch look always works on you."
14 years ago
lets him; it's not like he's bothered by the lack of distance. He simply shrugs and grins a little. "I go with what works in my favor."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Could you possibly be any more French, damn."
14 years ago
simply laughs lightly. "I don't know what you mean."
14 years ago
shrugs and shakes his head. Just a joke anyway. "Toyal opportunist. But hell, who isn't."
14 years ago
nods, staying quiet for a moment. "Have you been all right lately?"
14 years ago
shrugs. "Yeah, of course. I'm always all right. Great even. Awesome." Hopefully that wasn't overstressing the point...
14 years ago
stares at him for a moment but decides not to question him further on that.
14 years ago
stares right back. "What?"
14 years ago
"Nothing." He just doesn't believe him is all.
14 years ago
shoves his hands in his pockets, an involuntary self-conscious movement. "So uh...I know you been busy and all but d'you figure you got time
14 years ago
to go out for a beer whenever?"
14 years ago
nods almost immediately. He would have gone out with him ages ago if he could have gotten in touch. "I'm not busy now."
14 years ago
manages to not look too eager about this. Not like it's the first time they drank together. "Yeah? Me neither. Imagine that."
14 years ago
grins. "Well, I'll let you lead the way. You know this place way better than I ever will."
14 years ago
decides not to challenge that, morein favor of leading Francis in the direction of his favorite bar. "Hope you don't mind walking."
14 years ago
follows after him and quickly catches up to his pace so he can walk alongside. "Not at all."
14 years ago
picks places closer to home these days. Last time he got on a bus drunk...well, it wasn't good, but at least it didn't end as terribly as
14 years ago
that taxi ride. To this day, it's near impossible to flag one down in Berlin. "West keeps the damn car keys hidden and I figure he'd flip a
14 years ago
bitch if I hotwired the car. So...yeah."
14 years ago
"I don't think I want to be with you when you're behind the wheel." He elbows him teasingly, but he still is serious on that.
14 years ago
elbows him right back. "I'm a great driver. It's everybody else that sucks."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Of course, it's everyone else's fault."
14 years ago
doesn't catch the sarcasm. He can have pretty selective hearing. "It is. They really need to learn to drive faster."
14 years ago
"City streets are rather unlike your Autobahn, you know."
14 years ago
"No excuse. People going too fuckin' slow are just as bad as people going too damn fast."
14 years ago
"Whatever. I feel for anyone one the road with you behind the wheel."
14 years ago
scoffs and kicks a rock off the sidewalk. "Bunch'a slow bastards. I'm the best driver you ever saw."
14 years ago
"Then I suppose there is something wrong with my vision. I never knew. Hm."
14 years ago
isn't about to get discouraged. "Well, when you keep your eyes closed the entire ride, what do you expect?" They're almost at the bar-
14 years ago
though. He can hear it.
Francis is
14 years ago
glad they're almost there. When was the last time they've gone drinking...he can't even remember. "That should be an indicator of how bad-
14 years ago
your driving is."
14 years ago
"Nuh uh. That's an indicator of you stayin' up too late at night watchin' porn." He won't argue the subject much longer though. There's-
14 years ago
the bar, and the front door, and beyond that a really smokey, crowded room that he'll have to push through to get them to a table in the-
14 years ago
14 years ago
doesn't bother responding anyway. He just follows after Gilbert and sit down when they get to the table.
14 years ago
snatches at some random waitress passing by and orders them something, some wine or whatever for Francis and beer, a fuckload of beer,-
14 years ago
and a bottle of something clear, 'cause all they have here that's clear is strong enough to burn.
Francis is
14 years ago
perfectly content with wine. He figures he'd get thrown out of the bar or something if he asked for lemonade in his beer anyway. Germans and
14 years ago
their beer. In the time it takes to get those drinks, Francis leans back and folds his hands.
14 years ago
doesn't say much while they're waiting. It's hard to hear in this place anyway. Usually he's one of the ones shouting and knocking glasses
14 years ago
over, so it's sort of odd still being sober and in his seat. Kind of sober. He just keeps busy shredding all the small napkin squares.
