((OOC)) Fff... my Iceland phone charm keeps trying to be intimate with my Korea phone charm. Lol, crack pairings, wut? *oh, and home btw* XD
latest #21
...that's something special
;A; you said you didn't get enough sleep, so yeah!
*snerks!* Just because I say I'm gonna take a nap later doesn't mean I'm going to. XD In fact, it NEVER means I'm going to. XD
CUBA! *noms on* Why aren't you online? *weep*
XD I am all-powerful! I can make you do what I want you to do! *mwahahaha*
... don't give me this power, hon... not a good idea...
... a-... all you had to do was ask ;A;
*flails* You're too nice to me, love...
p'shaw, you know I'm the meanest person you'll ever meet =3=/
Eh? Why you be horrified?
y-you didn't-- ah nevermind. =u=
I did eventually take the nap, darlin'. XD I just woke up from it actually.
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