Lovino is
14 years ago
staring at the free apple he just got. It looks good... and he's hungry.
latest #79
14 years ago
doesn't think eating the apple is a very good idea, but whatever.
14 years ago
doesn't really love apples in general. He's more of a tomato fan, but well, nothing else to eat. He can share this with Vash though.
Vash is
14 years ago
slightly wary at the apple. He's hungry though. Nothing else to eat, so he accepts the offer.
Lovino is
14 years ago
glad someone will help him finish this apple. He goes to get a knife from this tiny house he stumbled on and cuts the apple.
14 years ago
... doesn't expect the knife to melt. >>;; Now he's not going to eat THIS.
14 years ago
blinks and stares at the knife. What. The. Heck. His stomach rumbles and now they have nothing to eat now.
Antonio wonders
14 years ago
if maybe he could try and cut the apple? But if it melted a knife it must not be that tasty...!
Vash thinks
14 years ago
he was right to be wary of the apple.
14 years ago
knows he shouldn't have accepted something from a total stranger. ... wait. "Uh, sorry for asking. But are you Heidi or his sister?"
Vash wishes
14 years ago
to bang his head against a wall. "...Heidi."
14 years ago
[Hullo Heidi. ouo *waaaaves* BD]
14 years ago
[*readies his gun* BT]
14 years ago
[guess who's gonna make an appearance that's right....arter..no...perter....no....PARTHUR....? U: just forget it arty's coming in]
14 years ago
[lmaolmao Parthur]
14 years ago
(lololol Parthur <3 )
Lovino will
14 years ago
show him the best place to bang his head if he want to. One less nation, more land for him. "... You guys look like twins you know."
14 years ago
spots two good looking ladies down on the ground while he's looking for his shadow. Wait nevermind, it's two guys in drag. He descends --
14 years ago
anyways, his eyes alight with boyish curiosity, sitting down on a boulder, which seemed to be his prefered sort of sitting spot.
14 years ago
shrugs. He can't really argue with that. He's just a biiit taller, though. "..I know." He feels someone staring at him.
Lovino feels
14 years ago
like someone is watching them. Good God, better not that creepy woman. "I think someone other is here."
14 years ago
blinks and decides this isn't a very good spot to hide, so he catapults himself into the trees. Maybe he can scare them. c: That'd be fun.
14 years ago
doesn't like this. And he jumped at the sound of the leaves rustling. Dammit.
14 years ago
also spots a creepy woman in the woods as well. He grins and grabs an acorn and throws it at her. Which makes her screech and run away. =u=b
14 years ago
[i'll be accepting your praise now k thx *pose* ]
14 years ago
heard a rustling of leaves before the screech. Oh, and was that the sound of a branch breaking? And a girly squeal.
14 years ago
( *throws stones at* c: Thanks? )
Lovino hopes
14 years ago
this forest is not a haunted forest. NOT THAT HE'S SCARED OF THEM. No. "W-who's there?"
14 years ago
[You won't be finding any praise here! *punts*]
Arthur thinks
14 years ago
scaring the two gir--GUYS will be fun. *as you can see he has trouble with genders now i.e. Frariel, HK-Fairy*
14 years ago
doesn't get scared easily, ktnxbai.
14 years ago
14 years ago
[OLD HAGS DUN SCURR ME! Unless they're the kind that lock you up in closets]
14 years ago
taps his chin, and starts throwing things around. Namely twigs and stones....at them. c: And then he quickly changes position! It's almost -
14 years ago
like a game! c: If only his shadow were here....>:U
14 years ago
blinks and wonders why twigs and stones are suddenly appearing by his feet. How strange.
Lovino is
14 years ago
probably, not really, clinging to Vash. Yep. He's trying to evade the damn stones and twigs. "OI. Dammit, who's there?" He tries to be brave
14 years ago
can't help but snort quietly at the one with the miniskirt. He then starts making creepy wailing sounds. Mood music, of course.
Vash wishes
14 years ago
he had a camera so that he could be the one with blackmail material. He frowns, looking around. "Hello?"
Lovino will
14 years ago
kill him when he find him. Goddammit. "Bastard... Answer already, asshole. I know you're there."
