siokshen hates
15 years ago
that i love the wrong time in the wrong month in the wrong year at the wrong place.. (unsure)
latest #35
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
in love no right or wrong,2 love someone nds a lot of courage..and u noe and love him cos of app and dun regret 4 noeing him
cherylyn hem says
15 years ago
WOW. lilin talks with so so much of experience. (woot)
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
tats right.. wat li lin say is so rite.. just appreciate tat u know him and he make your life so colourful
siokshen thinks
15 years ago
lilin has good li lin in love lol...muahaha
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
hahaha i used 2 make my life miserable but jus my fren realize me dat app every1 in my life and our life is wonderful cos there is memories.
Haru says
15 years ago
wah.... li lin really sound so pro in all this kinda stuff man.... li lin, real life experience ah?
siokshen says
15 years ago
must be lar...kalau tak pernah cuba mana tau kan..haha
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
hahaha dat shud be a secret isn't it?hahaha jking nia la..obviously i 2 like ppl b4 k..u thought i m lrt uh
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
cold blooded punya ppl
Haru says
15 years ago
wei..... who said i cold-blooded hah? ish...... (angry)
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
mmg pun...onnwah support me on feelings...wakaka
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
hahaha.. tat really sound like my partner, miss goh bee fang.. she also no feeling wan.. kena so long with chong yew but nothing..hahahha
Haru says
15 years ago
lebeh.... u said wat also tat onn wah support one lah. onn, me and ah fang different lah! she got chong yew, i got no one... sob...sob...
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
hahaha nole...he onli support me in dis k...hahaha dun b sadla...u gt lots of philippine fan ma..manatau gt ppl admire u secretly
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
though it sounds so impossible..hahaha (woot)
Haru says
15 years ago
wei..... give face leh... dun said me till like tat mah... i know lah got a lot of ppl 'admire' you.... :-P
kiramax says
15 years ago
really a ?? who so bad taste wor?
kiramax says
15 years ago
tat guy maybe like to wear green head.. li lin got too many guy to like liao
Haru says
15 years ago
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
wei i vry setia wan k...dun say till like dat...and pls wats wrong if gt ppl like me?HMPH
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
ya lor.. dun bully luah.. luah also attractive wan day she become sexy onli u know.. hahha.. tat time long queue man..hahha
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
yalor...merilyn i bliv u sure gt ppl love u earlier than dat luah...wakaka i js like 2 bomb her
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
who knows.. luah is the earliest to get married de..then we all just pengapit onli la.. see onli...hahaha
cherylyn hem says
15 years ago
MUAHAHAHA. i go tell luah.
Haru says
15 years ago
tat lilin talk bout me really no need to give face one hor? say me till like tis... ish...... (angry)
Haru says
15 years ago
i know lah she very 'attractive' and got a lot of ppl like.... kononnya lah... haha....
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
wei wat konon,mmgpun..hahaha u?no need gv facela
siokshen says
15 years ago
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
hahha.. siok now we shall be penonton to see the war. haha
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
hahaha biasalar we both gaduh
Haru says
15 years ago
eh..... wanna watch the war must pay for the tickets one k! very 'cheap' only! 1 ticket = US $ 10000000. haha....
cherylyn hem says
15 years ago
i help ring the bell. TING, TING, TING, TING. ROUND 1.
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
hahaha plsla wei u thouhgt u siapa..mahalnya d ticket...fight wif u xting sien...not fun oso
**merilyn** says
15 years ago
right right?? so mahal ar.. *officially signing off from the conversation* hahaha
candle_lilin says
15 years ago
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