14 years ago
doesn't mind the lack of conversation. He doesn't have much to say right now, anyway. He knocks his leg against Gilbert's after a moment,-
14 years ago
just because.
14 years ago
hits him right back and grins. "You quit smokin', yeah?"
14 years ago
nods. Though he's not sure how long this streak will last, really. "Ouais."
14 years ago
sucks the back of his teeth and slouches back. "Well damn. Bet you don't do anythin' fun anymore, do you?"
14 years ago
shrugs. "I'm at a bar with you. That counts as fun."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes, but there's a little bit of a red flush on his cheeks. "But drinking's *normal*." And just on time, there are their drinks
14 years ago
14 years ago
reaches for his drink and takes a sip, then shrugs. "Well, then I guess I haven't done anything fun lately."
14 years ago
leaves his drink alone briefly, busy rifling through the various things in his pockets. "I got somethin' fun, if you're interested."
14 years ago
takes another sip of his wine and sets the glass down to watch him. "What is it?"
14 years ago
produces a little silver bubble packet. "Just somethin' fun. Won't hurt ya. You probably aren't gonna remember much of the night though."
14 years ago
reaches his hand out, wanting to look at it. "Are you going to tell me what it is?" Depending upon what it is, he might recognise it. Either
14 years ago
way, he's up for it.
14 years ago
pops one little white tab out on the table, but picks up his glass to break it in half first. "Adam. You can have half, see how you like-
14 years ago
it first."
Francis is
14 years ago
unfamiliar with that term, but that doesn't stop him from picking up and swallowing it down with the wine.
14 years ago
drops the other half in his pocket and pops out a whole one for himself. He smirks and holds it up. "Open up. But don't swallow."
Francis gives
14 years ago
him an odd look but does what he's told.
14 years ago
sets the pill right on Francis' tongue, grabs him by the collar of his shirt, and tugs him over for a very lengthy kiss that will involve-
14 years ago
getting that tab from Francis' mouth into his.
14 years ago
kisses back, scooting a bit closer so he can get his hands wherever he can, whether his thighs or side for the duration of the kiss.
14 years ago
takes his time getting the pill, even being careful to suck the bitter residue off Francis' lower lip as he pulls back. There's a loud-
14 years ago
*snap* as the pill splinters between his back teeth while he grins. "Go easy on wine tonight. Beer's fine. What you can pace yourself with."
14 years ago
pulls back slightly after Gilbert gets the pill. He nods, figuring he'll just finish this glass off at least. "How long until it usually-
14 years ago
kicks in?"
14 years ago
finally picks up his drink to get a long swallow before answering. "About half an hour. You won't hallucinate, isn't crazy shit like that.
14 years ago
You'll know though.'ll like it..."
14 years ago
nods and sips at his wine. He's got no reason to not trust Gilbert, so he trusts his judgement on that. "Mkay."
14 years ago
wouldn't give him roophies or anything that could hurt him. He has his own private stash of that shit at home, but it's all for him, not-
14 years ago
for sharing or drugging people to fuck with them. ...sometimes. Anyway. He scoots over closer somewhat and cradles his drink. "Wine-
14 years ago
14 years ago
holds it up to the light and squints up at the liquid. "It's not poisoned." He takes another sip of it and grins. "Really, it's good." Once
14 years ago
he finishes the wine, he sets the glass on the table and relaxes against the back of the booth.
14 years ago
slips his hand down over Francis' thigh, letting it just rest there while the other tilts the glass up. "Fuckin' smartass. You need to-
14 years ago
come around more."
14 years ago
scoots closer to him, not quite leaning against him but close. "D'acc. Just call me or something and I will."
14 years ago
grins into his drink. "You sure 'bout that? Figured I scared you off there awhile back."
14 years ago
just shrugs. No point in mentioning he had for a while there. "I'm here now, aren't I?"
14 years ago
finishes the alcohol and sets the glass back on the table. The waitress brought four beers and a bottle of something to their table earlier
14 years ago
so he won't have to flag her down any time soon. "Yeah. Took you long enough, but yeah."
