Roel is
14 years ago
playing with Molly in the front yard, making sure she doesn't eat his tulips.
latest #132
Arthur is
14 years ago
watching, wondering what a Molly is...
Roel wonders
14 years ago
why Berwald of all people is watching him, but he says "Molly" is a rabbit he was given.
Arthur was
14 years ago
taking a walk either, that is why. He wants to see this 'Molly.'
14 years ago
motions for him to come over then. He picks up the small white bundle and cradles her. "Not sure what kind she is, but she's cute, ja?"
14 years ago
stares down at the rabbit, brow furrowed. "You found her?"
14 years ago
shakes his head. "Nahh, she was a gift~" He thumbs the top of the rabbit's head, smiling.
14 years ago
( forgot the accent. /facepalm )
14 years ago
barely nods, staring at the rabbit. "'t looks like 't 'ould make goo' stew..."
14 years ago
(/pets/ ; A ; S'okaaay~)
14 years ago
..blinks and holds the rabbit closer, looking somewhat concerned. "Err, ja, don't think so. She's a pet, not food."
14 years ago
may or may not be laughing at this situation.
14 years ago
just stares. "No' where I come fro'..."
14 years ago
stills holds her close, looking somewhat wary and not liking that suggestion. "Nn well, m'not much for Swedish culture then, I guess."
14 years ago
's still sort of laughing. A lotl.
14 years ago
grunts. "Sh' woul' look nice 'n a bowl 's 'll 'm sayin'..."
14 years ago
shrugs and continues to pet at the creature, making a mental note to never leave her alone with Berwald. "...ja, sure, okay." He also may-
14 years ago
-or may not appreciate it, if the laughing Turk would get his butt over here and save Roel from this awkward convo.
14 years ago
merely waves a hand, but goes over anyway. Maybe changing the topic.. "New tulips?"
14 years ago
blinks at the man and nods a bit, giving him a small thankful smile in return. "Er ja. Just planted them a few days ago~"
14 years ago
hums and only smirks. "Better keep the rabbit in check, then, lest it eats the tulips..or gets eaten." he idly glances to Berwald.
14 years ago
pales a bit and nods, holding the rabbit closer and continuing to idly stroke at it. He clears his throat. "H-Hah, yeah."
14 years ago
snorts and pats at his back, albeit roughly. "Oi, ya don't need any more damn color drainin' from yer face. Relax."
14 years ago
jerks a bit, shooting Sadiq a small glare. "Nnn shuddap." He's very close to walking back inside, considering this is usually why he-
14 years ago
-doesn't like coming out.
14 years ago
smirks and easily wraps an arm around his shoulders. "Didn't I tell ya to relax?"
14 years ago
looks even a bit more uncomfortable and keeps glaring. "And didn't I tell you to shut up~" He manages to smirk a bit, though, watching the-
14 years ago
-Turk carefully as he makes sure not to drop Molly as he shoves the man a bit playfully.
14 years ago
"Ne? Someone's being cheeky." he rolls his eyes and merely bumps against him.
14 years ago
bumps him back! He chuckles lowly, shaking his head. "I try~"
14 years ago
bumps again! He then moves out of the way, and crouches to look at the tulips, just out of curiosity.
14 years ago
stumbles a bit this time, but laughs a bit. He crouches down himself and warily puts Molly on the ground watching her. "You should have-
14 years ago
-seen Eva's face when she caught me gardening the other day. I should have thrown my shovel at her..." He chuckles.
14 years ago
shifts and fixes his mask as he leans over and bumps his shoulder against Roel's, his eyes still focused on the tulips. "Why, were ya_
14 years ago
_gardenin' naked?" he snorts.
14 years ago
snorts loudly at this himself, leaning against the man a bit and shaking his head. "Wha--nee! She just thinks its cute when men garden er-
14 years ago
-something. She didn't stop talking about it the whole rest of the day." He scratches at his scar, huffing.
14 years ago
rolls his eyes and peers over, wondering why he's being leaned on. "Well, ya found 'er kink, then."
Roel is
14 years ago
leaning because he feels like it :'| He chokes a bit, though, at that last quip and blushes. "..wha-?" He smirks, though, shaking his head.-
14 years ago
-"N'aww that's chocolate, actually. But I wouldn't be surprised..." He'll disregard any questions as to how he knows this, thank you.
14 years ago
freezes and calmly raises a hand, using it to forcefully shove Roel onto the ground and peer over at him. "The hell?! Chocolate?!"
14 years ago
falls with a loud "oompf" and stares up at him, laughing. "Ja! Well I mean, I figure, anyway! The way she hordes the damn stuff."
14 years ago
"My ass!" he leans over enough to loom over him. "My fuckin' ass yer guessin'. Ya sounded too confident, kiddo."
14 years ago
glares a bit, his smirk faltering. He tries to shove Sadiq back, growling a bit. "Nn so what? Even if I did, how would it be your business-
14 years ago
-, huh?" He arches an eyebrow, his smirk turning into a sneer.
14 years ago
{ ... MEN. /endthreadjack }
14 years ago
only grabs his hands and pushes him back down, deciding to push his buttons. "Maybe I'd like t'tap that." he grins, almost evily. [>:I WAT.]
