that, my dear friend, is never a good idea ;O;
XD Duly noted. My wrists look like hell, lol.
i hate anything near my wrists
........... D8 < THAT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA AT ALL.
=u= *offers to bandage your hand*
It's mostly just abrasions that'll probably just bruise... XD They just look pink and raw at the moment.
...I. Very well may kill you.
Ffff. XD I didn't do it on purpose, yo. I kept getting my hands stuck between boxes.
*resists from turning on motherly mode and scolds you to no end*
Cardboard is a sharp mother-fucker...
...-Beats you for making me worry, especially because read it as cardboard boxcutters-
Nooooooo. Oh God, no. I'm too scared of pain to do something like that, lol. XD
dang it, wasn't it you who kept B|ing at me when I got cuts on my arms from the cardboard boxes at work? Or was that someone else?
And like my wrists too much...
I hurt myself enough on accident. O_O Why would I do it on purpose? XD
Why does *anyone* do it on purpose? /Bandages wrists, kisses better
cardboard cuts are the worst too damn
;u; nah, papercuts are ouchie.
Cardboard cut is like a paper cut... but HUGE... just saying.
oh i know. work taught me that LOL
........ *eye twitches* That does not make me feel better about you getting a cardboard cut. D8
Like I said... it wound up mostly abrasions. Only one of them is an actual cut, and it didn't even bleed. XD
better than the alternative
...........d-didn't even bleed....?
Yeeee-no. Not even a little, yo. Probably gonna bruise, that's all.
*snerk!* I get bruises all the time man... oh, and bruises actually ARE internal bleeding, so lol!!