Lithuania wishes
14 years ago
Poland was around, he always made him feel better, well most of the time at least.
latest #160
14 years ago
ist at his front door now, with a stack of romance movies. He's still wearing his skirt...
Lithuania wonders
14 years ago
how Poland shows up when he needed most, no matter how strangely dressed or whatever reason he has for being there.
14 years ago
just knows. He doesn't think the skirt is strange at all. He knocks on his door a couple times, holding onto the movies.
Lithuania thinks
14 years ago
that the skirt is so part of Poland that it doesn't faze him when he answers the door, and Poland is indeed in a skirt. "Hi, Poland"
14 years ago
smiles at Liet and holds out a box of chocolates. Waving the movies he grins. "Romance movies! I brought a bunch, so let's like watch some."
Lithuania hates
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that Poland always knew what would make him feel better, watching cheesy movies with Poland sounded perfect. " sounds great Poland."
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smile softly as Poland enters with the movies.
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wasn't really going to wait to be invited in as he moved past Liet, putting the chocolates in his hands. He went right for the living room
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and put in the first movie, Pride and Predjuduce and turned on the system.
Lithuania hopes
14 years ago
that poland plans to stay the night with him, he always felt better when Poland gave him a pep talk before having to face Russia, he went to
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sit on the couch,with the chocolates still in hand, Poland had of course brought his favourite kind, he was too good for him.
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grabbed the remote and joined Liet on the couch, sitting close enough to him for their legs to be touching. "So you're not like, feeling
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down or anything right? Cause I can totally like fix that."
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leaned his head on to Poland's shoulder when the movie started, but turned slightly to poland. "Not down, but you know stuck with Russia all
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day doesn't help my mood much."he turned back to the screen
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wrapped an arm around his shoulders, holding him close as he nodded slowly. His attention on the screen. "I'll, like deal with Russia next_
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time he gives you any problems."
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scoots closer eyes still on the screen, but a smile graces his lips, Poland was always of protective of him, and he never knew why, he was
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so fearless, even if Russia could easily take over Poland he was envious. "Thank you, Poland"
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smiles and leans against him a bit as well. "You don't like, need to thank me. I don't know why you're so scared of Russia." He reached for
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the chocolates and opened them, taking one and passing the box over. He liked Liet, maybe because the other nation was one of the only
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nations that could tolerate him or maybe because they had some kind of history. He wasn't sure why really.
Lithuania is
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content, "I wish I wasn't, then he's be easier to deal with at least" He also took one of the chocolates from the box and placed the box on
Lithuania is
14 years ago
to the coffee table. He wanted to be with Poland all the time, he didn't understand why, because Poland was stuck up, rude, completely
Lithuania is
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disrespectful to everyone, but he was also the only person that would go out of his way to protect time or make him feel better, maybe it
Lithuania is
14 years ago
was their History, he didn't know.
14 years ago
nods a bit at that before focusing on the movie, wanting to watch it. He would be sure to give Liet a good talking too, but after the movie.
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He loved this one too much to talk during it.
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quiets down and focuses on the movie, because he know how much Feliks loves it,but he can't bring himself to pay attention he was too
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focused on the blond he was currently sharing a couch with.
Feliks was
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completely into the movie. Intently watching the screen as he tightened his hold around Liet unconciously.
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relaxed even more into Feliks's embrace as his hold tightened.
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got so caught up in the movie he almost forgot he was at Liet place till the end credits rolled and he stirred, finally remembering who he
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had his arm around. He jumped a bit and went to fix his skirt. "Ah, like did you... want to watch another movie or talk?"
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had actually fallen asleep on Poland's shoulder during the movie, but was jolted awake when Feliks's arm was suddenly no longer there. He
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looked at Feliks was blurry eyes, "I don't mind if we watch another, but if you want to talk we ca-" he was cut off by a yawn, but quickly
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covered his mouth with his hand, he didn't want Feliks to think that he thought her was boring.
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stared at him for a long moment as he yawned. "Nie, I think you need to, like sleep." He patted him lightly on the head with that. "I should
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be like, getting home myself."
