LaurenMacPhail says
16 years ago
so it's weird to look out the window and see troy and andy walking around
latest #11
passlake says
16 years ago
ha!!! You saw us?? I was looking up to see if I caught you, too!
LaurenMacPhail says
16 years ago
hehe. sure did. coming from across the street. i felt like a huge stalker :-)
passlake says
16 years ago
(rofl) We should establish a secret "coffee time" signal.
Bootyp says
16 years ago
hahahaha stalkers!
passlake says
16 years ago
I'm ambivalent about that--it's been a looooong time since I've had a stalker!
Bootyp thinks
16 years ago
you should love it! :-D
passlake says
16 years ago
I'll take what I can get---although Reenie is still acting like she digs my chili...
Bootyp is
16 years ago
lmfao ... awesome use of chili in a sentence!
passlake says
16 years ago
hey, 18 years = a whole lot of chili!!!
Bootyp says
16 years ago
hells yeah! you earned it! :-D (dance)
passlake says
16 years ago
well, she earned more than I did...I just kinda lucked into a good thing.
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