Francis will
14 years ago
get a beer to sip at in a moment. He's just too comfortable like this to reach for it just yet. "Would of been sooner if I could have gotten
14 years ago
in touch."
14 years ago
stiffens up some but shrugs this off. His attention and frown turn out towards the bar. "It's cool. Had phone problems."
14 years ago
reaches for a bottle now and unscrews the cap. He takes a sip and glances at him. "Is it fixed now?"
14 years ago
nods. "Yeah. All better. I can even do texts now too. You know how to text?"
14 years ago
"Mhm. I've got a decent plan for it too. Like five thousand a month or something. I don't use it often, really."
14 years ago
snorts. "That's all? Shit. If you're gonna text me, you're gonna need unlimited, man." Ludwig figured that out the first time their-
14 years ago
bill hit $600 in over-limit text messages.
14 years ago
can't imagine why he'd need more, but at least it's not much to upgrade. "Really...well, I'll look into it."
14 years ago
nods and reaches for the bottle of liquor to refill his glass. "You do that."
14 years ago
sips at the beer then just studies the bottle. "This stuff tastes better with grenadine or lemonade."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
very glad their booth is back in a corner and the rest of the bar makes it impossible for Francis' words to carry. The other *men* here-
14 years ago
might lynch him for saying such a thing. "You'll wanna keep that to yourself around here."
14 years ago
isn't really worried about that, honestly. Actually, a lot of things aren't really bothering him at the moment. It's rather nice. "But -
14 years ago
it's true."
14 years ago
nurses his drinnk slowly. After this one he'll start tossing them back in earnest, but the first two are always the best to savor. And it-
Gilbert gives
14 years ago
the drug plenty of time to start working into his system before the alcohol too. "Not here. You don't contaminate good beer."
14 years ago
sips at his beer. Maybe he'll switch to whatever Gilbert's drinking soon too. After he finishes this. "Well, it's quite popular with my -
14 years ago
14 years ago
sticks his tongue out but that's about all the argument he's going to mount just now. ...and that alone is a sure sign that the drug is
14 years ago
starting to take hold. "Pussy beer."
14 years ago
glances at him, then leans over. But rather than biting his tongue, he aims to suck on it.
14 years ago
really thinks he's about to be bit. He stiffens up some but leans into him when that turns out to be much more enjoyable. There's
14 years ago
about a second's worth of concern over doing this in such a public place, but their corner's dark, the bar's smoky and it's not like they're
14 years ago
fucking on the table. Well. More like concern over doing this in a bar full of angry drunk German men.
14 years ago
But who gives a fuck. They can all suck one.
14 years ago
isn't concerned at all, but that doesn't say much, really. He just takes that farther while running his hand up the inside of-
14 years ago
Gilbert's thigh. Drinking more can wait.
14 years ago
totally forgets whatever that thought was just as soon as Francis' hand lands on his thigh. Naturally he wants it higher and moves it-
14 years ago
himself, making sure to press the ...ahem...subject.
14 years ago
smirks a little and gropes at where his hand is placed. A moment later, he's working on getting his hand beneath those pants.
14 years ago
may as well climb right on top of him the way this is going. He's pressed close enough to him anyway, practically draped in his lap to give
14 years ago
more pants access. Whenever he does break away to breathe, he leans his forehead against francis' and pants, watching his hand.
14 years ago
gets Gilbert's pants unbuttoned and unzipped so he can more easily wrap his fist around his cock. His other arm wraps around-
14 years ago
his waist. He pants lightly and looks up to watch him as he continues stroking.
Gilbert needs
14 years ago
alcohol to thrive like fish need water, so it shouldn't be any surprise that he leans back enough to grab his drink. He props himself up-
14 years ago
with an elbow on the table and the other on the back of the booth and smirks as he drinks.
14 years ago
keeps stroking him steadily, occasionally giving his cock a firm squeeze while keeping his eyes on Gilbert.
14 years ago
leans in to kiss him once more, lips slick with booze.
14 years ago
sucks his bottom lip before returning the kiss in full.
14 years ago
only gives that kiss a few seconds then parts with a sharp nip. "You're fuckin' bold, doing this shit in public. you just keep on-
14 years ago
goin'. Get down there and suck my dick."
