Father_John_Paul_Mary has
16 years ago
struggled at the college without mypowerbook
latest #20
Lavona is
16 years ago
there some sort of security where you reported it?
Father_John_Paul_Mary says
16 years ago
yes I reported it to the faculty, and the dean, and also to the security. today Vestments went missing...
Dixie Erika
16 years ago
Wow I hope they catch whoever it is going around taking things. I am sorry you studies are impacted. Good luck!
Dixie Erika
16 years ago
your* studies (can't stand when I make typos) :-))
frival says
16 years ago
it's very sad someone would be stealing from priests and the Church like this when we'd likely *give* them what they need if they asked.
frival says
16 years ago
assuming of course it's a theft of need not greed.
Father_John_Paul_Mary says
16 years ago
well see if someone has a need there is always the option of asking for help. To take someone elses things can not be a option.
16 years ago
and they could hardly *NEED* vestments or patens etc ..
Father_John_Paul_Mary says
16 years ago
frival says
16 years ago
I suppose I can't see much of a black market for vestments. Maybe if they're really desperate for any gold thread, but that's a lot of work
frival says
16 years ago
for not a lot of gain.
Father_John_Paul_Mary says
16 years ago
this is the point, why should we lock us in... It's just sad.
16 years ago
could be an "inside job" kleptomania hits all kinds of people and there are probably non-religious staff for cleaning etc
Father_John_Paul_Mary says
16 years ago
It's just more hassle for those who study, and all because some can't be trusted...
ChrisHumphries says
16 years ago
has anyone checked the women "priests"? I hear they are lacking vestments that aren't quilts and tablecloths.
ChrisHumphries says
16 years ago
Sorry Fr, this must really stink :-(
Father_John_Paul_Mary says
16 years ago
:-D wman? Not in my church. I don't hope so.
ChrisHumphries says
16 years ago
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