snbeach says
16 years ago
answers were all the same- they want more hands-on, less busy work, assignments with purpose rather than just memorizing
latest #14
snbeach says
16 years ago
they want a say so in their learning. Their favorite subjects are either those about which they or their teachers were passionate.
snbeach says
16 years ago
They love science labs because they get to do something. Smart board if they get to use it. They like resp sys and prefer to work in groups.
snbeach says
16 years ago
Worst teachers didnt teach. They would give notes and not explain. They would make them read silently and answer questions .
snbeach says
16 years ago
They noticed when bathrooms were clean or the school was run down and wished it was different.
snbeach says
16 years ago
Least favorite activity in school was the amount of copying and writing they had to do.. several said hands hurt. Wished they could type
snbeach says
16 years ago
Their favorite subjects were the ones where they got to control the learning outcomes- like art cause they choose what to create
snbeach says
16 years ago
They wanted to work in groups cause they learn more by thinking ideas through together.
16 years ago
Sounds like PBL
16 years ago
Who can blame them snbeach? Passive learning is never fun!
16 years ago
Yes, cobannon, a disservice. As a parent, I have an incredibly hard time dealing with this.
EdVentures says
16 years ago
there is an article in the new ASCD mag Educational Leadership about student ownership.
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