14 years ago
makes a throaty groan and moves his hands back to run over his thighs. "You're not going to ask nicely?"
14 years ago
picks his drink up again, noisly sucking the remainder off his lip afterward. "Nope. I like the direct approach."
14 years ago
watches him, still running his hands over his thighs. "I need you to move, then."
14 years ago
fakes a groan. "Move *where*?"
14 years ago
"Out of my way so I can move."
14 years ago
frowns but scoots farther back along the booth.
14 years ago
gets under the table and moves down to where Gilbert is.
Gilbert hopes
14 years ago
for that dumb waitress' sake the other tables keep her busy. He isn't sure he'll be able to keep a straight face this high. Smirking under
14 years ago
the table is a pretty dead giveaway too.
14 years ago
gets as close as he can to the booth between Gilbert's thighs so he can lean up and drags his tongue up the underside of his cock.
14 years ago
knows immediately that he won't be able to keep a straight face. The drug has him too loose, too relaxed to do anything but tilt his head-
14 years ago
back and groan.
14 years ago
flicks his tongue over the head of his cock and takes it in the mouth, sucking, then moving lower.
14 years ago
apparently can't keep quite either. The music will take care of his loudest noises at least.
14 years ago
bobs his head and works his way down to deep throat.
14 years ago
jerks, one knee banging the underside of the table, but goddamn, his fucking throat feels like hot velvet. "Ja, fuck, just like that.-
14 years ago
You're gonna fuckin' bring me off you keep doing it like that."
14 years ago
glances up at him when he gets all the way down, but it's brief because how he is now makes it difficult to suck as hard as he can when-
14 years ago
draws back.
14 years ago
doesn't last too long after that. Hell, at least he was polite enough to point out that he wasn't going to last long there a few-
14 years ago
minutes ago, before his leg started twitching and he grabbed onto the table to keep from forcing Francis' head all the way down.
14 years ago
pulls back to almost the tip and bobs his head down, keeping his lips wrapped around his cock tightly as Gilbert gets off. Of course he has-
14 years ago
no problem swallowing. After, he rests his head on his thigh, and doesn't make any effort to get out from under the table yet.
Gilbert will
14 years ago
have to thank him for not moving. That makes dealing with the bartender so much more entertaining. Gilbert just grins when he asks-
14 years ago
where the girl from earlier went. "What girl?" The guy looked over and saw him all over some blond girl. That one. She'd better not-
14 years ago
be under the fucking table, not another one. If she doesn't show up in another two minutes, he'll kick them both out, just like last-
14 years ago
time. Of course, Gilbert just shrugs and pats Francis' head.
14 years ago
can't hear or understand the bartender, so he waits for him to leave before looking up and asking what that was about.
14 years ago
answers without looking down, while fixing his pants. "He wanted to know where the hot chick I came in with disappeared to."
14 years ago
snickers a little, not feeling offended at all and moves to slide out from under the table.
Gilbert gives
14 years ago
him a second to get out from under there. It's not like he can do anything to return the favor by crawling under the table with him. -
14 years ago
"Thanks. Fuckin' great, like always."
14 years ago
sits back in the booth and straightens his shirt, trying to make it look like he hadn't just been down there. He reaches for a whatever's in
14 years ago
reach to drink and smiles. "Anytime."
14 years ago
sits there for a minute, looking around the bar. A blowjob would be easiest, but that thrill's been covered already. What would be-
14 years ago
harder to get away...with...oh yeah. Without wasting another second, he unbuttons his jeans, slips them down to midthigh, and slides up-
14 years ago
into Francis' lap, facing the table. And *squirms*.
14 years ago
sets his drink down when Gilbert moves into his lap, hands immediately going to his hips. He leans forward to nip his neck--and groans -
14 years ago
against it when he starts squirming. In a moment he'll reach to undo his own pants but for now this is fine.
14 years ago
sets his elbows on the table, digging down for support, and plays with the bottle. He tries to look as casual as possible while grinding-
14 years ago
himself down against the swell of Francis' cock in his pants, shifting so that bulge is right in the middle of his ass.
