El Capitán
14 years ago
(pregtheme) It'd been four months since the Battle of Gravelines. Antonio tried to continue on his pirating ways, even after being released
latest #152
El Capitán
14 years ago
from England's hold, but something had been wrong. Lately he'd been feeling sick, really sick--and he was a pirate, damn it, he never got
El Capitán
14 years ago
seasick!- and could barely function. Something was wrong, and he didn't know what it was. But, there could only be one person to blame, when
El Capitán
14 years ago
you're Spanish, and that one person was England. As his boat reached the place they had chosen to meet, the half green Spaniard clambered
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off of the deck, standing on the dock of the small island and holding his stomach. He'd kill that fucking limey the moment he got the chance
El Capitán
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
(aka england >u>B-)
14 years ago
( ..... NAAAAAW. D8 Spainpreggieyoufuckingserious )
14 years ago
((Oi! I CAN TOP. ))
El Capitán
14 years ago
(XD England totally tops Spain in the pirate days. )
El Capitán
14 years ago
(personally I think Spain's more uke than England even is XD because th e only person he really semes is Romano.)
14 years ago
((tops Prussia though XDb ))
14 years ago
( /snorting so hard her nose is mailfunctioning )
14 years ago
England was already at their meeting point-the local inn and pub- drinking away at the rum they graciously gave him, his crew doing the
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same. The Spaniard's letter had been very vague, all he could tell is that the pirate dog was mad at him. What on earth could
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he have done *now* that would make the bastard want to meet up?
El Capitán
14 years ago
(8D When isn't Spain mad at England? derp. )
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio scowled as he made his way towards the pub--the scent of food wafted through the air and his stomach churned at it. He couldn't even
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remember the last time he'd had a drink, either. But...something was wrong, and he wasn't about to start drinking to solve it. No matter how
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tempting that sounded. The Spaniard banged open the door to the pub and stalked towards the bar, taking a seat beside Arthur.
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Arthur eyed the Spaniard, checking to see where if weapons were. Though he supposed if Antonio wanted to kill him,he would have already done
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that. He sipped his ale, waiting in silence for the Pirate to speak.
14 years ago
((sorry if I'm slow, helping Latvia ))
El Capitán
14 years ago
"What did you *do* to me?" he started, lowly, turning to look at the other--there was so much hatred glowing in those green eyes, it was
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near tangible.
El Capitán
14 years ago
( You're fine 8Db)
14 years ago
Arthur cocked his head up, scratching his chin in thought. "If you're thinking about poison...I haven't done anything to
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you that you don't know about." It was the truth after all, he'd usually gloat about the things he did to the Spaniard. Not to
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mention he hated poison, it was too cowardly.
El Capitán
14 years ago
"¡Mentiroso!" he snapped in Spanish, not in the mood for these kind of games- it was strange how his mood had been swinging all over lately,
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but he pushed tat to the back of his mind. "Something is wrong with me! When I left your, your blasted hellhole that you call a ship, I
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started getting sick! All the time! And my stomach hurts and my mood is everywhere and somehow *this is all your fault*!"
El Capitán
14 years ago
El Capitán
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14 years ago
The instant the Spaniard had ceased talking, Arthur had the barrel of his pistol readied at the center of the Sea dog's forehead, obviously
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not pleased at the accusation. "Oi, I didn't do a damn thing to you. Now if you would like, I could kill you here, right now, and
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you'll come back to life completely free of whatever is bothering you. If not, you're wasting my time with this fucking game."
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio barely gulped, firey green eyes meeting the other's gaze after flickering briefly to the barrel of the gun. "IF you tell me what is
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*wrong* with me, then I'll leave you alone!"
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"*This* is the reason you dragged me out here? Do I look like a bleeding doc to you? Why would I give a rat's arse about
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your *well being*?" He sneered, tapping Antonio's forehead with his gun.
El Capitán
14 years ago
The Spaniard growled in response, still staring the other down. "I was *fine* until I got off that hell you called a *ship*. So obviously
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this has to do with you!"
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Arthur loaded his gun with a click, pressing it hard up against the Spaniard. "Are you saying that *I* know what's wrong with you?"
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Didn't this feel familiar. Antonio barely winced. "It's probably your fault, so *yes*."
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The pirate stared fiercely at the other for what seemed like an eternity. Keeping his scowl plastered on his face, Arthur removes his
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pistol from Antonio's forehead. "...I don't know."
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That wasn't exactly the answer the Spaniard wanted to hear. He rubbed his forehead and groaned, frustrated. "What do you *mean* You don't
El Capitán
14 years ago
14 years ago
"Exactly that, *I DON'T KNOW*." Arthur growled out, taking a gulp of rum. "I didn't do anything to you that would make you sick for
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this long. My crew also knows that I'm the only one that is allowed to harm you."