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panicked, he didn't want Feliks to leave. "At least let me make you some coffee, or tea before you leave, at least then we'd get to chat a
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bit before you leave" he sounded sad but tried his best to cover it up, for he didn't know why he was sad.
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tilted his head a bit at the slightly sound of... panic? in the other's voice. He nodded slowly. "Sure, if you like, want to."
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brightened considerably, and smiled. "Here, let's go to the kitchen, I'll put the chocolates in the fridge as well do they don't melt."
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smiles a bit and nods. Getting up from the couch he fixed his skirt so his pink lace panties weren't showing. "Ah, you know you could, like
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just ask me to stay... I don't mind."
14 years ago
blushes, he did think to just ask Feliks to stay, "you wouldn't mind?" he asked. He'd never had to ask before Feliks always kind of decided
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to stay over without asking, it was strange having to ask him.
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shakes his head and waves a hand at him dismissively. "Nie, I was considering staying anyway. Just wanted to tease you a bit." He smiled_
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with this. "You're like totally cute when you're all worried and stuff."
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Blushes darker, "Feliks that was mean" He ran quickly into the kitchen to make the tea, as if he'd actually run away from Feliks.
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had to smile with that, feeling a little accomplished as he watched him run to the kitchen. He picked up the chocolates and followed after
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him. Putting the box in the fridge. "See you can, like stand up for yourself sometimes."
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didn't pout, he swears he didn't, "I don't know what you're talking about Feliks." he was paying full attention to the kettle on the stove
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shrugs a bit even though he wasn't looking at him. He goes to lean against the table. His hands resting on the top of it as he watched Liet.
14 years ago
stiffened slightly as he felt Feliks staring at him, as soon as the water boiled he poured the water in the tea pot. " You have milk and
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sugar in your tea right Feliks?" He looks at Poland for the first time since he ran from the living room.
14 years ago
nods at the question, pulling his gaze from Liet's... um... well moving his gaze back up to his face. "Yeah, I like totally have milk and
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sugar in my tea." He smiled as he tilted his head a bit, thinking he'd like to see Liet in a skirt....
14 years ago
nods and pours the tea in to two tea cups, for himself and Feliks, after they are prepared he brings them over to the kitchen table and
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places one in front of Feliks. He suddenly felt as though he should be concerned as Feliks wad giving him a funny look.
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looks down at the tea and smiles a bit. "Dziekuje," he picks up the cup and blows on it before taking a small smile. "Liet... would you,
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like do me a favour? Would you put on a, like skirt?"
14 years ago
smiles as he watxh Poland blow on his tea, and takes a sip, enjoying it until a few word come out of Feliks's mouth causing him to spite
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out the remands ofhis tea and start coughing, once he recovered from the strange question. "why do you want me to put on a skirt?"
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can't help but laugh at the reaction that got. He takes another sip of his own tea once his laugh has died down to a smile. "Cause I think
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you would like, look totally awesome."
14 years ago
frowns at the response, not even a single 'are you okay Liet?' "Is there a possibility I could refuse?"
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pauses a momement, looking as though he might consider that before he gently shakes his head. "Nie. I wont let you refuse."
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dropped his head he somehow didn't think that Feliks would let him off the hook, he never did. "fine just nothing pink or lacey"
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grins madly as he gave in. He took another sip of his tea as he realized something. "Ah I only have the one I'm wearing... I'll just take it
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off so you can try it on."
14 years ago
Blushed crimson, "W-what, it's fine Feliks, I mean I can try it on another time when you have spare clothes..."
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shakes his head and smiles. "Nah I want to see it now," he nods and sets his tea cup down on the table before unfastening the skirt and
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pulling it off. Not afraid of showing anything to Liet.
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panics and quickly turns around so his back is facing Feliks, with his hand over his eyes, and the other arm id out toward Feliks to hand
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him the skirt, so he doesn't have to see Feliks in his probably frilly lacy underwear, he doesn't know what he'll do if he does see it.
Feliks is
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a little confused by the reaction, it's not like Liet hadn't seen women's underwear before... he handed him the skirt as he let the cardigan
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fall low enough to hide his undergarments.