14 years ago
grunts and continues to try and shove him back until he hears /that/. He pales a bit and nearly let's the pipe in his mouth fall out, out-
14 years ago
-of shock. "...'scuse me?" [ZUSTER. GO AWAY. THE MEN ARE TALKING. >'C XD;; ]
14 years ago
smirks, knowing he's hit a nerve. "Ya heard me, kiddo." [QUIT YOUR BITCHIN' AND GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN]
14 years ago
{ ... B( MNN FINE. } { /seriously though, stalking this forever ♥ }
14 years ago
...smacks him. Quite hard. He hopes he dented that pretty little mask in the process too, because he's quite angry. "Don't /ever/ talk like-
14 years ago
-that about my sister again." He doesn't care how vulgar he may be about her, at times. No one else was allowed to in his mind.
14 years ago
freezes as he feels a sudden chill hit his eyes, which is weird, because this means his mask's /not there anymore/ and he growls, ignoring_
14 years ago
_the fallen mask on the floor. "Yer a fuckin' asshole, ya know that? Take a damn joke." he leans back immediately to cover his eyes. "Damn."
14 years ago
looks sufficiently accomplished and sits up a bit, eyeing the man. "Nn and yer a dumbass for making a joke about someone with a protective-
14 years ago
-brother." Oh yes, he feels a /little/ bad for hitting the guy, but what he says is true.
14 years ago
rubs at his eyes, honestly feeling so much more different without the mask. "Shut the fuck up, goddamn it." He sits there for a while, a_
14 years ago
_firm frown on his face.
Roel is
14 years ago
getting a good look considering he hasn't seen Sadiq like this in quite a while. He pats at the guys shoulder, chuckling. "...sorry. Didn't-
14 years ago
-mean to hit you, /that/ hard. Even if you deserved it." He snorts, hoping he doesn't get hit back by this point.
14 years ago
peers over from behind his hand and doesn't smack him away, but does kick at him hard before he snatches his mask and stumbles to his feet.
14 years ago
shouts a bit at the kicking and falls back again. He rubs at his shoulder and stares up at the man, rolling his eyes and huffing.
14 years ago
{ Is this how men make bffs? .-. /shot /kaystoppingmythreadjack now }
14 years ago
"Ya ain't gettin' any new fuckin' tulips this year, damn." he snorts as he dusts off his mask and carefully fits it back on. [Trufax :I ]
14 years ago
pouts a bit at that, saddened but still feeling a bit cheeky as he says this. "But yours are the only ones that truly complete my garden~"-
14 years ago
-Oh yes. He said that in the gayest voice he could. I think hell froze over. [Hmm, it would seem so <w<]
14 years ago
snorts and covers his face, holding back a laugh because he's still mad, damn it. "F-forget your damn garden..." he's starting to smile~
14 years ago
notices this and mentally does a little "success!". He decides to keep hamming it up, though, and he scoots forward to dramatically wrap-
14 years ago
-his arms around Sadiq's leg. "Don't be like thaaattt! /You/ complete me, Sadiq! You and your beautiful flowers~" He does snort, though,-
14 years ago
-because holy shit this is the weirdest thing he's ever done. Its sufficiently amusing him though, watching the man's reaction.
14 years ago
"Oh my fucking God." He snorts into his hand and shakes his head, glancing down and idly shaking that leg. "Get off me, ya damn pansy.."
14 years ago
's seriously smiling a bit more, though.
14 years ago
only holds onto him tighter at that~ He looks up at the man with a sort of pouty face, whining and trying not to laugh out loud.
14 years ago
sighs after a while and crouches, tugging him over into a fierce man-hug. "I fuckin' hate you, man."
14 years ago
yells a bit, not expecting that but definitely returning that fierce man-hug. "I fuckin' hate ya too, domkop~"
14 years ago
"Punkass bitch.." he snorts and smacks him over his head, but may be setting his chin on his shoulder and not pulling away yet.
14 years ago
tries to bat his hand away, wincing but still laughing loudly as he just leans on him with a smirk. "Sensitive Turk~"
14 years ago
shakes his head and hits him again, before laughing himself. "Only when you fuckin' punch off my mask."
14 years ago
winces again, but is still laughing himself and leaning closer. He's glad Sadiq isn't mad anymore. Roel could be persuasive when he wanted-
14 years ago
-to be~ "..Nn but I was just trying to show off that pretty face of yours~" He pauses. "And to get you to stop hitting on my zuster. But-
14 years ago
14 years ago
"Fuck you, Roel." He chuckles and manages to push him away, consciously touching mask and reassuring himself that it's there. "I hate this_
14 years ago
_thing bein' off my face and ya fuckin' know it."
14 years ago
falls back onto his hands, sitting up and smirking widely. "Yeah I know~ S'all the more reason to knock it off." He laughs.
14 years ago
peers over and snorts. "Punkass. 'm surprised I haven't killed ya yet."
