AbbyNormal says
16 years ago
This has been one fucked up day. Pardon my French. Aunt/uncle in Oklahoma missing, in a fender bender(he hit ME), stood up by my best friend
AbbyNormal says
16 years ago
Waited for 2 hours... gave up,traffic sucked. It's been a no good, rotten, VERY bad day. (s_angry)
HappyT is
16 years ago
sending hugs to AbbyNormal
AbbyNormal says
16 years ago
I need 'em. you have no clue how much. un-fucking-believable!! (s_cozy)
16 years ago
Aw hell honey. :-( If I had more Karma I'd send hug icons.
[Codie ~]# says
16 years ago
no, in french it's: "Crisse de journée de cul!"