Arthur wishes
14 years ago
Tink was around. ;n; it'd be more fun if she were here. He then spots a coconut on a nearby branch. ouo Coconut? They grew here? Whatever. -
14 years ago
grabs it, and squints, readying himself, aiming it at the blondie. AND THROW!
14 years ago
can see something coming-- He tackles Vash to the ground so the other won't get hit by the stupid coconut.
14 years ago
Darnit! So close. Stupid weird cussing he-princess. >n>
14 years ago
yelps a bit as he falls to the floor. "Hey! What did you do that fo-" He blinks, as Lovi is lying on the floor face-flat.
Arthur will
14 years ago
just sit here and throw random things at them now. But his heart isn't really in it anymore. d: Sigh. Where *is* his shadow? <n<
14 years ago
curses whoever throws that coconut. Die a painful and slow death, you. In the mouth of a crocodile. "Fuck this, I am finding the bastard."
14 years ago
[lol in the mouth of a crocodile eue teh croc oh kai]
14 years ago
sits up and waves a hand. "Good luck with that then. Throw something at him for me, will you?"
14 years ago
blinks and looks at him. "You're not going to help?" Fine, he can manage by himself. If he dies, tell Spain he loves-- nevermind.
14 years ago
*mai [what's kai. u: ]
14 years ago
shakes his head, smirking. "You're the *brave* prince-ss, do it yourself." Oho, yes he will be telling that to Spain.
Arthur wonders
14 years ago
if he can fly away and serreptiously come back and introduce himself. <v<
Lovino is
14 years ago
not finished. He loves tomatoes. Okay, tell Spain that. "You're so helpful, Heidi. The glass slippers suits you by the way."
Lovino thinks
14 years ago
Parthur can't. :U Not till he gives him a piece of his mind.
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "They're as suiting to me as you are brave." He points at one part of the forest. "Maybe he's there."
14 years ago
Oh sh--well, he's not going to be given a piece of Lovi White's mind. ene But he doesn't wanna stay hereeee. d:>
14 years ago
then switches from the spot Vash pointed it to to another one. >~~~> Thank god for his flight....it's pretty awesome.
14 years ago
looks back at Vash one last time and sighs. Well, here goes nothing... Maybe he should just set the whole forest in fire.
14 years ago
just wants something to be thrown at the guy. If only he had his gun.
14 years ago
can find him a slingshot?
Vash thinks
14 years ago
that would be nice of him. A slingshot in the middle of a forest, though..?
Arthur has
14 years ago
a slingshot. c: But will so obviously not be lending it to them. 8V
14 years ago
kicks a tree in a manly way. Or he wants to think it is manly. SHUT. UP. Hope you're up there, bastard.
14 years ago
finds a Y shaped branch and shall now find rubber band
14 years ago
just watches Lovi kick a tree in what he thinks has to be a girliest kick ever. The miniskirt isn't helping. He hears rustling behind him.
14 years ago
snorts a bit. This is pretty funny. Oh wait she's making a slingshot. Crap.
14 years ago
got one slingshot for Vashy. He throws it for the other to catch and starts finding the necessary materials again.
14 years ago
catches the slingshot. He turns and fires a rock at the forest behind him.
Lovino hopes
14 years ago
it hits the bad guy right at his forehead. It will make a pretty sight. BU
14 years ago
yelps! And barely dodges, almost falling to the ground. Phew; cue dramatic flying up.
Lovino thinks
14 years ago
his face is kinda familiar. That brows... DAT BROWS.
14 years ago
throws stones at him while he can.
14 years ago
looks up and aims for the eyebrows. Oh, hi England!
Arthur is
14 years ago
hit on one of his brows. >:U Ow, f--He then does loop de loops and hovers out of reach. "'Ello!" he calls cheerfully.
14 years ago
isn't impressed. he aims an tries to shoot his other eyebrow. "Why did you have to go and scare poor Romie?"
14 years ago
doesn't know whether to be angry at Parthur or at Heidi more. Poor Romie? The fuck? "Nice shot." He'll try aiming the crotch.
Vash thinks
14 years ago
he should be angry at Parthur for scaring him. "Thanks,"
14 years ago
he mutters, picking up another stone to fire at England.
14 years ago
shall do that and then he'll be angry at Vash afterwards. Dude, he's not that much of a coward! Here, Iggy, have another shot.
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