14 years ago
grabbed the skirt from Feliks's hand, and walked quickly to the bathroom to change with out looking at Feliks, itwas strange to him as he'd
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seen Feliks with less on before, but it was different now for some reason and he really didn't understand why. Once he was in the bathroom
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he locked the door and started to remove his pants, once removed he began to put on the skirt, when it was on and zipped up he realized that
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his boxers were indeed longer than the skirt, so he proceeded to roll up the boxer shorts, Feliks better be happy was all he was thinking.
14 years ago
waited paitently, sipping at his tea as he stood by the kitchen table. His green eyes locked on the bathroom door.
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turned to the door and slowly proceeded to unlock the the door and he soon stepped out into the open where to no surprise Feliks was
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standing still pantsless.
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tilted his head a bit before frowning slighty. "Nie that's like, not how you wear it." He moved over to him, reached up the skirt and pulled
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Liet's boxers off in one swift motion. Grinning. "There! That's how you wear it."
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let out a loud yelp, when Feliks's hand went up the skirt, he jump about six feet in the air and three feet away when the boxer's were
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removed, his face rivaled a tomato and Feliks was probably enjoying it. "Was that really necessary Feliks?"
Feliks was
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trying so had not to die of laughter as he watched him, holding his boxers with a wicked grin as he nodded. "Yep! And like totally worth it.
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14 years ago
's face blazed "Feliks, your the worse come on give them back!" he reach toward Feliks to grab his boxers, but was currently unsuccessful
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because the current lack of coverage down bellow.
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held the boxers out of reach as he smiled. "Nuh uh, like take that back. I'm so not the worst." He stepped back some more, enjoying this
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maybe a little too much.
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tried to reach for his boxers again, and fail miserably. He dropped his head,"Fine, your not the worse, can I have my underwear back now?"_
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Feliks enjoyed torturing him too much, he really didn't know why he liked Feliks so much, he must be a masochist.
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smiled slightly still holding on the boxers as he nodded a bit. "Ah... okay okay." He handed them back to him, looking a little disappointed
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at that. "You're like too cute Liet."
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sighs relived to finally have his boxers back, he quickly put them back on. "Thank you." He was heading back to the bathroom to change out_
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of Feliks's skirt, but not before saying "I'm not cute." and he shut the door. Pulling off the skirt, he quickly put his pants back on and_
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reopened the door, with the skirt in hand to return to Feliks.
14 years ago
waited patiently for him to finish changing, he laughed a bit at the 'I'm not cute' line. In his opinion Toris was definitely cute. "You_
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like totally are cute."
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didn't pout... he DIDN'T, "I'm not cute...if anyone way cute it would be you Feliks." he mumbled the last part hoping Feliks didn't hear.
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did hear it and it caused him to pause as he took it in. He hadn't heard Toris say that about him before. "Oh? You think I'm like, cute?"
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froze, Feliks wasn't supposed to hear the comment. His face reddened, "well... yeah your so sweet, and you get so worked up sometimes it's_
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reallu kind of cute, esspecially when you pout or when you vow to protect me from Russia...." he trailed off, red in the face he couldn't_
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believe he just told Feliks all that.
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didn't know what to say to that as he stared at him for a long moment. For once he was silent. "Ah... You really think so? I didn't think_
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you really even liked me, I mean like you talk to me and like put up with me." He wasn't dense, he knew he got on people's nerves.
Lithuania was
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shocked to hear, that Feliks thought he just put up with him. " What are you saying Feliks, I love spending time with you, sure you pushy_
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and sometimes a little mean, but your always there for me I couldn't ask for someone better." He smiled yes Feliks did get on his nerves_
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sometimes but he wasn't there he would have anyone so he always looked past it, and to prove he gain a great friend.
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raised a brow at him, he really hadn't thought Toris had actually enjoyed his visits. "Ah..." He nodded a bit and held his hand out. "Could_
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I like get my skirt back?" Change of topic, he could have gone longer without it but he suddenly wanted to change the topic.