14 years ago
could endure this a lot longer in any other situation, but between that drug, the alcohol, and the fantastic way Gilbert's grinding on him,-
14 years ago
the constriction is far too much so he works on undoing his pants as quickly and carefully as possible.
14 years ago
leans forward some on the table, which helps lift his backside off Francis' crotch while he's getting his pants open.
14 years ago
doesn't really trust this booth enough to allow his bare ass to be on it, so he just pulls his own pants down slightly and strokes himself-
14 years ago
once he's got his cock out.
14 years ago
slips a hand down under the table and pulls a tiny bottle out of his pocket to hand over. "Not drunk or high enough for a dry fuck, Schätz.
14 years ago
14 years ago
squints his eyes at him. "What'd you call me?" He takes the bottle and slicks down his fingers first. He's sober enough that he can -
14 years ago
properly prep.
Gilbert has
14 years ago
to think pretty fucking hard to remember what he even said. "Ah...Schätz. S-stupid...thing. Sorta like h-h*ooow* you'd use baby."
14 years ago
moves his hand between his thighs and back to work a finger then. "...Oh."
14 years ago
"Yeah, shut up."
14 years ago
leans forward and nips his jaw while getting in another finger, stretching.
14 years ago
tilts his head down and rubs at his forehead. Not to be rude but to hide the expression on his face when the second finger slips into him.
14 years ago
slicks down his cock with his free hand and pulls his hips down a little after removing his fingers.
14 years ago
takes it upon himself to maneuver down entirely, taking him in much slower than what he'd prefer. But they're trying to get away with this-
14 years ago
in public; can't draw attention by dropping down on it and moaning like usual.
14 years ago
runs his hands over his hips, moaning softly as Gilbert works down his cock. And this view is amazing.
14 years ago
settles down in his lap finally and rolls his hips, working Francis' cock deep inside.
14 years ago
runs his hands under his shirt. For now, he'll let Gilbert set the pace.
Gilbert thinks
14 years ago
he does a pretty fucking fantastic job at that. But such is his ego. He just knows how to bounce up on that, if you'll excuse the-
14 years ago
14 years ago
agrees with that whole heartedly. Gilbert knows how to ride his cock excellently, but that doesn't stop him from popping his hips.
14 years ago
isn't fast enough getting a hand over his mouth to stop that loud cry. Almost a yelp really, but *holy fuck*, that felt awesome. He picks-
14 years ago
up the pace just a little more and turns his head. His cheeks are noticeably redder, eyes half-lidded in their glance back. "So fuckin'-
14 years ago
good, goddamn. You like gettin' that big cock up my ass, don't you? You better fuckin' come in me, you fuckin' bitch."
14 years ago
smirks a little and does it again. So what if someone notices. "I will. *Hard*. And you'll enjoy the hell out of it."
14 years ago
pitches forward a little against the table, swearing. At least that blends in with everyone *else* swearing. "Th'fuck you will. You'll-
14 years ago
shoot off a little bit, fuckin' dryfire like a *kid*, like a little pussy bitch. You f-fuckin' fill me up or you ain't anythin' but that- -
14 years ago
a f-fuckin' *bitch*."
14 years ago
doesn't reply verbally. Rather, he grips his Gilbert's hips and pops his own much harder than before.
14 years ago
straightens up with a howl, fingers scrabbling over the tabletop to keep himself upright. They're going to get tossed out for this, but-
14 years ago
he's going to get off again first if Francis keeps slamming his fucking prostate like that every time.
Francis is
14 years ago
not going to last much longer; Gilbert's so fucking tight and hot. He reaches down and starts stroking him in rhythm.
14 years ago
usually lasts much longer the second go-around. Not this time - as soon as Francis touches him the orgasm hits and comes against the-
14 years ago
underside of the table, bucking down on his cock as hard as he can.
14 years ago
comes not long after, pushed over the edge due to feeling Gilbert ride his out tightly around his cock. He brushes his lips over-
14 years ago
the side of his neck before licking the traces of cum off his own hand.
14 years ago
the side of his neck before licking the traces of cum off his own hand.
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