El Capitán
14 years ago
"Tch, of course." Antonio rolled his eyes; even so watching teh other drink made his stomach churn and he groaned, wrapping his arms
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around his own waist. "What in the hell could this be...?"
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"Have you even seen a doc?" Arthur asked with an unamused tone. Really, how idiotic can one man be? "There's one on the outskirts of town."
El Capitán
14 years ago
"Of course I have! I am not a stupid English pig like yourself." sniffed the Spaniard, waving down the bartender to get a drink of water. "
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the Doctor didn't know either."
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"Then that must be a shitty doctor. We can go to the doc here and see what he says." Arthur suggested, scratching his chin again.
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14 years ago
"Whatever. All I know is if I got some sort of disease from your shitty ship, I'm going to strangle you with my bare hands." the former
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conquistador grumbled, taking a sip of the water adn dropping a gold coin on the bar to pay for it.
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Arthur glared slightly at the Spaniard before finishing his ale. "I take pride in having a clean ship."
El Capitán
14 years ago
"Like you could call that clean." he snapped back, feeling sour as he stared down in to the water cup beneath him. It was strange, he was
El Capitán
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acting like one of those natives....but that couldn't be it, could it....?
14 years ago
Arthur stared at the pirate with a bored expression, their bickering not amusing him any longer. "No one on my ship has
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gotten sick for a long time, its not likely to be that."
El Capitán
14 years ago
"That's what I thought." he grumbled, holding onto his stomach. "It's the weirdest fucking thing, my stomach hurts in the morning and then
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my moods keep changing and I just..." The more he talked about it, the more it sounded like..
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Arthur let out a dark throaty chuckle. "Maybe your pregnant," He joked, oblivious to the Antonio's train of thought. Oh, Antonio
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being pregnant with his baby, what a hilarious mental image that was.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio choked on his water. "Wha-what?!"
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The Spaniard's reaction made Arthur laugh out. "Oi, don't choose to be an idiot now!" He patted Antonio's shoulder, still amused greatly.
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He blinked, the pat on the back not even registering. Pregnant? But, that was silly. That could never happen...could it? For a moment, he
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just stared into his drink, green eyes wide. "..."
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Arthur's laughter died down and he found himself looking at the Spaniard again. "...Oi, you still with me? Oi~..." Arthur pouted
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slightly and waved his hand in front of Antonio's dazed face.
El Capitán
14 years ago
The Spaniard blinked a few times, snapped out of his thoughts. "What? Sorry. I--" again, though, he stopped; when he spoke again, his voice
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was hoarse. "You don't ...think..."
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Arthur frowned. "don't think what? That you're pregnant? I was *joking*. I know plenty well that you're a man."
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He nodded. Of course, that was stupid. He was. "Ri..right." But...all the signs were there...
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Arthur stared a bit longer at the man. Did he really actually believe he was *pregnant*. The pirate knew that the Spaniard was an idiot....
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but not this much of one. "...maybe you are sick. Come on, we're leaving."
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He frowned, staring down into the cup. Well, all the signs weer there, but that was impossible! Then again, science had yet to prove
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anything otherwise...the Spaniard let his head hit the bar below him, gently, grumbling. Fuck.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Yay for the 1500s and failscience 8D)
14 years ago
((fffffffff yes <3 ))
14 years ago
"Oi, come on." Arthur growled out, dragging the Spaniard off his seat by his shirt. "We are going to see that doctor."
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio grunted, smacking at the other's hands. "Oye, let me go!"
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"Then get a move on," Arthur grumbled as he let go and headed for the door.
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He was probably dumb for following, but he did, shaking his head. At this point, he'd do anything to cure whatever this was and get back to
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the sea.
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They trudged in silence all the way to the outskirts of the town to see this so called doctor. With a few threats and gold coins, Arthur
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was able to get Antonio in for a check up by the pirate hating doctor.
14 years ago
((we just going to keep the doctor on the vague side or time skip or what? ))
El Capitán
14 years ago
(XD We can timeskip if you;d like. o3o Something with Toni being all GO AWAY THIS IS PRIVATE BT)
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio came out of the small clinic a little while later looking positively shellshocked. And angry. Really, really angry. He approached
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Arthur and shoved a piece of paper in the other's face."I"m going to *kill you*."
