abot26 says
14 years ago
I do not need an appointment,,,,,,,,,,, but I need a true love for me,,,, and make me get better from now,,,,,,,
latest #11
DiLLaH_cHifa says
14 years ago
respon* (dance) *respon* (dance) *respon* (dance) *respon* (dance) *respon* (dance)*respon* (dance) *respon* (dance) *respon* (dance)
DiLLaH_cHifa says
14 years ago
respon* (dance) *respon* (dance) *respon* (dance) *respon* (dance) *respon* (dance)*respon* (dance) *respon* (dance) *respon* (dance)
abot26 says
14 years ago
DiLLaH_cHifa says
14 years ago
abot26: yaps
abot26 says
14 years ago
tp tau ga apa artinya ???
DiLLaH_cHifa says
14 years ago
abot26: ap?
abot26 says
14 years ago
qw ga butuh janji,,tapi qw butuh cinta yang tulus untuk qw,,,dan membuat qw lebih baik dari sekarang
DiLLaH_cHifa says
14 years ago
abot26: hhehehee.... so sweet
abot26 says
14 years ago
hahahaha,,,,tapi mang bener ko,,,,dah males pacaran cuma maen2 doank
DiLLaH_cHifa says
14 years ago
abot26: bener
abot26 says
14 years ago
iya makanya,,,nyari yang bener2 sayang tuh susah sampe sekarang sendiri mulu
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