Lithuania was
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surprised at Feliks's lack of words but said nothing of it. He quickly handed Feliks his skirt back, "oh... of course, you may need that.."_
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he rubbed his neck awkwardly, he felt suddenly uncomfortable, he wished Feliks would talk some more it was making him nervous.
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carefully stepped into his skirt as he pulled it on. "So like, you think I'm cute, don't mind my visits at all..." he tilted his head a bit
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curiously. "Do you... like... like me?"
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watched as Feliks put his skirt back on, he was slightly concerned on where Feliks was going with his statement. He blushed light when_
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Feliks finally asked, " Of course I like you Feliks, you're my best friend!" He said warmly, he knew what Feliks was asking but he was_
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going to pretend he didn't, hopefully it would be dropped, but knowing the blond it wouldn't.
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stared at him for a long moment before nodding slowly. "I see..." He forced a small smile and finished fixing the skirt. "I should like get_
14 years ago
Lithuania was
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startled by his response, had he made Feliks angry, he didn't understand why he so suddenly decided he should leave. "Were you not going to_
Lithuania was
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stay the night, Feliks?"
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shruged, waving his hand dismissively as he went to gather the DVDs he'd brought. "I realized I, like have to feed my ponies and stuff."
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's shoulders slumped, Feliks was upset at him he wanted to apologize and say he lied, but he didn't know how so he just nodded. "I_
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understand, I'll see you around Feliks." he smiled sadly.
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noted the slight sadness to his smile and stopped. He couldn't just leave Liet with that look... He sighed softly and put the movies down_
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. "Let's like... just go get some sleep... I can... feed them in the morning."
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smile brightened immediately, "Are you sure I mean they are living things they should be neglected," He said this but he was thinking more_
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of how Feliks was going to be staying.
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nodded as he moved back over to Liet and patted him on the head. "I'm like totally sure they'll be fine."
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stared, "Alright, and your right it is getting pretty late, going to bed sounds like a good idea." He silently grabbed Feliks's hand and_
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pull him slowly up the stairs towards him room.
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followed him up stairs a bit curiously, normally he just took up residence on Liet's couch. His eyes went their hands and he had to smile.
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walks to his bedroom door, and opens it, to reveal a very tidy room with a made bed, he walks to the dresser. "I think I have something you_
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can wear to bed." Once e reached the dresser he quickly realized he was still holding Feliks's hand and quickly let go, and handed him a_
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pair of pajama bottoms.[because real men don't need shirts]
14 years ago
took the PJ bottoms and stared at them for a long moment as if they seriously confused him. Looking up at Toris for a moment he sighed and_
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set about pulling the skirt off and slipping the bottoms on. He pulled the carigan off next along with the white collared shirt. "So I'll_
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like, just go sleep on your couch."
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gave him a small smile, "well you don't have to, my bed is plenty large for the both of us, as long as you don't snore" He teased.
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's expression only grew more confused by this as he looked over at the bed. He shook his head lightly. "I don't like snore... I'm prone to_
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cuddling cute things though and you're cute."
14 years ago
chuckled lightly at Feliks's face, then he frowned slightly. "I'm not cute, but I don't really mind, I sort of figured you were that type_
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of person anyway.
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still has the confused look on his face. "So you wouldn't like mind if I cuddled you?"
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shrugged, "no, not really."
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smiles a bit and goes to climb onto the bed, getting under the covers he pulled a pillow under his head.
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changed into his pajama pants as well and made his way over to his side of the bed, lifting the blankets to get in, he makes himself_
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comfortable before turning towards Feliks.
Feliks was
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facing the other way as he curled around half of the pillow, hugging it close.
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stretches, and places an arm around Feliks's waist before closing his eyes to sleep.
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smiles warmly at that, moving back a bit he turned and wrapped his arms around Toris instead of the pillow. "Good night Toris."
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's lips curl upward, with his eyes still closed, "Goodnight Feliks." He was so tempt to give him a kiss goodnight but resisted.
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quickly fell asleep as he held him close, not wanting to move now. He didn't like the whole, shirtless thing...
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slowly drifted off to sleep, he had a feeling he was going to like waking up to Feliks's face.
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