14 years ago
((...Imma guess it has pregnant BLAH BLAH BLAH on it? 8D ))
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Yup. XD)
El Capitán
14 years ago
(This is like Jerry Springer XD)
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Arthur grabbed the paper with mild interest and read over it. While reading,the Englishman kept a bored expression on his face as the doctor
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came into the room. His eyes never left the paper as he pulled his trigger at the doctor. Unlike drawing it out, he took more time than
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necessary to holster it back to his leg before wordlessly handing back the paper to Antonio.
El Capitán
14 years ago
El Capitán
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The Spaniard crumpled the paper in his fists, barely flinching at the corpse that fell by his feet. The room was dead silent for a moment,
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before the Spaniard replied, airily. "Well. I'll give you a ten second head start."
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Arthur scowled at the Spaniard. "Oh, you're not actually going to *believe* this loony, are you? There's no way you're pregnant!"
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"I don't--I don't know! Maybe!
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(whoops XD)
El Capitán
14 years ago
"The Spaniard threw his arms in the air in frustration, groaning. "If I am it's all your fault!"
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"We're *nations*! Not only that, but men too! We can't get pregnant!" Arthur pointed out. This has never been heard of, why would it happen
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14 years ago
El Capitán
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"I don't *know*! If I knew that then I wouldn't be worried about it! I swear to God in heaven I'll skin you alive and use those eyebrows as
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*carpeting*!" The Spaniard growled.
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"Alright, let's say you *are* pregnant*." Arthur furrowed his eyebrows at the thought. "If it bothers you so much, we can
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open up your stomach and kill the damn thing!"
El Capitán
14 years ago
"No way!" the Spaniard replied defensively--sure it bothered him, but it was a child! There was something ingrained in him to just say no to
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that, be it his beliefs or whatever. "Don't you dare!"
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Arthur looked a bit shocked and disturbed. "What, you actually *want* it? Then what's the point in getting revenge?!"
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The Spaniard bristled, clenching his fists. "IT's not that I *want it*--it's a child!" And child made him think of his little Romano,
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waiting for him back home. "I can't just..kill it!"
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Arthur exasperatedly throws his hands in the air. "Oh, this is stupid, you're not pregnant! I'm wasting my time here..." Arthur grumble
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out, casually stepping over the dead body on his way to the door.
El Capitán
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"BUt that's what the doctor said! Ayyee!" The Spaniard followed him; from a distance they looked like a bickering couple. Only the "wife"
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was standing on a dead body.
14 years ago
((I'm so happy I killed him 8,D ))
14 years ago
((i feel so sorry for the poor doctor ;w;-))
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Arthur points accusingly at the dead body. "He was fucking out of his mind! Your doctor was probably right about not finding anything!"
El Capitán
14 years ago
"But all the signs were there!" The Spaniard waved his arms, the paper still clenched in his fists. "What are we gonna do, go around and ask
El Capitán
14 years ago
ever doctor then kill him when he tells us the same thing?! I like killing idiots as much as the next man but I'm starting to think he's
El Capitán
14 years ago
14 years ago
((pffffffffft <3 ))
14 years ago
Arthur stood up straight in shock. "You-..Have you gone mad?! You honestly think there is a child- *our* child- in your stomach?!"
UK_ comparte
14 years ago
(( https://images.plurk.com/5641336_e5e8488988341469713d8a951f56cdf3.jpg ))
14 years ago
((and brb going out to eat ))
El Capitán
14 years ago
"I don't know! Maybe!" He huffed, frustrated and upset--this couldn't be happening, could it...?
El Capitán
14 years ago
( Okaay~and aww they look like powerpuff girls /shotded)
14 years ago
(( /lolling so hard "I don't know." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW" /instant strangle on the neck ))
14 years ago
"I'm leaving, this isn't worth wasting my time over," Arthur grumbles out. Is that Spaniard honestly going to believe he's pregnant?
El Capitán
14 years ago
"You're not going *anywhere*!" Antonio growled, following the privateer. "Not until we figure this out!"
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"You're not *pregnant*! It has nothing with me!" Arthur snapped back, still trudging back to the inn. "And you're an idiot if you think
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you are!"
El Capitán
14 years ago
"Yeah, right! It has to do with you, somehow!" The Spaniard hissed, following close behind him. "I'm following you until we figure this out.
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14 years ago
"Can you be any more childish?!" Arthur groaned out, seriously not looking forward to where this predicament was heading.
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The Spaniard followed him, fists clench, grumbling. Stupid bastard. Somehow this was his fault. "Possibly."
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"Well unless you feel like following me to England, I would suggest you turn around." Arthur gave him a mocking wave. "Bye-bye."
El Capitán
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Antonio scoffed. "For the last time, I'm not leaving you until we figure this out!"
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"Then I hope you like it in England," Arthur growled out as he trudged on stubbornly. What had he done to deserve a clingy pirate following
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him around?
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