Lithuania is
14 years ago
napping on his couch, he fell asleep after a long day.
latest #41
14 years ago
let himself into his house and inched closer to the couch.
14 years ago
snores lightly and shifts to his side.
14 years ago
leans over the back of the couch and watches him sleep.
14 years ago
's eyebrows furrow as if he's having a bad dream.
14 years ago
frowns and moves to sit on the side of the couch, leaning over him to kiss him lightly on the lips.
14 years ago
stirs slightly at the pressure on his lips, he blinks a few times, to see Feliks leaning over him, he smiles and leans up to Feliks to_
14 years ago
deepen the kiss. "Good to see you too," he mumbled as he pulled away.
14 years ago
smiles and blushes a bit as he watches him pull away. "Morning sleeping beauty."
14 years ago
smiles up to his lover, but looks over to the clock, "I don't know about morning, but I do suppose I should get up, but-" he cut himself off
14 years ago
and reached to pull Feliks next to him, "I'd much rather stay right here with you."
14 years ago
blinks as he's pulled down. He sighs softly and wraps his arms around him, moving as close as he can to him. "I like that idea the best."
14 years ago
wraps his arms around the other man, and leaned his head on his chest, "yeah, a wonderful idea."
14 years ago
smiles and moves a hand to lift the others' chin up a bit so he can kiss him softly on the lips again. "So are we just going to like cuddle
14 years ago
or did you want to do something else?"
14 years ago
responds to the kisses eagerly, and hmmed at his question, "well what else did you have in mind?"
14 years ago
shrugs a bit, sliding his hands to the hem of Liet's top as he tugged on it experimentally. "I don't like, know. Something fun maybe."
14 years ago
chuckles, "Something fun eh? would this something be easier to do on a bed rather than a couch?" says but helps Feliks by removing his shirt
14 years ago
14 years ago
laughs and kisses him on the cheek when he pulls the shirt off. "Hmm... I think we can like, make it work on a couch."
14 years ago
raises his eyebrow, "yeah? show me." he dares the other to continue.
14 years ago
grins at the challenge, moving quickly he pinned him to the couch and straddled his waist. "Oh? You like totally sure you want to do that?"
14 years ago
smirks up to him, "absolutely." he quickly leans up and kisses Feliks but quickly pulls away again and continues amirking
14 years ago
14 years ago
pouts a bit when he pulls away he leans down and catches the others' lips with his. "Then I'll prove that we can do it right here."
14 years ago
's smirk widens, and leans slightly into the kiss, "alright, prove it." he says but wraps his arms around his neck and pull him to deepen
14 years ago
the kiss.
14 years ago
hums softly into the kiss, enjoying it to much to pull away. Instead he shifted a bit so he could slide a hand down Liet's bare chest, his
14 years ago
fingers dipping under the waist band of his pants as he pulled them down.
14 years ago
helps Feliks remove his pants, but in return, he started pulling at the hem of his shirt without breaking the heated kiss
Feliks was
14 years ago
thrilled when he got the pants off. He pulled back from the kiss, reluctantly, and pulled off his shirt for him before leaning down and
14 years ago
kissing him again on the lips. "I like totally love you Liet."
14 years ago
froze for a moment, had Feliks really just confessed to him. he couldn't help himself his eyes started to water.
14 years ago
pulled back a bit as he watched him for a moment, suddenly very worried he'd done something horribly wrong. "A-Ah I'm like so sorry!"
14 years ago
lifts his hand to wipe his tears, "no don't be, I'm crying because I'm so happy, I love you too Feliks." he reached out to Feliks and took_
14 years ago
hid face in his hands and brought it close to his. "I love you so much," and he leaned in to kiss him.
14 years ago
kissed him back softly, glad he hadn't said the wrong thing. He smiled into the kiss and ran his hands down the other's sides, wanting to
14 years ago
touch as much of him as he could.
14 years ago
arches into the touches, his hands making their way to Feliks's waistband, but stops as he starts to kiss the other's neck and making his_
14 years ago
way down to his collar bone and still placed at his hip bur without moving to do anything.
14 years ago
closes his eyes and hums softly at the kisses. His hands continued to roam over Liet's body, loving the feel of his skin far to much to stop
14 years ago
. "I love you, I like really really love you."
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