Roel gives
14 years ago
him that same pouty face. "Aww, but you'd miss me too much if you did~"
14 years ago
"For about a minute, yeah." He grins and leans over, as if he's going to kiss that pout away, but just puts his hand to Roel's face and_
14 years ago
_shoves him back.
14 years ago
"A minu-?!" He stops, though, his breath catching before he's flailing and falling back with a shout. "Asshole!" He laughs, though, trying-
14 years ago
-to kick at the man.
14 years ago
quickly gets a chance to roll away, even if he did get kicked in the arm, and he snorts. "Revenge, kiddo."
14 years ago
manages to stick out his tongue, sitting back up and getting ready to tackle Sadiq. "Shut up~ And I'm not a kiddo, old man."
14 years ago
shrugs and stretches his arms up, grunting a bit. "Don't give a fuck, yer a kiddo to me."
14 years ago
leaps and tackles him down when he stretches, laughing. He manages to sit on his chest, smirking widely. "Fine. Then you're still an old-
14 years ago
-man to me. Slow as fuck, too~"
14 years ago
releases a loud huff once he's tackled/sat on and squirms, trying to push him off. "Ha-shit! The hell, Roel?!"
14 years ago
shrugs, keeping himself firmly situated as he grins down at him and tilts his head. "Revenge?"
14 years ago
rolls his eyes and raises a hand up to attempt to smack him. "Fuckin' asshole."
14 years ago
leans his head back just in time, chuckling loudly. "Slow domkop."
14 years ago
smacks his shoulder instead, and huffs, lying his head on the ground calmly. Fuck it all. "Yer heavy, ya know."
14 years ago
winces and pouts again, rubbing at his shoulder and humming. "Nn sorry~"
14 years ago
shrugs, and sighs now, wondering what he can do. "Ya ain't gonna get off, are ya?"
Roel is
14 years ago
quite comfy up here, thanks, so his pout turns into a quirky grin and he shakes his head. "Mm nope."
14 years ago
"Fuckin' shit. I thought not." He grumbles and shuts his eyes for now. Maybe he can fall asleep.
14 years ago
laughs a bit, leaning down to pull at his cheek and smirk. "You know me too well~"
14 years ago
groans and play-bites towards his hand. "Siktir!" he snorts.
14 years ago
pulls his hand back quickly before poking Sadiq's lips with a chuckle. "Neuken u te~"
14 years ago
"Bok kafa..." He huffs and manages to nip at his finger.
14 years ago
winces a bit and pulls his hand back, huffing but still managing a smirk. "Klootzak." He rolls his eyes and sighs, leaning down to akwardly-
14 years ago
-rest on the man. "Did you mean it when you said you wouldn't send me tulips this year?" He knows its random, but some part of him was-
14 years ago
-actually saddened by this notion.
14 years ago
grunts as he shifts and tilts his head, opening his eyes to glance at him. "Salak... why ya askin' me that?"
14 years ago
shrugs a bit, glancing down at him with raised eyebrows and a sort of guy-pout. "Just wondering."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes and leans up, ruffling his hair. "Roel, I ain't stoppin' yer tulip supply."
14 years ago
grins at that, brightening up a bit. He chuckles and smirks at the man. "Goed~ It would have broken my heart, ya know~" Its said in a-
14 years ago
-mocking tone, but it may or may not be true ohoho~
14 years ago
hums and smacks his head now. "Yeah, yeah, then this is gonna abso-fuckin'-lutely shatter it. I'm cuttin' it down a notch, kiddo."
14 years ago
shouts a bit, wincing and sitting up to huff and glare down at him. He rolls his eyes, though, shrugging. "Pff fine, whatever Sadiq."
14 years ago
growls when he shifts and pushes himself to sit up a bit. "Nnh, 'm serious. Can't afford t'give ya so many fuckin' bulbs with this economy."
14 years ago
sighs, shaking his head and tilting it at him. "Nee nee, I know that. I wasn't being chastising or anything, just agreeing."
14 years ago
"Pff, fine, whatever Roel." He practically snaps his own words back and raises his hips, trying to get him off, damn it.
14 years ago
looks concerned at that and rolls off quickly, not wanting to antagonize the man further.
14 years ago
grumbles and pops his back once he's off, sighing. "Goddamn."
14 years ago
rests back, picking up the pipe he carefully placed on the ground before tackling Sadiq and puffing on it for a moment. He glances around-
14 years ago
-to see that Mollly is safe and asleep in a nearby patch of flowers before he turns back to quietly watch the Turk.
14 years ago
soon stands up and stretches. "I think I've stayed long enough." He looks to the tulips whilst stretching, and sighs."They're growin' well."
14 years ago
shifts to stand up himself, brushing himself off and nodding at him. "I don't your company, but if you think so..." He smiles a bit, though-
14 years ago
-"Thanks. Its at least one thing I can do right."
14 years ago
((*a "mind" should be in there somewhere :'| ))
14 years ago
[I thought so. :I]
14 years ago
shakes his head. "Pfft. Don't mind my company, my ass." he calmly salutes him and heads to hop over the garden fence, because..just because.
14 years ago
watches after him for a while before huffing and shaking his head and going to pick up Molly before heading inside. He needed a nap.
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